

Nicoletta Shea on Hot ‘n’ slutty bimbos!
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I’m looking for the perfect sex attire. The one in which a woman would instantly give me a boner. I have multiple fetishes, that is my curse. “The devil is in the details”, as they say. And you’ll see every detail counts for what I seek. I love women dressed like whores, but it’s more subtle than it really sounds… Call me J.P. Gaultier for streetwalking.

This one is from Ellys_angela on Instagram. Give her a follow if you like over-the-top bimbo vibes.

This kind of look is growing on me, even though I used to deem it ridiculous some years ago. Only fools don’t change their minds, as we say in France ‍♂️.

This attire is quite a common trend among Instagram bimbo influencers. Call it the Bad Rich Dubaï bitch.

Everything is fake or made to look fake. Well known luxury brands accessorized in the less decent ways. You’d think every piece of cloth is counterfeit, but rest assured that legendary brands have trashy tastes too.

Black(or Navy blue?) suede thigh high boots. I’d like to see the heels and the toes but eh, it looks sexy enough. A killer red leather miniskirt accessorized with what looks to be a large Gucci belt. Does it give the well-sought after classy vibe ? Well, no.

Cropped white top with a “clever” phrase. Overstretched by those huge… Lungs.

Trendy squared sunglasses that every insta bimbos own.

Raven-haired, nice and long. Make-up on point, nails not over-long, really bright and red painted, as those lips. Those lips I’d wish to unleash hell on.

This look alone would be a 8 / 10 on my arousing scale. Or my “bend-her over” scale, frankly, as this bimbo inspires a fucking frenzy in me. Though I would not recommend wearing this in public for anyone that’s not “larger-than-life”…
