#binding of isaac ost


as many of you know afterbirth will release with 9 new ass kicking tracks that are used for alternate floors, alt bosses, greed mode and some other secrets… and here is a little audio peek into the second chapters alt floor “Flooded Caves”

this new soundtrack will be released on steam at launch, but will be free to anyone who currently owns the rebirth ost.. and it just so happens that if you buy the the rebirth/afterbirth soundtrack now you can get it for 50% off.. do the math!

if you somehow miss the boat, the afterbirth soundtrack will be 99 cents on steam.. but if steam just “aint yo thang” you can still buy it on bandcamp for the same price (but i hear if you pay $3.33 for it something magic happens!)

Buy it on steam 50% off before oct 31st.


Buy it on bandcamp for 99 cents.


ok baby to listening to our baby fart juice for days! toodles!
