

Best way to start anew is to fail miserably

  - “Moon”, 2011

Crystallizing galaxies / Spread out like my fingers

  - “Crystalline”, 2011

And then there was light, was sound, was matter / And it all became the world we know

 - “Cosmogony”, 2011

As the lukewarm hands of the gods / Came down and gently picked my adrenaline pearls

  - “Moon”, 2011

Like a mushroom on a tree trunk / As the protein transmutates

  - “Virus”, 2011

Over the past few decades, U.S. dairy farmers have been able to reduce their environmental impact by 60%; and dairy farmers continue to strive to be leaders in sustainability. Even while doubling milk production, the number of dairy cows in the U.S. has decreased from 25.6 million cows in 1950 to only 9.4 million today. Doing more with less is a philosophy that has enabled dairy farmers to reduce their environmental “hoofprint” and drive real change in the industry and environment.

Cows are part of the world’s ecological system and dairy farmers have harnessed this biological advantage. The “waste” that cows create is necessary for good soil health. Healthy soil holds more water and provides a richer life for the microbial life of the soil. The manure goes back onto the soil to regrow the grass and other crops that cows eat. The planet needs cows as much as cows need the planet

It should be noted that the methane cows emit stays in the atmosphere for about six years; this means in every year that new methane molecules are added, they’re offset by the expiration of molecules produced in years prior. As long as the number of cows doesn’t drastically increase, this cycle has a net-neutral effect. By contrast, emissions from cars last in the atmosphere over 100 years. So, every idling car is adding emissions that will last for a century.



colony of pixie cup lichen we found up the canyon yesterday

