#bipoc scientists

A light green card stock textured photo with paw prints and leaves and decorative dashedlines. There is text in bold white sketchy font that says: "Hey Yall! Black in Natural History Museums is hosting their holiday drive right now...Its funding the 'iDigTRIO Biology Career Conference' which works to see more Black, Indigenous, POC, and disabled youth in biology related fields."
Another light green card stock textured photo with paw prints and leaves and decorative dashedlines. There is text in bold white sketchy font that says: "In the last 2 months they've raised 1,260 out of their 4k goal... With about 688 followers (whoo!), if everyone gave 1 dollar we'd reach almost 2k easy. That's half the goal!.. So let's make a goal of our own!..."
A third light green card stock textured photo but this time with a dark green and brown cutout of a tall slender pine tree stretching up along the left side. Decorative dashedlines separates small paragraphs. There is text in bold white sketchy font that says: "COMMENT BELOW! - with the name of a character....If we raise $2,000 I'll draw the 3 characters with the most likes (or mentions) as seasoned scientists in a biology field of my choosingIf we reach their 4k goal... I'll hold a vote on March 7th and name my second cat after the winner.The Fundraiser ends March 5th so share and donate if you can!"
A final light green card stock textured photo with only a screenshot of the Fundraiser's Go Fund Me progress of $1,260 out of $4,000. The screenshot is cut out and textured like a paper flyer. A single faded green line of text at the bottom of the card stock says: "as of February 21st, 2022".

[image descriptions in alt text]

Donation link!➡️

I think 2k is a reasonable goal for a motley crew of passionate internet nerds, but even if we fall just shy of that goal I’ll probably draw something as a reward for good effort. Let’s go team!

Black in Natural History Museums Website
