#black body


Blurry but u get the jist

#BobbiesTake Black Tears Dry on Their OwnAny act of terror is harrowing and uncalled for. Call me si


Black Tears Dry on Their Own

Any act of terror is harrowing and uncalled for. Call me simple minded, but I will never understand why men (always the men, isn’t it?) cannot sit and talk through things. Negotiate, reason. Why must it get to war?

But I digress.

You know what happened in Paris recently. You saw how the world got on its knees and mourned the losses. As it should. No loss of life should be overlooked.

But what about the deaths of thousands around the world? Where is the outrage, the GASP! the facebook button, the empathy for these people?

Here’s a little something from Joey Ayoub’sarticle for Global Voices:

The Human Body is not one. It sure feels that it should be by now. Maybe that in itself is an illusion. But maybe it is an illusion worth preserving because without even that vague aspiration towards oneness on the part of some part of the body, I am not sure what sort of world we would be living in now.

Some bodies are global, but most bodies remain local, regional, “ethnic”.

That is, most bodies remain deliberately ignored.


Relebone Rirhandzu eAfrika

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It’s a Skims thing
