

I don’t get.

The Golden Company went to meet Viserys once to at least hear his offer, then they waited for him because of the plans of Illyrio Mopatis. Later they waited for Daenerys to fight for her, as well. Both Viserys and Daenerys are pure-line Targaryens, not Blackfyres, and the Golden Company at least considered fighting for the first and waited to fight for the latter nonetheless.

And still the fact that the Golden Company is fighting for Aegon now is used to “proof” he must be a Blackfyre.

So how would they fight for two Targaryens, but Aegon MUST be a Blackfyre for them to fight for him? How does the fact that the Golden Company decides to fight for Aegon proof him to be a Blackfyre and not a Targaryen if they had no issue fighting for other Targaryens before him?

It absolutely makes no sense at all.

To phrase it harshly with a quote from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”:

This theory is based on three things: ignorance, stupidity, and nothing else. ☜(˚▽˚)☞

(Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he is DEFINITELY not a Blackfyre. He might be one - I hope he is not. But the idea that the GC fighting for him proofs him to be a Blackfyre is a mere fallacy.)


Young Griff a.k.a. Aegon is legit

People who believe that Aegon is fake mostly ignore the fact that Golden Company is ready to support Viserys and Daenerys too. They often forget that it’s Aegon himself who manage to win their favour after he has spoken his plan to sail West rather than meet Dany like Illyrio’s original plan. Bolding the fact that Aegon has the skill to persuade people that will come handy later in his ruler and that’s impressive as getting GC’s favour is hard to gain.

Gaining Ilyrio’s doesn’t mean he is a fake one, it’s not unsual for an adoptive father comes to love his adoptive children, I mean it’s in their human nature to feel attach to one another.

The mummer’s dragon and the Sun’s son can also refer to the same person, as Aegon is Varys’s dragon and Elia’s son. A cloth dragon in the midst of cheering crowds can also refer to anything it can be about Aegon brought back the Targaryen banners after he gains Westeros. Prophecies are not a certain thing it can be a red herring or as a plot device why would Dany later see him as a pretender, because often the Targaryen misinterpret their own vision that end up dooming.

Aegon not comes out of nowhere, GRRM is already telling about his importance when Dany see him in House of the Undying in the first book and Dany first chapter, hinting about the dragon has three heads. He always brings up by certain character about his death and how it was “unrecognizable”. It’s pretty telling I must say.

The switching babies is also make sense, Aegon is the heir to the throne after Rhaegar had been killed, his life is more at danger than anyone else in that house. A mother who had said to be a clever would do that especially in a time of danger. I believe Elia had tried to protect Rhaenys too, maybe it was Elia who told her to hide that’s why they were at different rooms, but unfortunately she was founded by Tywin’s man. Also there is rumor that Elia had killed her own son herself, perhaps it was Elia who is in the end smash the fake baby face after he died to make it look unrecognizable so they wouldn’t search for her actual son. Who knows right after all there is a rumor of her killing her own son in terror.

Varys’s sentiment when talking about Rhaeny’s death on some occasions but oddly he never mentioned of Aegon’s death. He is one of the Targaryen loyalist, if he’s a Blackfyre that everyone would like to believe then he wouldn’t mind if Targaryen getting destroy in the Sack of King’s Landing and yet it’s him who told Aerys not to open the gate when the lannister comes.

Varys has no reason to lie to a dying man.

The Blackfyre plot is not useless if Aegon being real, it just show that Dany and future enemies have their legit reasons to doubt Aegon’s legitimacy, but what makes it will become a better story is if Aegon is real that Dany’s action will be question, again putting her on the morally grey area between right and wrong. Aegon being real gives closure to the Martell’s plots and many things. Beside the Blackfyre plot never really matter in the main plot, so I bet most general readers wouldn’t even aware of that. Aegon being real has much more impact to the narrative rather than him being a fake one.

God, I love this post! There is so much about the Blackfyre-Theory that does make absolutely no sense to me.


Young Griff aka Aegon Targaryen aka Aegon Blackfyre for @post-ironicweaboo​ !

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