#bladder control tf


It was an accident. Natasha had been really thirsty and there were no bathrooms nearby, it was perfectly reasonable that she couldn’t hold it for ever. It certainly had nothing to do with the curse, she didn’t even believe in curses. It wasn’t like someone could just curse you to loose all control of your bladder, that would be absurd.

These were all things Natasha was sure of. Natasha was wrong.

It had been a week since she had accidentally broke the old pot at the antique shop, and she had already paid the absurdly high price of the ugly looking thing. The man behind the counter had told her to be careful or she might end up having another accident, and she had left the shop thinking her was threatening her. That when she peed herself, or at least shortly after. Her friends had dragged her to a movie after they finished shopping and she felt so thirsty, she ended up drinking a full extra large cup of coke only to find that the theaters bathrooms were out of order. She ran out to the car and tried to figure out somewhere she could go, but she couldn’t hold it any longer and…

A warmth spread across her crotch and ass and slowly down her thighs, as a large dark spot appeared on her pants. She looked down in dismay realizing she had just wet herself out in public. her pants were getting pretty thoroughly soaked and she moaned as she realized just how much she had peed. As the flow finally subsided she became aware that her best friend had just watched her piss all over herself and even… did she actually moan out loud?

“Holy shit Natasha, I guess you really had to go!” Her friend laughed. “What are you part race horse? Damn… Okay hold up, hide behind that bush over there.” She motioned for Natasha to hide. “I’ve got a towel and an old skirt that doesn’t fit anymore in the trunk, we can fix this before anyone comes out.”

Within a few minuets she was dressed again, and her piss stained clothing was in a trashbag in the trunk.

“t-thanks,… I don’t know what happened, I usually have a really strong bladder. An overactive one, but a strong one.”

“That’s true, I’ve seen you go every hour on the hour before…Well, I guess you just really had to go this time.” she laughed it off and they got back into the car. Natasha couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong though.

The following day had brought misery of it’s own, she had been standing making dinner in the kitchen when she nearly slipped. There was a puddle at her feet and her pants were… She had peed herself, again, and this time she hadn’t even noticed. She was getting pretty upset at this point and went to see her doctor the following day. She had gone through a lengthy speech about various things that could influence the frequency of urination and other things not pertinent to her situation. The speech stopped when she noticed that Natasha had peed herself while they spoke and hadn’t noticed. Tests were done at that point and they discovered that her pelvic floor seemed to not working be correctly. It should have been working fine but for some reason the muscles that controlled her bladder were loose and seemed to be getting looser.

Natasha walked out to her car and changed into the spare clothes she now constantly carried with her.

Three days later and Natasha didn’t know what to do. She was peeing herself over a dozen times a day at this point, some times she could tell and managed to run around a corner and hide, but other times she was barely able to get her pants off in time. At least once a day…she didn’t even notice, she would be completely unaware of how soggy her pants were. She eventually switched to wearing only flowing dresses and going barefoot, hoping she could avoid some of the hassle of changing her clothes.

That didn’t make it any less embarrassing though, all of her friends knew at this point. They knew that she had no control over her bladder, and some of them thought she was getting off on peeing everywhere, some of the times she wet herself she couldn’t help but to moan and one time she even… She didn’t want to think about it but she couldn’t help herself. One of the times she had actually gotten off to it. She found that thinking about how she had no control at all was turning her on and she had started fingering herself while she peed all over her legs behind a convenience store.

She went back in for further testing, but she couldn’t explain what had happened and neither could the doctors. Her body just stopped working right all of the sudden and as far as the doctors were concerned it was permanent and untreatable. She thanked the doctors and rushed out to her car, a large wet patch already soaking the tight jeans she had put on. She had taken to wearing them again, there was just something about seeing them get soaked that made her get so horny. She jumped into the backseat on the plastic sheet she had and didn’t even shut the door before her hand was in her pants flicking her clit and slipping three fingers into her warm wet pussy.

As she steadily picked up rhythm while imagining herself peeing all over her best friend she felt her pussy clench around her hand and she had to stifle a scream. She rocked her hips back and forth with a twitch as she came, and she only looked up when she saw a couple of teenagers with a phone recording her. She nearly died of embarrassment, they had just recorded her fingering herself until she came while wearing jeans soaked in her own piss. She screamed for them to get away and they laughed as they ran off. She knew they would have the video up on some website within hours and it wouldn’t be long before everyone knew. Before everyone knew that she was some freaky piss obsessed slut.

She couldn’t go anywhere in town without getting stared at now. If they weren’t looking at the large wet spots that frequently ruined her pants, they were just giving her judgemental stares. Nothing was the same now, her life had been turned on it’s head ever since she broke that pot. Suddenly she remembered the words of the shopkeeper “Be careful or you might have another accident.” It was a thin lead, but she felt like it was important and she drove over to the shop immediately. She was careful not to tear the plastic lining covering the inside of her car and made sure her pants weren’t already wet. She entered the store and spotted the same man behind the counter, he saw her and a smirk crossed his face for a moment.

“You, what did you do to me!?”

“Me?” He looked at her innocently.

“Yeah, you and your ‘accident’ thing, I can’t stop peeing everywhere now, what the fuck did you do to me!?”

“Hahaha 'I’ didn’t do anything. 'You’ are the one who broke the chamber pot.”

“Broke the what… You mean that pot i knocked over?”

“Yes 'that pot’ was an ancient chamber pot owned by a woman accused of witchcraft, they say she had a particular interest in… urine.”

“S-so what… Are you trying to say.. that…”

“Yes, you got yourself cursed, and by the looks of it pretty bad.” He grinned as a dark wet patch covered her legs and ass again.

“How do I undo the curse!?”

“I would think you need the witches spellbook.”

“Well where is it, give it to me!”

He laughed at her request. “I don’t sell occult manuscripts, this is an antique shop not some place for black magic.”

“You had a cursed pot!”

“Details… point being, I don’t have the book and I can’t help you, so if you could kindly leave before you get piss all over my floor that would be appreciated.”

Natasha was so mad, mad at him, mad at the witch, mad at herself. There was nothing to do about it though and she left the shop in defeat. There was no way she was going to be able to find where the book went and she was going to spend the rest of her life peeing all the time. The thought turned her on again, being stuck like this. Never getting control ever again, she groaned and tried not to think about it. Everyone knowing that she enjoyed peeing herself, that she liked being covered in piss. She didn’t even notice that she was playing with herself again.

Back in the shop the man behind the counter grinned as he saw through the shop window that she was in her car and seemed quite.. 'busy’ with something.

“Dear, maybe we should end the curse, surely this is enough?” A beautiful woman in a long black dressed cooed as she stepped out from the curtain blocking off the back room.

“She broke your favorite vase though, she needs to learn her lesson first.”

“So cruel… I love it.” She leaned in and gave him a kiss before carrying her spellbook to the back and returning to her studies.

“Maybe I’ll end the curse… in a few years… maybe..”
