#blasian couple

 Say hello to David, Korean American, and his fiance, Arlene, Haitian Canadian! David and Arlene met

Say hello to David, Korean American, and his fiance, Arlene, Haitian Canadian! David and Arlene met in an AMBW FB group and clicked right away. Both David and Arlene were adopted by White families and this common experience helped them understand each other better. After meeting in person a few times, they were engaged to be married at the end of 2017. They are in the process of having Arlene and her two children move from Canada to the US to be with David, and they have experienced many ups and downs with this process which they detail in their YT channel. We wish them a speedy resolution to their immigration bumps in the road, and an even longer life together with much love and happiness! Many blessings!
Check out their YT channel at

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 Say hello to Tayo, Nigerian, and his wife, Kyunghwa, South Korean. They first met in Busan at langu

Say hello to Tayo, Nigerian, and his wife, Kyunghwa, South Korean. They first met in Busan at language exchange meetings when Tayo was learning to speak Korean. They lived near each other and both enjoyed movies, so they had lots of movie dates in the beginning. Later after Tayo was due to move to Germany for his Ph.D. studies, he asked Kyunghwa to move to Germany with him and today they live together in Germany. They were married in 2018 in Korea in a beautiful wedding that is documented on their YouTube Channel, called K&T 부부. We wish them incredible happiness and eternal love! Check out their channel at:

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