

New headcanons:

Most of the original paladins could sing fairly decently.

Zarkon had a gorgeous deep bass voice, rough but not too rough, and just this quality to it that could almost lull you into a trance. He almost never sang for people, with the exception if those he was very, very close to.

Blaytz wasn’t the best singer there was, and his voice was most definitely suited to fast-paced and cheerful songs where Zarkon’s fit best with slow, solemn ones. Blaytz, in general, would not shut up. Everyone had to put up with his singing on a fairly regular basis.

Trigel had a really interesting singing voice, the kind people either really love or really hate. It was breathy and rough and soprano. She would sing when the occasion called for it, but not just randomly.

Gyrgan, like Zarkon, has a bass voice, but his was much smoother and incredibly soothing. Sometimes he would sing to calm his teammates down, and he was also the one they turned to if they needed to calm down children they had rescued.

Alfor had a beautiful tenor voice, but he was often a bit shy about it. Once he warmed up to the paladins, however, he and Blaytz would just randomly burst into song. He used to sing Allura to sleep at night almost every night, soft Altean lullabies that he learned from his parents.

New headcanon:

Out of all of the old paladins, Alfor and Blaytz were by far the most touchy-feely. I mean, yeah, Gyrgan likes hugs and offers them whenever, but Alfor and Blaytz are a whole different level.

Finding a moment where Blaytz isn’t physically attached to at least one of the others is incredibly rare. He’s pretty much always got an arm slung over someone’s shoulders or something similar.

Alfor will just randomly surprise people by latching onto them with no warning or reason. Also, if there isn’t somewhere to sit (and even if there is sometimes), he’ll just sit on someone (typically Blaytz honestly). The first time he did this to Zarkon, the emperor literally threw him across the room.

That didn’t actually stop Alfor, of course, but it was pretty amusing.

akozuheiwa: I doodled my three favourite disasters today. Because they were definitely best friends,


I doodled my three favourite disasters today. Because they were definitely best friends, just saying.

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