#vld headcanons


Maybe the reason Keith wears his jacket like that/ has a mullet is because he’s trying to hide his markings from his mom?

Maybe he always thought of them being weird birth markings and when he knew he was half galra he was just trying to hide it because he didn’t want to believe it

voltron headcanons no one asked for

  • (If Adam was alive) Lance and Adam are best friends™ and have a lot of inside jokes. Shiro and Keith are constantly scared of these two.
  • Platonic Kidge. Pidge and Keith are conspiracy theorie freaks and could talk hour about it. (Pidge secretly doesn’t trust the government)
  • Matt teaches/shows Romelle memes
  • Everyone ships Klance and they are open about it. Pidge “Tell your boyfriend to shut up” Keith “Lance is not my boyfriend” Pidge “Yeah, and I am Morgan Freeman”.
  • Shiro makes a lot of gay jokes
  • Shiro uses het emojis
  • The Paladins call Coran “Uncle Coran” most of the time (Like they call Shiro “Dad”)
  • A lot of adults are actually really scared of Pidge
  • The Paladins have a “Hunk’s cookies friday”. Hunk makes cookies every Friday and they all have a movie night.
  • Pidge secretly likes MCR
  • Keith is a weeb
  • The first time Keith heard about “Klance” he asked Lance what it means. After Lance explained it to Keith, they both got really red and were awkward around each other for a week
  • Lance adopted a cat and names her Blue (Blue and Kosmo are getting along really well)
  • Lance worships the bee-movie
  • Pidge, Hunk, and Lance call the Galra “Furries (is that how you write it?) Including Keith
  • Lance wants to know what shampoo Lotor used
  • Adam is the cooler dad™

New headcanon:

Blaytz was a flirt. He flirted with guys, girls, Coran, and anyone in-between.

He also quickly discovered that flirting with Zarkon left the Galran horribly embarrassed and flustered. Needless to say, he did it all the time. It drove Zarkon mad, but the other paladins found it hilarious.

New headcanon:

As a child, Alfor went through a very extensive Why? Phase… and never quite grew out of it. Even as a full grown adult he would end up asking a constant stream of “But why?” until he was satisfied with the answer. Trigel thought it was good and would answer him patiently, both Coran and Blaytz would just start asking “Why?” back, Gyrgan would humour him for a bit before passing him off to someone else, and Zarkon…

Zarkon eventually resorted to, “Because I said so!”

New headcanons:

Each of the paladins had their own way of fighting with or without their lions.

Zarkon is an excellent warrior. He’s well-trained and tactical; he’s good at neutralising his opponents (and by neutralise I actually mean kill) and winning quickly. He sees no need in drawing out a battle. With Black, he’s just as effective, but he also does a lot of instructing the rest of the team on what to do. They usually listen (except for Alfor and Blaytz, who 99% of the time listen to literally no one) and things work out because Zarkon is good at this leading thing.

Before joining the alliance, Alfor was not a fighter. He was a giant nerd who spent most of his time in his lab blowing stuff up (note that the explosions were typically accidental but not always). He had a bit of training, but he wasn’t very good. His strategy in actual fights relies on pure luck and magic (or as he would argue, “Not magic! Alchemy! There’s a difference!”) weapons. He’s super reckless and likes to just rush in, especially if he can potentially save someone. He surprisingly does a lot of saving their tails, but they do a lot more of saving his (and yelling at him afterwards).

Blaytz, like Zarkon, learned to fight from an early age. He is less about the cool and calculating side of fighting and more about the beating people up side. He’s skilled, and has good instincts for fighting, but most of it was trained into him. He has a lot of good battle-cries, and isn’t afraid to use them. He’s not as reckless as Alfor but he’s a close second.

Trigel is also an excellent warrior, but primarily, she’s a smart warrior. She absolutely will not rush into things ever. She’s cool-headed and logical even in the heat of battle, and spends a lot of time making sure her teammates don’t get themselves killed (because, let’s be honest, they’d be dead without Trigel). She’s also low-key ruthless and could win a fight in .2 seconds.

Gyrgan, in all actuality, would rather hug it out? But when he’s fighting, he’s more like, you know, SPINNING HEADSPIN! and other such loud and eager attacks. He’s pretty intimidating until you get to know him (at which point he’s a teddy bear), so most of his enemies are already worried at the sight of him. He finds this rather hilarious, and is quick to take advantage of it.

New headcanon:

Since we now know that Alfor was indeed a major nerd and liked to collect random stuff from random planets, we must consider this habit and the reactions it gained.

Most people are just rather amused. It’s like, oh, look, the red paladin has a jar of dirt. At one point Trigel calls his collection of stuff garbage and he wouldn’t talk to her for like a whole Spicolian movement. Zarkon makes the same mistake, but also doesn’t apologise, and Alfor pouts about it for like a phoeb.

Usually it’s fine but they end up on one planet at one point, and Alfor starts collecting rocks, and, oops, turns out those were sacred rocks. It takes literally all of Trigel’s diplomatic skill to stop the planet from declaring war on Altea and Voltron.

You think this would have taught Alfor to be more careful, but no, he does it several other times. Plus the inevitable times he or someone else is allergic to something he grabbed, or it’s just plain poisonous. Or alive. That was always a disaster.

As always, Alfor kept the rest of the old paladins on their toes at all times.

New headcanon:

Zarkon is the original Space Dad.

Really, that’s only to say that he’s the constantly exasperated “Dad” of Blaytz and Alfor, particularly Alfor. If you organise all of them as a family, Alfor is the baby of the family and probably always needs a babysitter if they want to guarantee he won’t die. Blaytz is the cool older brother who is also a bit of a disaster. Trigel is basically Space Mom, but she doesn’t so much as work with Zarkon to parent the two youngest as parent all three of them. Gyrgan is the cool Space Granddad, even if he’d really resent that because, as he insists, he’s not that old. He’s super snarky, too, but he keeps an eye on all of them if he can. 

And, of course, Coran is still there and basically part of the family, but instead of the cool Space Uncle he is to the modern paladins, he’s basically Alfor’s equally disastrous twin.

New headcanon:

Gyrgan made sure to acknowledge each of the paladins’ (and Coran’s) birthdays. In other words, he made a very big deal about it and made their favourite foods and sometimes organised surprise celebrations (even if Zarkon had reacted kind of violently once or twice and Trigel startled so badly the first time that they didn’t see her for a quintant). They all appreciated it, even if some (read: Zarkon) were bad at showing it.

New headcanon:

There is a reason they are called the paladins of Voltron instead of literally anything else.

Zarkon was the one who first started calling them this. The others just went along with it. They didn’t connect any dots until the next time they played Monsters and Mana together.

“I will be a paladin,” says Zarkon, as per usual, because he is always a paladin.

“But you’re already a paladin in real life!” Coran starts to protest.

Silence, as everyone realises exactly why Zarkon, and in fact the rest of them, are paladins in real life.

Alfor, who is typically a mage, is understandably the most upset by this: “You mean we could have been the mages of Voltron!? And you chose paladin!?”

Nevertheless, it is too late and paladin sticks and no one outside their circle ever has to know that it was inspired by Monsters and Mana.

New headcanon:

Alfor and Coran play Monsters and Mana all the time. Alfor comes up with the most outlandish backstories just to see if Coran can make them work. Eventually, the other paladins start joining in. Let’s just say that Shiro isn’t the only Black Paladin to always insist on being a paladin in-game, and it drives Coran mad every time.

New headcanon:

Alfor and Coran are the best team. The two of them can do just about anything they set their mind to. Is this always a good thing? They would argue yes. Most everyone else would argue a resounding no. Does this ever stop them? No. No, it does not.

New headcanon:

Out of all of the old paladins, Alfor and Blaytz were by far the most touchy-feely. I mean, yeah, Gyrgan likes hugs and offers them whenever, but Alfor and Blaytz are a whole different level.

Finding a moment where Blaytz isn’t physically attached to at least one of the others is incredibly rare. He’s pretty much always got an arm slung over someone’s shoulders or something similar.

Alfor will just randomly surprise people by latching onto them with no warning or reason. Also, if there isn’t somewhere to sit (and even if there is sometimes), he’ll just sit on someone (typically Blaytz honestly). The first time he did this to Zarkon, the emperor literally threw him across the room.

That didn’t actually stop Alfor, of course, but it was pretty amusing.

Okay so this one is half headcanon, half mini-fic, but Alfor and Coran’s first meeting probably went something like this:

Coran is merely minding his own, small child business when, out of nowhere: “Hello! Why do you have a moustache?”

He turns in surprise to face a grinning white-haired child who proceeds to tug at said moustache (which, by the way, Coran is immensely proud of because his dad says it proves his skill in camouflage and shape-shifting).

“What’s wrong with my moustache?” he asks indignantly.

The small white-haired child also looks mildly insulted. “Nothing is wrong with it. I think it is glorious.”

“Oh,” says Coran. “Thank you.”

“My name’s Alfor,” says the other child. “What’s yours? I’ve never seen you before. Have you never been to the Castle? Come with me, I will show you the castle and the hangars and the kitchens and my room and everything.”

He does not wait for a response before grabbing Coran’s hand and dragging him off. Once Coran gets over his surprise, he says, “I’m Coran.”

Alfor gives him the biggest grin Coran has ever seen. “Well, then, welcome, Coran! Come on, you are going to love the Castle!”

Alfor sets off on a ramble about his home. As he listens to the strange, loud boy chatter, Coran decides that he has found himself a best friend.
