

Been doin’ a lotta fun D&D planning, and I’m working on little mini-profiles for all the NPCs. Kept these kinda lose and sketchy ‘cause I’m gonna do like a final ink on paper, paint them, and put ‘em all in a notebook. So these are the first citizens of Blightfort that the gang’s gonna meet!

Thing-a-Week 48:Wish You Were Here!

Again, I’ve been doing a lot of planning and drawing for the homebrew campain I’m DMing for my friends, and I’m making postcards for some of the locations to practice drawing backgrounds and environments. I’ve got all the drafts done, so all that’s left for next week is to trace them onto watercolor paper and paint the suckers.

The biggest problem with posting most of them is that they’re spoilery, and all of the players follow me. This one, however, is fair game!
