









A little term I thought of after reading a lot of trans resources on this site: 

Cis-Passing Savior. 

Part of speech: noun. 

Definition: Trans* person who tells other trans people what to do. Often makes sweeping generalizations and assumptions about others’ appearances, abilities, or bodies, and makes “passing guides” pandering exclusively to cis standards. 

They will likely deflect any time they are accused of being problematic, often defending themselves by saying that they aren’t forcing anyone into anything despite often implying at every turn that not “passing” as cisgender is somehow shameful. 

Particularly common in the transmasculine community on Tumblr, these individuals see it as their moral obligation to ensure the survival of cissexism and insecurity in the next generation. They consider their actions to be necessary and helpful. (If you think you’re doing trans men a favor by telling them how to “pass”, you are a Cis-Passing Savior. If you think it is your duty to correct or advise young men on “passing” as their actual gender, you are a Cis-Passing Savior.)


Guy 1: “Uh, Man101 just told me I need to change my hairstyle.” 

Guy 2: “Because they think you look ‘like a lesbian’? Forget about it, man. He’s a Cis-Passing Savior. There’s nothing wrong with how you are.” 

What the fuck dude… I don’t know any real trans person that doesn’t want to pass.

Why hello, it’s nice to meet you! 

Judging from your tagging this post as “transtrenders” and the general vibe of your blog, I’m going to first of all issue a big old YIKES, but after doing that I’d really like to have a little talk about this. 

What exactly do you define as a “real trans person”? Is it dysphoria-based? I only ask because I know a lot of transmedicalists base their definitions on that. Now, I take issue with that personally because ‘transgender’ is an umbrella term that encompasses pretty much any identity that isn’t cis. I’m not here to argue with you about that though, that’s not what my blog is about and I don’t want to get off-topic :) 

Anyway, I shouldn’t have to do this because it is none of your goddamn business BUT, even by your definition (which I am assuming is dysphoria-based, do correct me if I am wrong though!) I am a “real trans person” (dear god, that hurt to type.). I feel dysphoria everywhere, about everything, pretty much all the time. By which I mean I have top (general term; chest and shoulders), bottom (general term), voice, height, face/hands/whatever else, and social dysphoria and often to extreme degrees. It’s awfully presumptuous of you to assume that just because I’m speaking against cissexism that I’m not dysphoric or not trans! 

I don’t want to “pass” because I consider the standard unfair. It imposes cis (in my case) masculinity as the only acceptable norm, and that’s not something I can physically conform to. I don’t think I should be expected to live for the sole purpose of being perceived as palatable, appropriate, passable in the eyes of cis people. It’s just not my jam. 

I feel like I deserve to be respected as the guy I am regardless of how I look. Maybe you disagree, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to force your standard of cis-passing appearance on other trans people. 

I never ment that you yourself are a transtrender, but what I do mean is that all trans men want to look like men. Not saying you can’t be feminine but don’t to want to pass as male? To be seen as a man in society? Even if it’s as a feminine man? If you look female you Will get dysphoric. That’s why we try to pass. Not because “”“cissexism”“. It’s because if we don’t we will mentally break down. If a trans man wants to wear a dress I have no issue (although i have no idea why he would pre t) but if a ”“”“trans man” shows off his tits? He’s probably not dysphoric and therefore not trans.

Did. You. Even. Read. What I said. 

Sorry, I guess I was too ambiguous. I do want to be seen as a man by society, but I don’t want (nor will I ever be able) to pass as cis. The whole point of my post was that the standard of “passing” is unfair to trans people, and that they should be respected as their actual gender regardless of whether they look cis or not. Leaving body dysphoria out of this conversation for the most part. (Though, again, it is damn presumptuous of you to assume you know about any other person’s dysphoria.) 

But trans people want to be cis! Any real trans person wishes they were cis… And why can’t you ever pass? If you go on hormones you should be able to pass. I pass and I’m pre everything…

No, they don’t! I’m here, a real trans person, and I don’t want to be cis. And that’s… Not really any of your business BUT I’m chronically ill and can’t make all the same alterations to my body that other people can… That’s just such an audacious question to begin with though, holy fuck. You’re a trip, man. 

Why are you so insistent that your own experience must be universal? 

Why would you want to be trans?? It’s hell! If you truly have dysphoria you should know that!

Dude. I never said dysphoria wasn’t unpleasant, it sure as fuck is! But just because I don’t hate the fact that I’m trans doesn’t mean I don’t have dysphoria. There’s just more to transness than dysphoria for me. 

There’s also the incredibly euphoric feelings I get in those rare moments when I feel like I’m truly myself, the radical liberation of complete self-acceptance, and those warm tinglies I get from hearing the right pronouns. I couldn’t experience any of this in the same way if I was cis. Not making transness out to be some sort of blessing or anything, but it’s not a curse either and I don’t like seeing people equivalate the existence of dysphoria with the necessity for self-loathing. 

the existence of dysphoria =/= the necessity for self-loathing. Dysphoria and self-loathing, be they from internalized transphobia or other sources, are two separate issues and need to be addressed on their own. 

I used to wish I was cis all the time, but guess what? I’m not. It doesn’t matter! And it’s none of your, or anyone else’s goddamn business whether I “pass” your little tests. Cis isn’t the ideal I’m striving for, euphoria is. 

(also thanks for the example to refer to next time I mention Cis-Passing Saviors btw, you just made my weekend a lot easier!) 

*bird kisses* 
