#blue frosting cookie


Bluefrosting cookie (shuichi) abilities in CR:K

I actually made this awhile ago, but didn’t feel like posting it until now-

Bluefrosting cookie:

Middle unit

Legendary (Ultimate)


Ult: Truth bullet (he shouts “That’s wrong” when cast)

- Stuns enemies (break)

- Lowers DEF of hit enemies (identify)

- Does AoE dmg, hitting all enemies in bullets path, shoots in a straight line

- increases CRT rate for all allies (restore rep)

The ult has a long cooldown, it takes a while to sift through the lies

His regular attack is the small bullets you shoot at “white noise” in dr

Since he’s a magic unit, he’s very squishy but has a pretty high base attack stat

Shuichi if he were in cookie run lol

It was a balancing act, getting the concept of a blue frosting cookie right while still keeping Shuichi recognizable. But I’m overall happy with the outcome!

I do have info for his abilities and such in both Kingdom and Oven break, but I want to draw some stuff for that so for now it’s just basic design

Also Kokichi is already in the works, so I want to finish him first before doing anything else-
