#ndrv3 shuichi


Check out and consider buying the @saiharazine !!! So many amazing artists and writers worked hard in this zine and deserve all the love they can get!!!

Kokichi: *steals some of Shuichi’s ice cream* Nishishishi!


Tenko: *from a bush in the background* No! What are you doing?! Tell the gremlin off and assert yourself!!

Shuichi: H-Hey! That’s MY ice cream!

Tenko: Good! Now let ‘em have it!

Shuichi: *shoving the ice cream to Kokichi* Here! Y-You can have it!!

The monsters below were originally supposed to be in the same image as Shuichi, but the combination looked weird so I separated them since I still liked the designs.

This isn’t vent art, I just wanted to draw Dr characters as monsters and needed motivation for why the characters would look like that. So I decided on survivors guilt warping the image of Shuichi’s dead friends in his mind, turning them into monsters!

Aka sad shuichi hours-

Finally have time for personal art, so first thing I did was draw Shuichi

Bodyswap, but not the ones you’d expect (from me)

I’ll probably do at least a few more, I’m going for a swap where at least ½ is in the body of the person they’d *least* want to be (I think this would replace the third motive)

Kokichi and Maki are rather obvious

Shuichi and himiko, well himiko does not like doing things and Shuichi is the protag so everyone goes to him for everything (which continues after the swap and himiko has to keep reminding people she’s not him)

And well shuichi doesn’t really want anyone in his body or to be stuck in a person that’s fem presenting (dysphoria tm) but honestly overall it’s definitely more to upset himiko than him

Other swaps:



Kaito- kiibo

Tsumugi- Gonta

I’ve been watching a Death mark/NG playthrough and sketched Shuichi and Kokichi as spirits from the game

Yes Shuichi only has his pointer finger and thumb on each hand, and yes I’m aware there’s already a spider themes spirit- I just thought it fit

Kokichi has mouths for eyes, and the weird horns/spikes sticking out of him are,,, well y’know how pinocchio’s nose grows when he lies? Same concept, different locations, also more painful! Also he’s not blushing, he’s choking himself

Just a small shuichi drawing

Once again trying stuff out, cause I don’t like how my art looks

Here’s the comic to go with my earlier saiouma piece

S- When he gets like this, he’s actually pretty cute

S- Wait did I seriously just think that??

S- Nope! I did worse!!

Something something gay men

The comic will come out later due to technical problems (I resized my canvas and it cut some of the sketches), so until then enjoy this thing!

Saiouma drawing, and a littol comic wip

I haven’t drawn them enough recently, they are the “one who talks” “one who listens” meme.

Bluefrosting cookie (shuichi) abilities in CR:K

I actually made this awhile ago, but didn’t feel like posting it until now-

Bluefrosting cookie:

Middle unit

Legendary (Ultimate)


Ult: Truth bullet (he shouts “That’s wrong” when cast)

- Stuns enemies (break)

- Lowers DEF of hit enemies (identify)

- Does AoE dmg, hitting all enemies in bullets path, shoots in a straight line

- increases CRT rate for all allies (restore rep)

The ult has a long cooldown, it takes a while to sift through the lies

His regular attack is the small bullets you shoot at “white noise” in dr

Since he’s a magic unit, he’s very squishy but has a pretty high base attack stat

Style practice with shuichi!

Trying to figure out a balance for a style that’s both reasonable and looks good, this is what I came up with… It’s probably not gonna stick-

Shuichi if he were in cookie run lol

It was a balancing act, getting the concept of a blue frosting cookie right while still keeping Shuichi recognizable. But I’m overall happy with the outcome!

I do have info for his abilities and such in both Kingdom and Oven break, but I want to draw some stuff for that so for now it’s just basic design

Also Kokichi is already in the works, so I want to finish him first before doing anything else-

Cozy Shuichi for winter time

Probably will do more with my chibi style, until I figure out a normal style I like.

I’m currently trying out different styles, because I want to actually enjoy looking at my art for once.

This is one of the things I’m working on, but I honestly don’t know if I’ll finish it

More wing practice, this time with kokichi

In this au it’s rare to have wings, but it’s even rarer to have wings that can actually fly.

Since everyone in Hpa is an ultimate student, they do all have wings. But most of them are flightless.

Kokichi will tell you he can fly (he cannot) and will try to “prove” it by saying you should let him carry you.

Do not agree. He will immediately drop you and laugh at you for being an idiot.
