#blue-tongue films

 “A lot of what I write is only worthy of sitting in a drawer, but every one of those shitty scripts

“A lot of what I write is only worthy of sitting in a drawer, but every one of those shitty scripts or lame-duck ideas has been a step in the right direction.“

"You’ve got to have a good story. I can’t say it enough. The amount of movies being made – I’ve been involved in one of them – where they’re like, ‘We’re going to start shooting. Now, we haven’t got the full script yet…’ Or, 'We’ve got a script but we’re going to change heaps of it.’”

“Like, don’t shoot a movie until you have a script that’s been scrutinised completely, otherwise – it’s the old analogy that you wouldn’t start building a house unless you’ve got the foundation – it’s kind of ridiculous.”

–  Joel Edgerton on the importance of good film scripts

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“What makes Edgerton interesting is that on the one hand he’s an all-Australian lad who’

“What makes Edgerton interesting is that on the one hand he’s an all-Australian lad who’ll just about try anything; on the other he’s a discriminating, hard-working actor who’s taken almost 15 years to harness his talent fully, to reach the career sweet spot he’s now.“

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