#bnha oboro

 A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth.I’ve got my axe sharpened

Ahoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth.

I’ve got my axe sharpened and ready. It’s time for me to hopefully break some hearts again with this piece.

Who ever defined hoax in Wikipedia, my thanks goes out to you. hehe This is another piece in my portfolio I’m working on.

I choose to believe that these three will end up together again happily no matter what the cost or circumstances. Even if that’s going to be the biggest hoax, I’ll still believe it. Also honestly, I do not know what’s going on with this whole piece (Especially with Mic haha please don’t question me on it hahaha) My tears will forever go out to these three️. Come cry an ocean with me.

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Uhm yes, here’s a cloud for you too~☁️✨ Check out my Kofi! It was Chinese New Year and I feel like t

Uhm yes, here’s a cloud for you too~☁️✨

Check out myKofi!

It was Chinese New Year and I feel like that explains the color scheme I’ve matched up without even realizing until I’ve finished this It was also Valentines last Sunday so uh here’s Oboro with a bunch of clouds for you☁️❤️ 

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Looking at the three of them in my previous post… It was starting to look a bit too sweet for my tasLooking at the three of them in my previous post… It was starting to look a bit too sweet for my tasLooking at the three of them in my previous post… It was starting to look a bit too sweet for my tas

Looking at the three of them in my previous post… It was starting to look a bit too sweet for my taste. So here’s some bitterness to even it out haha I hope you still like a rough-sketchy side of my art style I want to post sketches here too but I guess I’m just not used to it yet forgive me

Check out my Kofi!

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! In my previous post, Beethawksven and Tokzart would have been in charge of the tuneHAPPY HALLOWEEN! In my previous post, Beethawksven and Tokzart would have been in charge of the tuneHAPPY HALLOWEEN! In my previous post, Beethawksven and Tokzart would have been in charge of the tune


In my previous post,BeethawksvenandTokzart would have been in charge of the tunes for the Halloween party. Then there’s these three…where I let them be in charge of eating organizing all the sweets!! Have an Onizawa,Vampboro, and Frankenzashi to handle all of those treats!

Check out my Kofi!

I’ve prepared more details about this Trio’s Halloween concept (together with my struggles and the “would’ve beens” I went through designing their costumes geez) This includes their signature special candies haha! So if you want to know more, (maybe even want to add on to ) feel free to “keep reading”!


-His signature candy is the classic Mint Swirl (You know, the white one with reds in it hahaha)

-I wanted to put the mint swirl candy on his brioche but it did not sit well with me that I’d have to get rid of the rose and thorns, so I had to go with recolouring the rose to match the mint swirl concept.

-In case you didn’t know, “Oni” can mean ‘demon’ in Japanese. Thus, the birth of Onizawa.


-His signature candy is the corn candy (Yes, I got it from his yellow glasses stuck in my mind). I imagine that the candy might taste like butter caramel

- His costume design suddenly took a turn from a simple sweater to FASHION please

-Although his costume has maybe the most details in terms of lineart, I was the most comfortable when it came to colouring. I think it’s because of the warmer set of colours I had prepared.

-His sweater originally had to be coloured white but then he turned into the carved pumpkins you had to light up for night display

-Urghh… Looks like he’ll be quite a task to draw again wahhh…


-I saved Vampboro for last because–



-Originally, I just wanted a simple classic Alice in Wonderland themed concept. Supposedly even for Hawks and Tokoyami. Oboro was the first one I decided to give a costume to, assuming he’ll play Alice. It went well for a while. THEN HE GREW FANGS. AND A CROWN OF SOME SORT. HIS BRIOCHE WAS A SIMPLE LITTLE RIBBON AND NOW AN EYEBALL WITH LITTLE BAT WINGS WHAT—I then had to scrap the concept and wait for something to come over me. And that’s what it is HERE

-Anyways, his signature candy is uhm… the “Eye-Candy”️…


-Although I picture it being the sweetest out of the other two (A vanilla flavored candy), I had this really interesting idea of how it sours once you expose it to sunlight. Also, strangely, at midnight if you’re patient enough to wait, there’s a chance that the Eye-Candy will turn into a marshmallow with red strawberry flavoured filling inside it.

-All through magic I guess. I mean, it has bat wings too so yes please. It’s dark chocolate flavoured.

-Ah yes, he is also a prince here? Vampire Prince? Prince Vampboro, yes that’s it

Thank you for reading this far! If I have some free time, maybe you’ll get to see more of these three again this November~ Happy Halloween and I hope you are in good health!

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Memory Fragment 0So I recently had this dream but I can’t quite remember the details well enough hahMemory Fragment 0So I recently had this dream but I can’t quite remember the details well enough hahMemory Fragment 0So I recently had this dream but I can’t quite remember the details well enough hah

Memory Fragment 0

So I recently had this dream but I can’t quite remember the details well enough haha This scene is all from what’s left in memory but I still think its pretty vague. I may be confused but maybe you have some ideas to help explain what’s going on in this mess haha feel free to share them here or personally if you want (You can click for better quality! )

(I don’t have the luxury of time on my side to make this into a full series or even another AU so forgive me for this here’s the tiny bit.)

It was about two or three dreams from last week. The other made more sense (I guess it’s because I could tell it was Born To Die related somehow haha hello Hawks) But there was that one dream that I just couldn’t remember well but lingered because of that And by the start of this week I happened to randomly remember bits of it I can’t shake off easily(because Shirakumo was really upset and I’m not sure why arghh why is my mind like this huhuhu).

Also ahh I guess this is my way of letting this out of my system haha forgive me again but I’d love to say that recently, I’ve been given the chance to contribute my art to zines! It’s an absolute honor to work with so many wonderful people and I hope to see it all through in this new experience! (I’m really quiet there in chat too argh )

Due to this and school I’ll be a lot busier grr. But In case I become a bit too silent here when it comes to posting, I think I’ve remembered enough to create this piece and leave you with it~ Thank you for reading this far! I might be posting about my zine pieces very very soon! (Or maybe… The other dream I had instead hehe)  Please look forward to it!

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Another piece that was sat unfinished for ages. Finally got round to finishing it today.
