
Seun Adigun is Taking the First Nigerian Athletes to the Winter Olympics The Winter Olympics (@olymp

Seun Adigun is Taking the First Nigerian Athletes to the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics (@olympics) are taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea, February 9-25. Tune in as we spotlight competing athletes from around the world.

Nigerian-American athlete Seun Adigun (@seun_msamazing) and her teammates are making history. They’re the first African bobsled team to qualify for the Winter Olympics. “It feels absolutely amazing,” says Seun, who was born in the U.S. to Nigerian immigrant parents. “It’s surreal on a daily basis.” Seun, the driver on her team of three, found bobsledding through track and field, which she’d competed in at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Years later, after countless hours of training on both dry land and the ice track, she’s taking her bobsled team to compete in #Pyeongchang2018. And once the games are over, Seun, who lives in Houston and just graduated with a degree in chiropractic work, wants to continue working with Olympians. “I plan to open my chiropractic practice along with a high-performance injury prevention and rehabilitation facility for elite-level athletes.”

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