#south korea


- 부 - 떼 부

Division / Part

Example in main pic:

分 - 대분 - Most

- 분 - 나눌 분

Division / Part / Minute

Example in main pic:

- - Minute

- 다 - 많을 다

Many / Most / All

Example in main pic:

樣 - 양 - Variety / Diversity

- 수 - 셀 수


Example in main pic:

- 다 - Majority

- 전 - 온전할 전

Whole / all

Example in main pic:

部 - 부 - All parts

Source :https://www.howtostudykorean.com/hanja-unit-1-lessons-1-20/hanja-lesson-17/


(you can ignore this. Here’s your ignore-this permission-slip. Don’t drop it)

So… Hello. I usually don’t comment on these because they feel big enough already, but whatever. I’m clearly trying out different ways of visualizing things so I hope you don’t mind the inconsistencies. Feel free to tell me if there’s a style you prefer (and why it’s better for your learning?), but you’re not my boss so no promises. No promises to my boss either for that matter.

Anyway, I’m also making a couple pics here and there kind of Black Lives Matter-y and you can’t stop me, but it does mean that I don’t necessarily use the most recognizible words for the Hanja? (Like for 수 the most obvious one is obviously “math - 수학”) You’re just gonna have to live with that.

Also I really appreciate likes and reblogs? It’s pretty motivating, but I’m not your boss either so just do your thing.

(this is why I don’t comment things here. I ramble. Stay safe out there. Bye)

Meaning - Time

Korean syllable - 시

Korean name - 때 시

Meaning - Time, period

Korean syllable - 기

Korean name - 말날 기

Meaning - Space, Interval, Between

Korean syllable - 간

Korean name - 사이 간

(also used as a grammatical principle (amongst/between options/actions) and in words like 人問 (인간) meaning “human” which isn’t really related to time or space)

Meaning - Same

Korean syllable - 동

Korean name - 한가지 동

(동성애자 isn’t one of the examples in the lesson, but I couldn’t help myself)

(also for 共同體 (공동체 - community) I used some fanart from the TV show Community. I usually try not to use references/pop-culture, but I was bored, ok?)

Meaning - 100, everything, total

Korean syllable - 백

Korean name - 일백 백

Source :https://www.howtostudykorean.com/hanja-unit-1-lessons-1-20/hanja-lesson-16/

Meaning - Place / Location

Korean syllable - 장

Korean name - 마당 장

Meaning - Room

Korean syllable - 실

Korean name - 집 실

Meaning - Food

Korean syllable - 식

Korean name - 밥 식

Meaning - Land / Earth

Korean syllable - 지

Korean name - 땅 지

Meaning - Area / Region / Side

Korean syllable - 방

Korean name - 모 방


장터 - A traditional market

하계 올림픽 - Summer Olympics (하계 - The summer season)

동계 올림픽 - Winter Olympics (동계 - The winter season)

지지난주 - The week before last (last last week)

다다음주 - The week after next (next next week) (I didn’t really know how to visualize these, sorry)

장화 - Boots, rain boots

눈 오는 날 - Snow day, a day where it snows (눈 - Snow, 오다 - To come, ~는 - Makes 오다 a noun, 날 - Day)

울 - Wool

중간고사 - Midterm exam (중간 - Middle, 고사 - An examination, test)

가면 - A mask (disguise)

매다 - To tie, knot

구토 - Vomiting

허리띠 - A belt, waistband

빼다 - To remove

남색 - Navy blue, dark blue (also sodomy apparently?)

치통 - Toothache

복통 - Stomachache

조율하다 - To tune (a piano)

기쁨 - Pleasure, delight, joy. Noun form of 기쁘다 - To be happy

공포 - Fear

비서 - Secretary

아나운서 - Announcer, newscaster

경호원 - Guard, bodyguard

카메라맨 - Cameraman

재봉사 - Tailor

색소 결핍 - Albino

겁나다 - To be/get scared

청바지 - Jeans

바텐더 - Bartender

스웨터 - Sweater

사업가 - Businessman (removed picture after correction by @chrissy-notes. Picture said 사업기)

은행원 - Bank clerk

고용주 - Employer

동업자 - Business partner

회계사 - Accountant

노동자 - Worker, labourer

(Sorry if I’ve posted these already. My files got mixed up)

멜론 - Melon

올리브 - An olive

파파야 - Papaya

감 - A persimmon

자두 - A plum

검은 베리 - Black currant (but I’ve also seen it used for blackberries and blueberries)

대추 - A jujube, a (Chinese) date

구스베리 - Gooseberry

구아바 - Guava

벨기에 - Belgium

칵테일 - Cocktail

아이스티 - Iced tea

생수 - Bottled water, spring water

코코아 - Cocoa

사탕무 - Beet (사탕 - Candy, 무 - Radish)

콩 - Bean

양배추 - Cabbage

무화과 - A fig

꽃양배추 - Cauliflower

가지 - An eggplant

단호박 - Sweet pumpkin (달다 - To be sweet, 호박 - Pumpkin)

대파 - Spring onion, leek

쪽파 - Scallion

순무 - Turnip

모음 - A vowel

자음 - A consonant

나무딸기 - A raspberry (나무 - A tree, 딸기 - A strawberry)

녹다 - To melt

탑승권 - Boarding pass

절벽 - Precipice, sheer cliff

빨강 - Red

하양 - White

노랑 - Yellow

피망 - Pimento, Bell pepper

근대 - A beet

연령대 - Age group

해산물 - Seafood, marine products

물다 - To bite

마못 - Groundhog

스프링클러 - Sprinkler

납치하다 - To abduct, kidnap

소방훈련 - Firedrill (소방 - Firefighting, 훈련 - training, drill, exercise)

승객 - A passenger

잔디밭 - Lawn (잔디 - Grass, 밭 - Field, garden)

인터페이스 - Interface

소시지 - A sausage

살라미 - Salami

닭 날개 튀김 - Chicken wings (닭 - Chicken, 날개 - Wings, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)

칠면조 가슴 구이 - (Grilled) Turkey breast (칠면조 - Turkey, 가슴 - Chest/breast, 굽다 - To roast, grill)

스폰지 - Sponge

두통 - A headache

욕조 - A bath/bathtub

해변 - Seashore, beach, coast

감자 튀김 - Fries (감자 - Potato, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)
