#bonnie gold x reader


The Shy Bride-Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader

(GIF credit to@chimestims)


Requested by anonymous:‘Can you do a Bonnie gold fic where the reader is a Shelby and he has to marry her for a business deal and they end up getting to know each other even tho the reader is all shy and innocent and doesn’t really like anyone that isn’t family and the golds love her’

Characters: Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader, Shelby family x Shelby!Reader, Aberama Gold x Reader (in-laws), Esmeralda Gold x Shelby!Reader (in-laws)

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Arranged marriage, swearing, shouting/arguing, sadness, drinking, fluff


As I returned home, I eyed up the beautiful dress hanging over the kitchen door, feeling the fabric and admiring it. I had never seen this dress before but it was gorgeous, an extravagant evening gown that every girl would be envious of. But why was it hanging up in Pol’s kitchen?

“Pol, who’s this dress for?” I asked.

“Would be nice if you greeted me first.”

“Sorry, got distracted.”

Polly smiled, but it didn’t seem genuine.“It’s for you actually. A gift from Tommy.”

“For me? Why is Tommy buying me dresses? He’s got good taste actually.”

“For a special occasion apparently. We’re going out somewhere this afternoon.”

“Oh, where?”

“I don’t know (Y/N).” there was a slight snap in her tone, but I assumed she was annoyed by my questions.“Sorry, just got a lot to do.”

“Need help with anything?”

“No, I can handle it. Why don’t you start getting ready?”

“Alright, as long as you’re sure.”

I brushed off Polly’s behaviour. My family could have terrible mood swings at times. I understood why, we were in a gang, life could never be simple and sweet. Taking the dress, I quietly squealed to myself, excited to try it on and get myself dolled up. We must have been going somewhere really fancy, probably just to show our faces, show that Tommy was a real family man to benefit the legitimate side of business, give him a good image.

Luckily I had shoes and accessories to match the dress, spending time on how to style my hair and what lipstick to wear. I was never one to boast, but I looked lovely in this outfit. I didn’t even question where we could be going or who we would be meeting, not if Tommy was going to buy me a special outfit for each occasion. Headed downstairs when I heard my brother’s voices, I was surprised to see them all waiting in the hallway, dressed in their finest suits, and Polly also in one or her best dresses.

“Oh, sorry, am I making us late?”

“No, not at all.” Tommy smiled, which was rare. It made me slightly nervous.

“Right. Um, when are we leaving?”

“Might as well head out now. Come on.”

Tommy took the lead, walking out of the door, Arthur followed with his head down, whereas John looked at me a little longer, seeming angry. Polly had to nudge him to make him move. Once he walked outside, she held her hand out to me, giving me the same smile from earlier. Either something was going on that I didn’t know about or they had just had an argument.

“Pol, me and (Y/N) are going to share a car. The rest of you in the other one.” Tommy informed her.

Pol didn’t even try arguing back. She squeezed my hand before getting into the car in front of us. Tommy had brought two chauffeurs, he didn’t drive as much as he used to now. I wondered why he didn’t just meet us at the place we were going to instead of driving all the way here, though I supposed it was for another photo opportunity.

Nothing was said as we set off, both of us just looking out of the window, watching the landscape around us change. My head turned to look at him as he started taking.

“(Y/N), do you know where we’re going?”

“No, Pol didn’t say anything.”

“Good. Right, uh…This is to do with business.”

“Oh, OK. Is it the usual, stay with you for a bit then mingle with Polly or the boys whilst you get on with business?”

“No, nothing like that. It actually involves you.”

My heart rate had already increased.“Me? What? Am I in danger?”

“You’re perfectly safe. You’re actually going to be even safer after today.”

“Can you just tell me what’s happening Tommy? The nerves are making me breathe funny.”

“I…I had to arrange something.”

“Arrange?” I let out a laugh as a thought came into my head.“You’re not marrying me off are you?”

He didn’t reply.

“Oh my god, you are marrying me off!”

“If I told you before, you wouldn’t have come.”

“Of course I wouldn’t! Who am I marrying? Why am I marrying them? Tommy, how could you do this to me?!”

I placed a hand over my chest, feeling like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, my lungs were so tight, I couldn’t breathe properly.

“(Y/N), calm down, breathe.”

“How can I? You’re selling me, you’re making me live the rest of my life with a stranger!”

“They’re not a stranger.”

“Who is it then?”

“It’s Bonnie Gold.”


This was so random. Why was I marrying him? I didn’t know him, all I knew about him was how he and his family were now helping protect ours. Tommy also got him a boxing deal, but what did that have to do with me? Why was I being forced to do something? It was just like John all over again.

“It was part of a deal.”

“A deal you didn’t think to ask my opinion on?”

“Would you have said yes?”

“No!” I tried to steady my breathing but nothing was working.“Oh my god, oh my god, I’m getting married to someone I don’t know.”

“You do know him.”

“Not well enough to marry him! We’ve never even said hello to each other! I think I’m going to be sick. Pull over, please!”

The driver did what I asked, and I immediately jumped out. My legs began walking along the road, I didn’t even think about it. Tears were welling up in my eyes over my brother’s betrayal. What had I done to deserve this? John needed a wife, he had loads of kids that needed looking after, they worked. What if me and Bonnie didn’t? What if he was actually a horrible person? Tommy didn’t know him as well as he thought he did, they could be hiding anything.

“(Y/N), get back in the car please.”

“No! Why am I getting married for a deal? I’m not out of control, I’m not rowdy, I do what I’m told all the time and I’m nice to everyone! And this is what I get for following the rules, your rules?”

“I wouldn’t let you two marry if I thought he would hurt you. Bonnie is going to treat you well (Y/N), I know he is.”

“Am I going to have to live in a wagon?!”

His head tilted back as he sighed.“Fuck me. No, you’re not, you’ll be living in a house.”

“I can’t do it, Tommy, I can’t, I really can’t do this.”

“You have to, I have to keep my end of the bargain.”

“Do you know how angry I am with you?!”

“I think so.”

There were so many things I wanted to scream at him. Who else knew? Why did they let him do it? Who’s idea was it in the first place? I couldn’t though. My breathing was out of control, my eyes were stinging with tears, and loud sobs were coming out of my mouth.

Tommy gently put his hands on my shoulders, making me stand up straight.“We do things for this family, yeah? We go through hardships to make our family stronger. And I’m asking you (Y/N), please go along with this. If we can keep an alliance with the Gold’s, it will only bring us good. I wouldn’t ask you if I was desperate or if I didn’t think you could do it.”

I contemplated running away there and then. However, I wasn’t going to get far in these shoes. Home was too far away by now, the roads weren’t clear and if anyone recognised me, I could be dead within hours.

“I really have to do this, don’t I?”

Tommy nodded, cautiously wrapping an arm around me to slowly take us back to the car. For the rest of the drive I hung my head, staring at the pretty shoes I had picked for today. This was it. I was getting married. Married to a man I had only seen but never talked to, married to a man to settle a deal. My brother, who I trusted and loved, had thrown me to the dogs, not even glancing back to face the consequences of his actions; it was all to benefit him.

We pulled up at Tommy’s house. He explained that since this was a quick arrangement it was easier to hold the ceremony there, it was more personal, they knew it was safe. My stomach cramped up as I stepped inside, spotting the bouquet of flowers everywhere. They even fucking decorated. Ada and Polly were at the entrance, both looking as pissed off as I was. Unfortunately, Ada held my own bouquet in her hands.

“You can’t do this Tom. Just cancel it, go in there and say the wedding is off. She’s just a girl.” Ada spat.

“Ada.” Polly warned.

“You can’t go along with this Pol. She’s being forced into a marriage!”

Tommy cleared his throat.“Ada, Pol, please take your seats.”

“Hold on,” Pol pulled out her powder box from her purse, dabbing the brush on my face,“need that beautiful face of yours back.”

I knew she was trying to cheer me up, and clean me up so I would look like such a mess. It would all just stream off my face later. My hands shook as I held the flowers, the petals and leaves slightly rustling. Polly and Ada left hesitantly, shushing everyone in the hall where I assumed the ceremony was taking place.

“Are you going to be sick?” Tommy asked.

“Not sure.” I whispered.

“Just know that I hate this too. I wouldn’t-”

“Shut up Tommy.”

I never snapped at Tommy, or anyone really. But this called for it. I could have called him every nasty name under the sun there and then. When he held out his arm for me, I reluctantly took it, wishing I could sprint to the stables to steal a horse, ride off into the sunset. But it was too late, because the doors to the hall opened, and there everyone stood, watching intently as I walked down the aisle. I didn’t even have a proper wedding dress.

It felt like I had never worn heels before, I was wobbling all over the place. Bonnie looked miles away, though I was beside him in seconds. His family were here, my family sat on the opposite side. Tommy gingerly pressed a kiss to my cheek before going to sit down. And here I was, stood next to my soon to be husband. He kindly smiled at me, though I couldn’t bear to even look at him, eyes flickering away. I stared at Jeremiah who was officiating the wedding, the poor man must have thought I was evil the way I was looking at him.

The ceremony felt muffled, as if I couldn’t hear anything properly. Jeremiah waffled on, until we had to say our vows and exchange the rings. I focused so much on his words to not get them wrong, only realising that after we had said them to each other, that was it, we were now married.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Jeremiah announced.

Both our families clapped to fill the silence. Bonnie leaned down but I retracted out of instinct. He halted before moving again, slower this time, to kiss my cheek. Taking my hand in his, he walked us out of the hall, the doors closing behind us. I let out a shocked breath, looking at the ring on my finger. Bonnie went to speak.

“So, I-”

I snatched my hand out of his, scurrying to the kitchen to find a bottle of wine. I needed a drink, and a lot of it. I also wanted to get out of any awkward conversations that were about to ensue. There was way too much going on right now to start small talk.

Unfortunately he had followed me, watching as I popped open a bottle. I glanced at the glass in my hand, deciding to set it down and drink from the bottle.

“I’m not that bad am I?” Bonnie tried to joke.

I didn’t say anything, leaning back against the counter.

“Look, I’m sorry this has happened. We don’t know each other, back in there was the first time we’ve spoken, it’s a lot. But I want you to know that I’m going to look after you. We’ll go at your pace, whatever you’re comfortable with. I want us to be friends at least.”

He sounds genuine. When Bonnie first joined the Peaky Blinders, he hadn’t been overly cocky like some of the others. Of course he was a bit more boastful when it came to the ring, though that was all part of his image. And he was the only peaky boy to not try it on with me. Ironic.

“Sorry for just going in for the kiss too. I thought a small peck wouldn’t hurt.”

“It’s fine.” I mumbled, casting my eyes to the floor.

He took a few seconds before speaking again.“Never been much of a wine person.”

I looked up at him as he stood opposite to me, also leaning back in a countertop.

“Suppose that could change.” he held out his hand for the bottle, indicating that I pass it over.

He took a swig, scrunching up his face and coughing after. The corner of my mouth twitched at how silly he looked, but didn’t show him that.

“God, that is so sweet. How do you chug it back?”

“I don’t usually.” I squeaked out.“Just…just flet like I needed to.”

He passed the bottle back to me.“I won’t lie, I don’t exactly want my new wife to be drunk on our first night together.”

My eyes widened.

“No, not like that! Nothing is going to happen. I just meant, I would like to use this time to get to know you.”

I was being stubborn. I wanted to go against him, just to spite Tommy. But I was too shy, I couldn’t even hold eye contact with him.

“I’ll leave you alone for a bit. But please come up to the party, my family can’t wait to meet you.” he made his way to the door, stopping and turning around.“You look beautiful tonight.”

I didn’t let him see me blush, turning away as I drank more from the bottle. I hated how easily I was embarrassed. Boys tried flirting with me, though I knew that was because they wanted to say they had shagged a Shelby girl. Of course I knew their intentions, hence why I was still a virgin.

After a few more swigs, I knew I had to go back upstairs. Setting the almost finished bottle aside, I took a deep breath, adjusting the bottom of my dress, checking my face in a mirror before heading to see my family and new in-laws.

When I returned, everyone was gathered in the lavish front room. Music was playing, champagne was being handed out, and everyone seemed relatively happy chatting with one another. Finn, John and Adawere the only ones not mingling, scowling faces on them as they observed the others.

“(Y/N),” a man caught my attention, it was Bonnie’s father,“welcome to the family.”

I politely smiled.“Thank you sir.”

“Call me Aberama. I appreciate the manners though. And I understand you’re not entirely happy with this marriage.”

I glanced away from him.“But believe me when I say that Bonnie has been just as nervous. Although he is also very determined to ensure you are comfortable and feel like a part of the family.”

That was nice, I guess.

“He has multiple sisters who you might find easier to talk to rather than an old man.”

He raised his drink to me, smiling as he walked away. I really didn’t want to talk to anyone, scurrying to my three siblings who were most against this arrangement.

“You alright?” Finn draped his arm around my shoulders, and I quickly hugged him, clinging on.

I shook my head no.

“Of course she isn’t. This is all a big mistake, we should have come up with a plan to get her out of here.” Ada huffed.

John scoffed.“Oh yeah, that would have gone down a treat with both families.”

“You were just as much against it all as we were.”

“No one was for this marriage, well, besides Tom. But it’s done now, innit? I’ll just have to keep a special eye on the new in-law.”

“Can we stop talking about it please? Just talk about anything else.” I asked quietly, realising some of the others were looking over at us, and that made me incredibly nervous.

Before we even had a chance to change the topic, someone from Bonnie’s side of the family made her way over. I looked anywhere but her, until she was stood beside me. She was beautiful, probably around the same age as myself, though her confidence gave her a more mature look.

“I thought I would come over and introduce myself. I’m Esmeralda, one of Bonnie’s sisters.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Get a grip woman.

“There’s actually three of us, sisters I mean. Poor Bonnie didn’t have any brothers to rough around with. Though I suppose it is only you and Ada amongst all these men.”

Ada smiled at her, though you could tell it was out of sarcasm. I cringed, hoping Esmeralda hadn’t seen that.

“I was wondering if you wanted to join us?” she gestured to where her other sisters were, who waved.

“Um, yes.”

It sounded more like a question, but Esmeralda took that answer. I worriedly looked back to my own siblings, annoyed at my politeness. Where was my Shelby fire?

I sat by Esmeralda, the others sitting across from us. She instantly started up a conversation, it was easy to see she was fine around strangers. I only wished to half as confident as her. Her sisters also chimed in now and then, trying to involve me in the conversation. There was no talk about the wedding, just typical girly things; dresses, makeup, dances, they even spoke about their traditions. It slowly moved onto the topic of Bonnie, though past stories about him, tales of how he was as a child. I even managed to break out a smile.

“And obviously we’ll all be getting to know each other a bit better once we’re all moved in together.” Esmeralda exclaimed.


Esmeralda and her sisters held a serious look, bursting out laughing a second later. I was confused, had I missed a joke?

“Sorry, I was trying to lighten the mood. Of course we’re not living with you two!”

“I don’t even know where we’re living.”

“Well, neither do we, but I’m sure your brother has sorted it.”


“Sorry, have I upset you?”

“No! No, I’m fine.” I was tempted to excuse myself, but I went against that. I was going to be social.“So, is there abythibg else I should know about Bonnie?”

Perhaps this was my way of getting to know my husband without actually talking to him. Even if it was a subconscious thing, I was getting information about him. And there didn’t seem to be a bad bone in his body unless he was in the ring, or defending his sisters from a man who had disrespected them, though that was more chivalrous.

“Sorry ladies, may I borrow my sister?” Tommy asked, gesturing for me to follow him.

I smiled at the girls, catching up with my brother who was making his way to his office, grabbing Bonnie on the way. I faltered when he stepped in line with me, not used to having a boy so close to me. Bonnie let me go first into the office, closing the door behind him. Tom nodded his head towards the two chairs at the desk, sitting behind it. We sat down, waiting to hear why he had brought us here.

“So, seeing as you two are married now, you’ll be needing a place of your own.” Tommy started.“And I have provided that for you.”

“No, Tommy, we couldn’t accept that.” I protested, feeling awkward about situations involving money.

“I agree Mr Shelby, that’s way too generous. You already let us get married in your house.”

“It’s my fault you two are married right now. And I just hope that I can gain back some trust and…” he glanced at me,“love, by doing this.”

I picked at the skin around my nails, a bad habit.“Are you sure Tommy? Nothing too big right?”

“No. It’s a new build but out in the country. You also have a big patch of land, I thought you might appreciate that Bonnie. It’s secluded, like this. Three bedrooms, kitchen, front room, all the other shit.”

“Thank you very much Mr Shelby.” Bonnie stood, reaching out his hand.

Tommy shook it, no expression on his face.

“Thanks Tom. I guess it’s a start to your apology.”

I felt guilty for saying that, but I wanted it to sting. He had really hurt me today, I wasn’t going to fall to his feet because he bought me a house.

Tommy then informed us that it was time for us to leave. He had one of his chauffeurs waiting, and everyone had followed us outside. They had rice to throw at us as we went to the car. In a way, I appreciated the effort they were putting in to make it seem like a happy occasion, I also found it demeaning. You’re now being forced to marry a man you don’t know, but here’s a pretty dress and some champagne.

“I don’t have anything with me.” I pointed out before I got in the car.

Polly stepped forward, quietly speaking so no one else would hear.“Tommy made Ada pack some of your things before she came here. Obviously she didn’t want to, but you need your clothes at least. I’ll be round with the rest of it soon love.”

Wow, they weren’t waiting around to get rid of me. Sadly getting into the car, I didn’t even acknowledge Bonnie as he opened and closed the door for me. Once Bonnie was inside the car, the chauffeur drove off. I coukd hear our families cheering for us, I didn’t bother looking back, whereas Bonnie was waving.

“You alright?” he asked softly.

I nodded, pressing my lips together as I looked away, trying to hold back my tears. Thankfully he left it at that, he knew I needed time to process everything.

The house Tommy got us was no where near the size of his, though I didn’t want that. It was still big for two people, and despite it being a new house, it had an old fashioned look to it. It had the feel of a farm house without the barn, different stones making the structure with vines growing all over it. I loved it, which was irritating because Tommy knew me so well.

“This is going to be strange.” Bonnie said as he helped the chauffeur with the bags.“Never lived in a house before.”

“Oh…hope you like it.”

It was a wonder why I never had a boyfriend.

I had wished that the chaffuer had taken more time with the bags. Because Bonnie was a gentleman, he insisted helping, and the task was completed far too quickly. Now it was just me and Bonnie, in our house, our house we loved in together as a married couple.

“Shall we take a look around? See what’s actually in our house?”

Bless him, he was trying so hard. I agreed, letting him lead as we checked each room. It was all furnished, there was even some food in the kitchen, soap and towels in the bathroom, any little things we wouldn’t have packed with us were provided. He was in awe of the place, I knew he was used to travelling to different places, it was just strange to see his expressions over a house.

“Your brother is very generous.”

“Yes, though I know why he’s given this to us.”

“To make up for marrying me?”

“No, well yes, but not in the way you said. Sorry Bonnie, you must think I’m horrible. It’s just…I’m really shy around new people, it took so much energy out of me talking to everyone today, not to mention the actual ceremony itself. I probably would have fainted if I wasn’t concentrating on acting normal.”

“I didn’t think you were horrible. I knew you were scared. I’m afraid your acting skills need some work.”

We had walked into one of the bedrooms as we spoke, my stomach dropping again. Was I going to have to share a bed with him? I had never done that before.

“Choose which room you like. I’ll sleep in another.” he said.


“I’m not going to sleep in the same room as you, I wouldn’t put you under that pressure.”

“Oh, thank you. Then, you should choose.”

He smiled at me.“Fine, then I choose you having the master bedroom, and I shall go see what other room I prefer.”

I managed to smile back, bashful over how sweet he was being. That was a huge relief lifted off my chest. If he hadn’t mentioned anything before bedtime, I wouldn’t have said anything, I didn’t want to bring up topic.

We both got changed (separately) into something comfier, weirdly emerging from our rooms at the same time. Deciding it was time to eat, we rummaged through the kitchen cabinets to see what we could muster up. I took charge, seeing as Bonnie had only ever cooked over a fireplace.

“Sorry it’s not much, it’s bits and pieces really.” I set his plate down in front of him, thinking how much of a wife I looked right now.

“Thank you. Don’t worry, I’m sure it will be delicious. We can go shopping for food tomorrow if you want?”

That’s what couples do.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

We kept to our food, eating in silence. I tried to eat as quickly as I could, wanting this dreadful tension to lift and be over with. I felt terrible because he was trying so hard to be a good husband to me already, or just a good friend really. And here I was, not even able to eat a meal with him, he must have been dreading the rest of his life with me.

As he finished, I quickly stood to clear everything away, already starting to clean up as he protested. We still had a whole evening ahead of us, what were we supposed to do? I caught him moving in my peripheral vision, grabbing two wine glasses and the bottle of champagne gifted to us. He held them up to me.

“Fancy sharing a bottle?”

We were sat in the front room on opposite ends of the sofa, the lit fireplace crackling in front of us. Bonnie was casually facing me whilst I stared into the flames.

“You surprised me you know, when I first saw you.” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“When I first joined the blinders, I remember seeing you, and I obviously thought 'wow, she’s gorgeous’, though I knew to stay away.”

There I went, blushing again.

“But you weren’t like your family. You weren’t harsh or outspoken, you were so quiet. I’ve seen you around your family, I know you are different with them, and I get that I’m a complete stranger to you so it will be different. I just hadn’t expected a Shelby to be so….reclusive.”

“A lot of people say that.”

“That wasn’t me saying it’s a bad thing by the way!”

“It is a bad thing when you’re a Shelby. I’m not trusted to do anything within the business. This is the first time they’ve used me. And they didn’t even ask.”

“That’s a good thing though, isn’t it? About not being involved in the business?”

“I guess.”

“Let’s talk about something else, eh? Uh, why don’t you tell me…your favourite colour?”

“Favourite colour? Really?”

He laughed.“I need to get to know my wife don’t I?”

Although I had been answering his basic questions terribly (and boringly, I was just giving one word answers), Bonnie somehow made me open up to him. Not about anything deep or meaningful, just generic facts about my life; what I enjoy doing, funny anecdotes from my childhood, what I liked to do when I went out with friends. In turn, I began asking him questions. We were talking for hours, but we didn’t realise that until I happened to glance at the clock on the mantelpiece.

The next week still felt awkward. We slept in our separate rooms, trying to work our different routines to fit each other. Although we were able to talk to each other for more than two minutes, I was always trying to figure out what to talk about next. I didn’t want to be in a situation where we were stuck on what to say, I hated that. Looking back on it, I had never spoken to someone so much or so freely besides my family and my small handful of friends.

Both of our families came to visit us. Polly and Ada stayed for a day, mostly catching up but also helping me make the house feel more homely. Aberama only came some mornings to get Bonnie, doing whatever work for my brother, though he always made sure to say hello. Bonnie was gone for a majority of the day, luckily I liked being by myself. Surprisingly, Esmeralda also came for a visit.

“Lovely flowers.” she pointed out as we sat in the kitchen, each with a cup of tea.

“Bonnie got them for me.”

“Did he?” she smirked.“He’s a sweetheart isn’t he?”

I couldn’t help but shyly smile.“Yes, it was a lovely gesture.”

“A romantic gesture. He may be a tough man and a fighter but he’s a big sofite really.”

I hummed in agreement.

“Are you alright? How have you two been over the last month?”

I wanted to say that although I did like Bonnie, I knew I was lucky to be in an arranged marriage with him and not some fifty year old, slimy man, I didn’t want her to get excited at the thought we might already be in love.

“I won’t lie, it’s been slow. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy Bonnie’s company, it’s just…everyday when I wake up, I still get a little confused at the ring on my finger, then in a second I remember I’m married.”

“Yeah, that’s never going to be something you can easily forget I guess.”

“And I’m not being rude about your brother. Bonnie has been amazing, he’s kept his boundaries, made sure I felt respected. But, your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Choosing your dress, what hair and makeup you want, the venue, the cake, it’s all part of it. I didn’t even have a proposal.”

“Oh (Y/N).”

“And when those doors open, you’re supposed to look down the aisle and see your soul mate waiting for you. You both smile and start crying because the day has finally come. I had none of that. I’ll never have any of that.”

She placed her hand over mine.“I think over time, you and Bon will learn to love each other. And as frustrating as that is, I believe it will happen.”

Esmeralda was a huge comfort. I felt better after talking with her than I did my family. I guessed that it was because she was a new person to talk to, I didn’t know what she was going to say, so I wasn’t listening to the same dribble I was used to.

It was like any other evening when Bonnie came home. I was reading a book in the front room, sprawled out on the sofa. He called out as he entered the house, I replied but didn’t move. He was rustling around in the kitchen, things were being moved around, cupboards opening and closing. Perhaps he was hungry and needed a snack before dinner. I left him to it for a few more seconds, deciding to investigate when he didn’t stop.

Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen, Bonnie blocked the doorway, trying to use his whole body to limit my view.

“Hi.” he said breathless.

“Hello. Um, are you alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, just…just doing…something.”

Whenever I tried to look around him, he moved in my way.

“If you’ve broken something Bonnie, I don’t mind. I’d rather help clean it up.”

“No, nothing like that. Could you just…jist trust me?”

I looked up at him, thinking about it.


“Uh, yeah.”

“Is it alright if you wait in front room? It’s nothing bad, I promise.”

I turned around, glancing back at Bonnie before I returned to the sofa and my book. What was he doing? Was he trying to cook? It was sweet if he was, though when we had cooked together before he was never this clumsy. I couldn’t ignore the racket coming from the kitchen, unable to concentrate on any of the words in my book.

“Bonnie? Are you sure you’re OK in there?” I shouted out to him.

“Yeah!” he quickly replied. Only moments later was he in the front room, a huge grin on his face.“If you would like to follow me to your surprise.”


He nodded, holding out his hand to me. I took it, letting him guide me back to the kitchen. The lights were off, the only source of light was coming from a few candles in the centre of the table, more dotted around the kitchen too. There were two plates with nothing in them, instead, there were different foods on scattered on the table like a picnic.


He stood in front of the table.“I spoke with my sister the other day. I wasn’t snooping, I just wondered how you were with her, if you told her something about me that I needed to change. She told me how upset you were that you couldn’t experience your wedding day properly, and I thought I could help with that. So, I asked Ada and Pol what your favourite food was, all types, and I thought we could have a romantic dinner together. ”

I was gobsmacked. A man who was forced into marrying me, who didn’t know me, had put all this effort into a dinner together, something no other man would probably do.

“You did this for me?”

“Yeah. You deserve it. You deserve a lot more really, but I’m still learning to cook other recipes besides rabbit stew.”

I giggled.

“I hope you don’t mind, but they also told me how you’ve never been on a date before.”

That wasn’t embarrassing at all.

“And I want you to know, that’s because of you brothers. Men tremble at their feet, what do you think teenage boys are going to be like? But I am very honoured to be the first man to take you on a date.”

“This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I’m shocked, honestly.”

He pulled out a chair for me, and I sat, feeling giddy. Bonnie tucked me in, taking a seat beside me before pouring out a glass of wine for me. My mind argued with itself over my next choice, but I bit the bullet. I confidently leaned over, very quickly pecking his lips. I couldn’t look at him when I next spoke.

“Thank you Bonnie. And thank you for being the best husband.”

“Well thank you for being the best wife.”

“What have I done to be a good wife?”

“Just being you.”
