#book arc


Mad Man Review!

Mad Man by Onley JamesMy rating: 5 of 5 starsI received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review, and I am so happy that I was given the opportunity.When I tell you I loved this book, I really wish I had hours to gush about it. As book five in this series, I keep finding myself stunned and delighted by the way Onley James continues to expand and improve on the universe she’s so…

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Book Review: A perfect weekend read!

Arc Review of ‘Soul of the Sorceress’ by Cassandra Diviak-@queen-kass-the-writer

I’ll keep this review spoiler free, but in Soul of the Sorceress we’re back in Runswick with Cordelia and Percy! I have to admit to having missed these two, so I was looking forward to settling into this second book in the Shadow and Soul series.

While the book opens quickly on our two main characters, it’s made apparent early on that this book has not been written for new readers in mind. If you pick this book up without realising it’s book two, you’re going to find yourself very lost, very quickly. There’s little-to-no recap, and it has sections that allude to character histories that, without context, simply mean nothing to the reader but, honestly, I’m nitpicking. This is a second book, and it has deep lore, established backstory and character histories that I was aware of going in.

Despite these small areas of potential improvement, Cassandra’s skillful storytelling pulls us into a world of magic and romance very quickly. I devoured this book in just a few hours, but it’s got a lovely pacing that lends its content to a quiet evening and a glass of wine, or a relaxed weekend perusal.

There is intrigue and high stakes, but you never feel pushed to rush the story. It’s cleverly interspersed with periods of soft romance, and quiet affection between Cordelia and Percy and despite my ever growing desire to understand the motivations behind the other players on the board, and what allies or dangers they might turn out to be, it was my love of Percy and Cordelia’s relationship that truly captured my attention throughout.

A gorgeous addition to the series, and I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the next installment to add to my collection!

You can purchase a copy of Soul of the Sorceress, in e-book or paperback form via;
Amazon UKorAmazon US
Barnes & Noble

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