#books about dragons


“How’s work?”

“Well, a previously believed to be extinct species reappeared with the murder of a well-respected local political figure… despite that I’ve had more chaotic periods in my career.” 

Do you like YA fantasy books with dragons, family drama, strong friendships and perhaps a pinch too much banter? 

If so, you’ll enjoy my series Dear Dragon

The first book will have been out for a year next month. It followed Itazu, a young adult who believed she was the last dragon until she visited her home-town and discovered another nine dragons in hiding. 

My second book is due to come out in a couple of months and it continues her and all the other dragon’s story. 

I haven’t got a definitive cover or name for it yet (apparently I like waiting until the very last minute and stressing myself out with releases), but what I do have is a book ready for reading. 

So, if you’d like to be among the first people ever to read this book, I’d like to invite you to join my ARC team! 

What’s an ARC team you may be asking? 

ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copy, it’s standard practice in the industry where a certain number of readers receive a free copy (in this case ebooks) before release so they can read and review the book. 

If this sounds appealing to you, click here to fill in my ARC application form

There’s no obligations attached. Obviously the objective is to get reviews but I completely understand that life happens and gets in the way all the time, so if you receive a free copy and never read it or forget to review, don’t worry, I’m not going to chase you down or anything like that. 

This is basically just another way for authors and readers to collaborate! 

If you sign up to be an ARC reader, thanks so much for the interest, if you aren’t interested, I still hope you learnt something from this post about the book world. 

As usual, have fun writing, have fun reading, and you can find my socials, book and other links of interest:  here.
