

So, I thought it would be fun to show you guys the progression of my Schwab collection.

This is when I first started to collect. Everything was Shades of Magic since it was the only series of hers that I had read at the time.

I branched out and started reading more of her work and become hooked. I started collecting more and more stuff.

My collection got so big, it needed its own wall…

However, I still hadn’t peaked yet.

Today, my collection is massive and has become my pride and joy. It is my addiction.

(What’s kinda funny/sad is that not all my Schwab items are in this picture!)

Here is a shot of all her books I have (minus 1, Tunnel of Bones arc).

And there is my addiction in a nutshell . I hope to collect more foreign editions of her books and of course I have preorders of her upcoming books. I’ve read all her books EXCEPT the Everyday Angel series and I hope to read it soon with my daughter ♥️.

I collect many bookish items but my pin collection is probably my favorite aspect of my collection. These are my V. E. Schwab pins (of course!).

Do you guys collect book inspired items?

What are your favorite kinds of items?
