
Cartas de Amor aos Mortos foi um livro que me emocionou muito. Contada através de cartas, o livro te

Cartas de Amor aos Mortos foi um livro que me emocionou muito. Contada através de cartas, o livro tem um “quê” poético que me prendeu do início ao fim.

Sendo assim, eu não poderia apenas resenhar esse livro normalmente. A resenha de hoje é uma carta. Escrita pra Laurel, nossa querida personagem principal.

Confira a carta através do link na bio ou digitando www.crescendoemflor.com no navegador ❤

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Coisa que nunca falta na bolsa: um bom livro. O Kindle agora vai comigo pra todos os lugares ❤ Qual

Coisa que nunca falta na bolsa: um bom livro. O Kindle agora vai comigo pra todos os lugares ❤

Qual o livro que está acompanhando vocês dentro da bolsa?

#livros #book #leitura #kindle #amazon #underthedome #instaliterario #instabook #bookaholic #parceirasdomilk #instabgs #instalove #vicio #viciadaemlivros #panelaobgs #blogsrjzo #zorj05 #vsco #vscocam

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Agora minha coleção está completa! Ganhei os quatro livros restantes essa semana e em breve vou pode

Agora minha coleção está completa! Ganhei os quatro livros restantes essa semana e em breve vou poder ler todos Aproveitando esses livros maravilhosos pra contar pra vocês que agora somos parceiros da Editora Intrínseca ❤❤ Quem aí já leu? O que acharam? Você gostam dos livros do Tio Rick?

#livros #leitura #book #bookaholic #bookstagram #instabook #instaliterario #blogliterario #rickriordan #HeroisdoOlimpo #intrinseca #editoraintrínseca #vsco #vscocam #zorj05 #blogsrjzo #instabgs #panelaobgs

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Sabe aqueles 10 livros que comprei no projeto Mais Leitura? Mostrei todos eles em um vídeo lá no can

Sabe aqueles 10 livros que comprei no projeto Mais Leitura? Mostrei todos eles em um vídeo lá no canal

Pra quem ainda não conhece o Mais Leitura, ele é um projeto que conta com três estandes espelhados pelo Rio de Janeiro que vende livros de R$2,00 @ R$4,00.

✨ Pra conferir o vídeo e só acessar o link na bio ✨

#livros #book #projetomaisleitura #bookaholic #bookstagram #instaliterario #instalivros #instabook #instabgs #panelaobgs #zorj05 #blogueirarj #blogsrjzo #vsco #vscocam #unboxing

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Atrasou? Sim! Mas já está no ar! Falei um pouco desse livro maravilhoso que está na minha lista de f

Atrasou? Sim! Mas já está no ar! Falei um pouco desse livro maravilhoso que está na minha lista de favoritos da vida lá no canal.

Vou deixar o link do canal na área clicável da bio pra vocês conferirem

#livros #leituras #bookaholic #bookstagram #instabook #vsco #vscocam #instaliterario #blogueirarj #blogsrjzo #zorj05 #parceirasdomilk #Riodejaneiro #blogliterario #vicio #kindle #youtube #vlog #resenha

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Boom diia leitores ❤ #livro #leitura #bookaholic #instabook #bookstagram #vicio #vsco #vscocam #blog

Boom diia leitores ❤

#livro #leitura #bookaholic #instabook #bookstagram #vicio #vsco #vscocam #blogsrjzo #instabgs #panelaobgs #parceirasdomilk #instalivros #instaliterario

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O Vini, lá do canal Toca do Coelho criou um desafio literário super legal! Eu resolvi participar e c

O Vini, lá do canal Toca do Coelho criou um desafio literário super legal! Eu resolvi participar e contei um pouco de como funciona esse desafio em um post lá no blog.

Meu livro escolhi para esse mês foi O Corpo Fala, que está na minha estante há anos e nunca foi lido.

Vem conhecer o desafio e participar dele também! ✨ Acesse o link na bio ou digite www.crescendoemflor.com no seu navegador ✨

#livro #leitura #naoficcao #ocorpofala #bookaholic #instabook #bookstagram #vicio #vsco #vscocam #blogsrjzo #instabgs #panelaobgs #parceirasdomilk #zorj05 #blogueirarj #blogliterario #instalivros #instaliterario

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Já ouviu falar no Projeto Mais Leitura? Lá você compra livros novos que custam de R$2,00 a R$4,00!

Já ouviu falar no Projeto Mais Leitura? Lá você compra livros novos que custam de R$2,00 a R$4,00!

É um projeto maravilhoso que está acontecendo aqui no Rio e eu falei um pouco sobre ele no último vídeo la no canal.

Vou deixar o canal no link clicável da bio pra vocês poderem ir lá conferir

#livros #projetomaisleitura #bookaholic #instabook #bookstagram #vsco #vscocam #Riodejaneiro #blogueirarj #zorj05 #RJ #blogsrjzo #parceirasdomilk #vicio #youtube #vlog

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Leitura do momento. Quem aí já leu? Eu já estou em 30% do livro e estou amando ❤ -Sinopse: Tudo co

Leitura do momento. Quem aí já leu? Eu já estou em 30% do livro e estou amando ❤


Sinopse: Tudo começa com uma tarefa para a escola: escrever uma carta para alguém que já morreu. Logo o caderno de Laurel está repleto de mensagens para Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Bishop… apesar de ela jamais entregá-las à professora. Nessas cartas, ela analisa a história de cada uma dessas personalidades e tenta desvendar os mistérios que envolvem suas mortes. Ao mesmo tempo, conta sobre sua própria vida, como as amizades no novo colégio e seu primeiro amor: um garoto misterioso chamado Sky.
Mas Laurel não pode escapar de seu passado. Só quando ela escrever a verdade sobre o que se passou com ela e com a irmã é que poderá aceitar o que aconteceu e perdoar May e a si mesma. E só quando enxergar a irmã como realmente era — encantadora e incrível, mas imperfeita como qualquer um — é que poderá seguir em frente e descobrir seu próprio caminho.

#livros #leitura #instabook #instalivros #bookaholic #bookstagram #vicio #parceirasdomilk #ebook #lovrodigital #kindle #vsco #vscocam #blogueirarj #instabgs #panelaobgs

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Tem post novo lá no blog e vídeo novo no canal!Lá no blog falei um pouco sobre o livro A Andorinha

Tem post novo lá no blog e vídeo novo no canal!
Lá no blog falei um pouco sobre o livro A Andorinha-do-Mar: uma história de descoberta. É um livro pequeno, mas super fofo que conta a história de uma andorinha que parou de voar.


Sinopse: Andorinha-do-Mar é uma história encantadora de uma ave que, um dia, descobre que perdeu a habilidade de voar. A vida torna-se sem sentido e, desprezada pelos seus amigos alados, ela é deixada sozinha na praia. É uma parábola moderna, com belíssimas ilustrações, sobre como encontrar esperança nas frustrações e desapontamentos. Uma jornada cheia de imaginação que traça um belo retrato de quem somos. Uma viagem do coração para a alma, uma fábula charmosa e encantadora que vai emocionar a todos.

#livros #leitura #instabook #instalivros #bookaholic #bookstagram #passaros #andorinha #editorarocco #vsco #vscocam #vicio #panelaobgs #instabgs #inxtalove ##blogueirarj #parceirasdomilk

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Uma ótima semana à todos vocês! ❤ #livros #aselecao #saga #books #bookstagram #bookaholic #instalivr

Uma ótima semana à todos vocês! ❤

#livros #aselecao #saga #books #bookstagram #bookaholic #instalivros #instalove #instabgs #panelaobgs #vsco #vscocam #parceirasdomilk #vicio #blogueirarj #blogliterario #instaliterario #amor

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Só vim avisar que o resultado do sorteio desse kit maravilhoso já está no ar! ✨ Pra conferir o resul

Só vim avisar que o resultado do sorteio desse kit maravilhoso já está no ar!

✨ Pra conferir o resultado é só acessar o link na bio ou digitar www.crescendoemflor.com

#livros #sorteio #books #bookaholic #instaliterario #bookstagram #alicenopaisdasmaravilhas #instalove #instabgs #panelaobgs #blogueirarj #RJ #vsco #vscovam

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Respeitável público, o Circo voltou!! Novidade que chegou por aqui essa semana ❤ Quem aí na leu? Gos

Respeitável público, o Circo voltou!!

Novidade que chegou por aqui essa semana ❤ Quem aí na leu? Gostaram?

“ Num mundo pós-apocalíptico, onde as pessoas não tem mais acesso à tecnologias de ponta, uma caravana circense leva esperança por onde passa. Os artistas são sobreviventes de guerra, que tiveram seus corpos mutilados reconstruídos com complexas estruturas mecânicas.”

#livros #books #bookaholic #bookstagram #vicio #leitura #instaliterario #instabgs #panelaobgs #instalove #darksidebooks #darkside #ocircochegou #ocircomecanico #parceirasdomilk

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Quem aí já leu As Crônicas do Mundo Emerso - A garota da terra do vento? Adoro a trilogia“Nã

Quem aí já leu As Crônicas do Mundo Emerso - A garota da terra do vento? Adoro a trilogia

“Não se pode dizer que Nihal é uma criança como outra qualquer do Mundo Emerso. Seus olhos violeta, seus cabelos azuis e suas orelhas pontudas são características marcantes da raça dos semi-elfos, da qual é a única remanescente. Criada pelo ferreiro Livon, ela vive na Terra do Vento, sem saber que sua família e sua raça estão em extinção. Muito cedo a magia entra na vida de Nihal através de sua tia Soana, respeitada feiticeira de quem se torna discípula. Aos 15 anos Nihal conhecerá a guerra da forma mais sangrenta possível, testemunhando a morte de Livon durante um ataque à torre de Salazar, onde os dois viviam. A partir de então, ela descobrirá o que ocorreu com os semi-elfos, dizimados pelo Exército Tirano. Tomada por um forte anseio de vingança, Nihal procura a Academia, renomada instituição de formação dos temidos Cavaleiros de Dragão.”

#livros #book #instabook #bookstagram #bookaholic #instaliterario #blogliterario #rocco #mundoemerso #instalove #instabgs #inxtabgs #panelaobgs #parceirasdomilk #blogueira #blogueirarj #medieval

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writeroftheprompts: writeroftheprompts:We all know those tired clichés. It’s time to kill them. Take



We all know those tired clichés. It’s time to kill them. Take one of them and turn them on their heads or at least these will hopefully keep the errors out of your writing. If you think of any other way to change them up go right ahead. Happy hunting!

I shook my head, trying to clear the image. It was my imagination. There were fairy tales. Humans were not real.

One of my favourite prompts

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I may or may not be one that likes to make a good plot twist But all hell breaks loose if it happens in a book I’m reading

How about you guys?



Here’s the promised second part of my book recommendations! This time we have mostly fantasy books! I’ve included a short summary for each book, along with what I liked most and who I think would enjoy a book the most, and of course which kind of representation there is, though I’ve probably forgotten some. And this time there are even covers, because they are gorgeous :) The books are in no particular order. Some of the authors have tumblrs, I’ve added those I know of as well in case you want to follow them. That said, have fun reading!

(Link to part 1)


Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault (Fantasy)

This is a cute fantasy heist/detective book about a thief, Claire, (who is also the baker Claude by day) and a detective, Adèle having to work together to find and save the city’s magical people who are used as a power source by a scrupulous company. Friendship and found family are important themes in this book, and it has a French-inspired setting which I found refreshing! Read this if you like baking puns and want to read a queerplatonic spin on the enemies-to-lovers trope!

Rep:  Claire is allo aro and genderfluid, Adèle biromantic demisexual. Claire is also fat, and it’s treated respectfully and positively. Other rep includes non-English neopronouns, disabled characters and a queerplatonic relationship!


Not Your Sidekick (Sidekick Squad) by C.B. Lee ( @authorcblee) (YA fantasy)

This is the first book in a YA series about a group of teens living in a (somewhat dystopian) town where superheroes are a part of daily life. This one is mainly about Jess, the daughter of two superheroes, who accidentally starts an internship at her parents’ nemesis company- though she also gets to work with her crush, Abby, there. And she soon discovers that there is more to the superhero and supervillain system than she thought. The following books are also really good! Read this if you like teenage superheros having adventures! 

Rep: Jess is bi, Vietnamese and Chinese, and her friends include a Black trans boy and a latina a-spec girl. They are the main characters of the following books. 


Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver ( @thesylverlining) (Fantasy)

This book takes place in the city of Parole, whose inhabitants have a wide variety of superpowers. It is cut off from the outside world, burning and falling apart, and also under constant surveillance. I don’t usually like books with dystopian/grim settings, so I put off reading this for a long time, even though I heard a lot of praise for it. But despite the setting it’s actually really hopeful and uplifting. The plot centers around how the characters are resisting, not giving up and most importantly sticking together. They are all super interesting, diverse and often very relatable. Read this if you want to read a really well written, character focused book! 

There’s a second book set around a group of characters outside Parole (but with connections to the characters in book one) where we learn more about what’s going on in the rest of the world. There’s also a bunch of short stories!

Also: All books by RoAnna Sylver are currently (June 2021) free on their itch.io! 

Rep: Lots! Polyamory and QPRs, ace, aro, sapphic, gay, bi, transfem, transmasc and nonbinary characters, and also several disabled characters. Notably, one of the MCs has anxiety and panic attacks and it’s incredibly realistically written. 


Stake Sauce  Arc 1: The Secret Ingredient Is Love. No, Really by RoAnna Sylver (Urban fantasy)

This is a paranormal fantasy- we follow a group of former firefighters who try to live their life five years after a traumatic  work accident killed one of their friends/one character’s fiancé and nearly killed and left one of them, Jude, disabled. But Jude is convinced that it wasn’t just an unlucky accident, he knows he saw a vampire attack and kill their friend. And he is determined to never let anything like that happen again, and tries to be a vampire hunter. Tries, because he still hasn’t found any vampires. But things get complicated when he meets Pixie- a young, cute vampire who doesn’t want to bite anyone and is nothing like the monsters Jude is hunting. I love this book, and the second one a lot! The way the characters deal with grief and trauma, how they can strain relationships even with people who are very close is written very sensitive and realistic while still being optimistically written. Read this if you want friendship and found family as major themes!

There’s also a second book and a short story collection which is usually patreon-exclusive but is currently free on itch.io!

Rep: Jude is an autistic, grey aroace trans man, has PTSD and is an amputee. various flavours of queer (nonbinary, wlw, mlm, some polyamory, a-spec) and neurodivergent.


The Black Tides of Heaven (Tensorate) by J.Y. Yang (Fantasy)

This is a Asian-inspired Fantasy revolving around Akeha and Mokoya, the twin children of the Protector, the ruler of their country and their struggle to find and keep their agency while their mother wants to use them in her political schemes- especially Mokoya, who has prophetic powers. The worldbuilding here is fantastic, though most things are only hinted at and not described extensively (it’s a fairly short book). Gender identity is one important topic- children in this world don’t have a gender assigned at birth but get to choose their gender when they grow up, something Akeha struggles with a lot. Other important themes are familial relationships, especially between siblings and different ways of rebellion against an absolutist ruler. Read this if you like magical siblings!

Book one of the Tensorate series follows mostly Akeha, while book two follows Mokoya. Books three and four follow other characters and have an unusual writing style, being written as a journal and an extended monologue respectively.  

Rep: All children are presumed nonbinary, and choosing a gender that doesn’t fit your birth sex and transitioning are treated as completely normal, so while there are characters that would be trans in our world, it’s qiite different in this world. There are all kinds of queer relationships, including some polyamory!


The Queen of Cups by Ren Basel ( @renniequeer) (Fantasy)

This is a short fantasy novellette about Theo, a young captain who goes to the mysterious Oracle, an ageless woman living on the beach, to have their fortune told and to get a blessing for their ship before their first voyage and the adventure of this first voyage. The story is short enough that writing more about the plot would spoil too much, so I’ll leave it at that. Even though it’s really short, this story has interesting worldbuilding and is beautifully written. Read this if you want a heartwarming and exciting little story!

Rep: Theo is nonbinary and autistic (with synesthesia!) and is in a QPR with a trans woman. There are lots of queer minor characters.


The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie ( @annleckie​) (Fantasy)

This book follows two storylines- the first one is about a troubled kingdom whose patron god is weakening as the throne has been taken by an usurper. Eolo, a young trans man is trying to help the true ruler reclaim his kingdom and discovers an important secret. This storyline has lots of political intrigue, drama and suspense. The second storyline begins in the far past, and recounts the life of an ancient rock deity who is also the narrator. This storyline deals more with concepts, like religion and mythology, language and imagination, with some very interesting ideas. I liked how the gods aren’t just superpowered humans, but powerful, truly inhuman beings (there’s a god who is a swarm of mosquitos!). Read this if you like nonhuman narrators and lots of flashbacks! 

Rep: Eolo is a trans man, and I think most characters are POC.


The Four Profound Weaves by R.B. Lemberg (Fantasy)

This fantasy novella is set in the Birdverse and centers around two trans elders- Uiziya, a trans woman who transitioned years ago and has always been accepted by her people, and a nameless trans man who only transitioned very recently and struggles a lot with the rigid gender roles of his people. Together they go on a journey to seek out Uiziya’s aunt, so she can teach Uiziya how to weave from death, something Uiziya has waited for for decades. The language here is very lyrical and evocative, and the story is mystical and deep. And while it is quite dark at times, overall it’s still a hopeful book. The desert setting is also really cool! I especially loved the perspective of the nameless man, who could finally transition and now struggles both with the people who still see him as a woman, and the people who accept him but expect him to now fit in with the other men- which he doesn’t. I think this perspective is something that’s sorely lacking in most other books with trans narratives. Read this if you want interesting magic with older trans people!

There are also a bunch of short stories in the Birdverse, so check them out if you want to read something shorter by the same author!

Rep: Uiziya is also fat and dark skinned, there’s also some polyamory, sapphic characters and a nonbinary autistic child.


Lifelode by Jo Walton (Fantasy)

Lifelode is a pastoral fantasy, set in a small village where polyamory is the norm (families are usually two women and two men and all their children). The central story is mostly about the daily life of one family, while the larger plot is only in the background. This book also has really interesting worldbuilding- time passes differently in different places, and one character can see people’s past and future. The beginning of the book can be a bit difficult to understand because of this but it’s really worth it to stick with it! Read this if you like cottage core and polyamory!

Rep: Polyamory, and one minor f/f relationship.


The Trans Space Octopus Congregation by Bogi Takács (Fantasy/Sci-Fi)

This is a short story collection, and the title accurately shows how weird and queer these stories are. They have widely varying topics, both fantasy and science fiction- sentient octopuses, resistance against alien invasion, a failing memory archive… Frequent themes are nonsexual kink, Jewish faith, community, disability and, well, all forms of queerness. Read this if you want unconventional queer short stories!

If you enjoy weird queer poetry, Bogi has also published a collection of eir poems, called Algorithmic Shapshifting 

Rep: too much to list, but nonbinary and Jewish people the most.


Исследование мифов, которое говорит о существовании единого сюжета всех историй не могло в свое время не влюбить в себя всех литературоведов. В начале прошлого века вообще любили подводить под формулу всё в литературе, а если взять и уравнять вобще всё - двойной восторг.

Кемпбел чаще других появляется в списках рекомендованного к прочтению от мастеров создания сюжетов. Лукас, Гейман, Хармон. Они все не только хвалят исследованние, но и говорят, что именно благодаря ему на свет появились Люк и Лея, Песочный человек, Рик и Морти.

Исследование наполнено кучей примеров из сказок и мифов разных народов, примеров из практик Фрэйда и Юнга и заслуживает всех дифирамбов, что ему поют.

А я скромно могу только пожалеть, что схожий, но, как по мне, более интересный труд Владимира Проппа “Морфология волшебной сказки” почти никому не известен.

Может когда-нибудь и про него зачитают рэп, да и переиздадут наконец-то.
