

You know how muses are usually portrayed as these beautiful, ethereal beings that glide about gracing people with inspiration while harps play in the background?

Well, apparently mine never got the memo.  Because all my inspiration comes from something that is akin to a little gremlin that sits on my chest and refuses to let me do anything productive or even sleep at night.  All the while it gives me the most incredible ideas for stories, and I get all excited and rush over to my computer with my fingers poised over the keyboard.

And the gremlin/muse only grins and laughs.“No words, only ideas!”. 

Long story short I have writers block please send help.

february reading journal flip through + march setup!

february felt like it flew by at the speed of light but I managed to read 6 books, here’s a look at the finished spreads and my setup process for the new month
