#aspiring author


My neck hurts from writing so hard today.


How To Write Character Flaws

It can be hard to find that balance between a character that is too perfect for readers to love and a character that is too flawed for readers to relate to.

Something I like to remember when thinking of flaws to give characters is that very often, flaws can be positive attributes that are in excess.

(This is related to Aristotle’s Virtues and Doctrine of the Mean.)


Courage is a positive trait.

But taken too far? That can lead to rashness, or recklessness, which are negative traits. And without enough courage? The character is meak, fearful and cowardly, which are also negative traits.

Here are some examples to think of for your characters of positive traits taken to the extremes.

Virtue- kindness

Excess-easily taken advantage of

Deficiency- selfishness


Virtue- ambition

Excess- greed/avarice

Deficiency- lazy


Virtue- honesty

Excess- harshness

Deficiency- secrecy/dishonesty


Virue- decisiveness




Virtue- passionate

Excess- irritating

Deficiency- apathetic


Virtue- strong leadership

Excess- over-controlling

Deficiency- indifferent/passive

Hope this helps :)

It’s all to procrastinate writing the plot

It’s all to procrastinate writing the plot

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Would love to hear feedback on my tentative title for my untitled WIP:


You know how muses are usually portrayed as these beautiful, ethereal beings that glide about gracing people with inspiration while harps play in the background?

Well, apparently mine never got the memo.  Because all my inspiration comes from something that is akin to a little gremlin that sits on my chest and refuses to let me do anything productive or even sleep at night.  All the while it gives me the most incredible ideas for stories, and I get all excited and rush over to my computer with my fingers poised over the keyboard.

And the gremlin/muse only grins and laughs.“No words, only ideas!”. 

Long story short I have writers block please send help.

✍️ How often do you get lost in your own head?

I don’t want to be like Van Gogh. Please let me be a bestselling author while I’m still alive

️ Writing is a long & lonely journey, which is why self-motivation is so important!
