#booster shot





considering letting Scrimbly and Stroganoff become their own characters. and just sorta getting meta by making them both over the top paradies of my usual character archetypes, Wretched Twink and Hot Man Jenkins.

Like, after thinking about this for 2 seconds i have zero idea how to make that work bc like,

The Wretched Twink archetype is characterized by a combination of bastardry, malicious intent, and physical violence. as well as a twinkish physique and feminine presentation.

So the paraody of that would be a character who’s balls to the wall a bastard, in it only for himself and completely uncaring who knows it, and actively extremely violent. Who’s probably very very thin with a dainty lady like presentation.

That’s Echo. That is a character who i already made and use regularly. He’s a cannibalistic creature man who came back wrong.

Hot Man Jenkins: Older, Moral, Charming, Kinda Fucked Up usually in an understated way.

the paraody of that? A man who’s older, has a strict moral code he doesn’t sway from, is other the top charming and Really fucked up in a Weird way? That’s Baldric. A well respected king who had his husband and lover mutilated to prevent them being able to leave him. but who’s also nearly universally reguarded as a kind, caring and charming man.

anyways my drawing app has crashed like twice while i was trying to depict them so i think that means i shouldn’t. But. this is them in broad and unfinished strokes.

their relationship is undefinable and neither of them have a single clue what it is. Stroganoff found Scrimbly inside the carcass of some beast and they’ve been together ever since.


lil Daeodon and Twohir sketch. I tried out a new more beefcake design for Daeodon and tbh? I’m not sure how I feel about it.

on the fundamentals of character design front, there’s a decent argument for both this design and his old fatter one. but on the character portfolio diversity front I think I should go with this one. I have a lot of big masculine Tough Guys who are fat kicking around but not a lot of the more traditional beef cake variety of that guy.

anyways the slightly hornier version of this sketch is below the cut.

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“You could stop the storm. You would be prayed to again, and maybe your name wouldn’t be a curse then,”

“I could. But I won’t. I don’t tolerate things being taken from.”

“He was just a thing to you?”

“He was Everything to me,”

“And So? He’s gone now, he’s been gone longer than I’ve been alive. Making it storm like this isn’t going to bring him back,”

“It’s not about bringing him back, its about taking something equal to what has been taken from me. My sunlight was stolen, so now I have stolen yours. Once I have mine back, you too will have yours. It’s not complicated.”

“He’s not coming back.”

“I know,”


still a bit undecided but i think this might be Daeodon’s new faunsona design.


In which Toi'uhla and Lordakai meet under different circumstances.

A small tailor’s shop on the south end of Joi proudly flew a flag stolen off an old naval ship. The lord who approached the doors flanked by zer attendants and tailed by guards had been disappointed to learn the owner of this strange little establishment had long since left the pirate life to his past. With this shop being it’s tombstone.

Still, as ze entered ze felt zer nerves light up with a quiet sense of things being just to the left of what they should be. A man, larger than any other Toi'uhla had ever met stood behind his counter. His grey streaked hair pulled back in a messy ponytail and his pitch black eyes glinting from behind the curved lenses of his glasses. His broad reptilian face looked far too gentle and warm as he smiled and welcomed them in with a deep and warm voice.

“Toi'uhla, it’s an honor to have a client as prestigious as you in my shop,” he stepped out from behind the counter, his clothes plain but decorated with lace trims and well polished buttons, “Come, come, Let’s get your measurements taken so we can chat about what you will want for your wedding attire,”

“Its a pleasure to be here,” Toi'uhla followed him, gesturing to zer accompaniment to stay in the waiting room, “How long have you been a tailor Mr.Lordakai?”

“Just Lordakai is fine enough if you do not mind. But, if you count the years of yore when I was working the backrooms of my nan’s shop as a boy, just about 80 cycles. So, I can assure you, you are in good hands,” he leads zer into a small round room with a circle of mirrors set up around a perch with a ladder leading up to it, “There’s a changing room through that door if you’d rather undress alone,”

“This is fine,” Toi'uhla shrugged, “You’re going to be seeing it all anyways,”

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