#that dragon thing



lil Daeodon and Twohir sketch. I tried out a new more beefcake design for Daeodon and tbh? I’m not sure how I feel about it.

on the fundamentals of character design front, there’s a decent argument for both this design and his old fatter one. but on the character portfolio diversity front I think I should go with this one. I have a lot of big masculine Tough Guys who are fat kicking around but not a lot of the more traditional beef cake variety of that guy.

anyways the slightly hornier version of this sketch is below the cut.

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lil Daeodon and Twohir sketch. I tried out a new more beefcake design for Daeodon and tbh? I’m not sure how I feel about it.

on the fundamentals of character design front, there’s a decent argument for both this design and his old fatter one. but on the character portfolio diversity front I think I should go with this one. I have a lot of big masculine Tough Guys who are fat kicking around but not a lot of the more traditional beef cake variety of that guy.

anyways the slightly hornier version of this sketch is below the cut.

i realized i was starting to take him too seriously so i did a few goofier doodles of him.

“You could stop the storm. You would be prayed to again, and maybe your name wouldn’t be a curse then,”

“I could. But I won’t. I don’t tolerate things being taken from.”

“He was just a thing to you?”

“He was Everything to me,”

“And So? He’s gone now, he’s been gone longer than I’ve been alive. Making it storm like this isn’t going to bring him back,”

“It’s not about bringing him back, its about taking something equal to what has been taken from me. My sunlight was stolen, so now I have stolen yours. Once I have mine back, you too will have yours. It’s not complicated.”

“He’s not coming back.”

“I know,”
