#boruto spoilers


I cried a year ago and cried again today for the same reason.

I love you, Kurama! ❤️

The Kurama’s tribute during the ed.

boruto’s chidori fake spoilers

If they absolutely HAD to kill Hebiichigo then why wasn’t it because she sacrificed herself to protect Metal?? It would’ve done way more for her character arc than just randomly getting hit by the bad guy, and it even calls back to what she said earlier in the episode:

Besides, something they’ve been drilling into us about Hebiichigo as a character is that she prioritizes her own personal survival over most things, but despite this, she can’t quite stop herself from going out of her way to help her friends. Metal became a friend to her very quickly, even if she won’t admit it, because he treats her with kindness and helped her see other options for her life outside of fighting.

So wouldn’t it be poetic for her to die because she did the very thing she told Metal not to - focus on protecting others during a fight?

Of course, I still would’ve vastly preferred her to live and become a seamstress who’s pen-pals with Metal, but they could’ve at least given me this

“Until that day comes…be well, Naruto.”Guess who’s absolutely wrecked emotionally and mentall

“Until that day comes…be well, Naruto.”

Guess who’s absolutely wrecked emotionally and mentally after watching ep 218 :-D

Post link

Top Moments from Chapter 69 of Boruto

This chapter was an absolute fever dream and I love it.

So Eida comes in and immediately seduces Amado, Shikamaru, and Delta. Delta tries to attack, but Eida’s power makes her go full lesbian. There are over two pages’ worth of Eida and Delta flirting, and the panty scene alone is going to spawn a thousand fanfics.

Shikamaru thankfully does not go into creepy old man mode. He has no idea why he suddenly has a “mysterious fever,” so he asks Ino to make a telepathic chatroom for him and Amado.

Amado explains Eida’s power. Apparently it affects people differently, with some getting vertigo or headaches, while “simpletons” like Delta fall in love. Shikamaru immediately decides Naruto cannot meet Eida no matter what.

Shikamaru, to his credit, is an absolute boss this chapter. He’s able to not only restrain Eida but also figure out her motive…which is to confess to Kawaki. Shikamaru’s been enchanted, so he can’t hurt her, but he does offer a truce so she can confess her feelings. Poor Code is shocked when Eida actually considers it.

Meanwhile, Kawaki wakes up to Naruto and Sumire by his bedside. He asks Naruto if he’s mad about him killing Boruto, which shocks Sumire. She gets even more confused when Naruto reveals his son pulled a ninja Jesus and resurrected. This girl is constantly in over her head.

Boruto, for his part, is very understanding of Kawaki’s actions since, you know, Momoshiki was possessing him and trying to murder his father. Sasuke simply broods that Konoha has a new edgy, misunderstood anti-hero. He should have been the one to tragically kill Boruto, not Kawaki.

Sarada and Mitsuki are across the street. They can see Sasuke and Boruto talking, but they can’t hear. This is fortunate because Mitsuki is ready to eviscerate anyone who tries to kill his Sun - little does he know Kawaki murdered Boruto already.

Sarada says she wants to get stronger so she can protect her friends. Then Mitsuki asks Sarada if she’s in love with Boruto, to which she rightfully responds, “WTF does that have to do with anything?” She doesn’t deny it though.

Mitsuki suggests she’s unaware of her own feelings, and she points out that his utterly gay self starts glowing whenever Boruto’s in the room. Mitsuki doesn’t deny his feelings either.

Ino then tells Sasuke and Naruto that the enemy is here and they need to give Shikamaru backup. (Shikamaru calls this order off, but the dominos are already falling.) The chapter ends on a bunch of cliffhangers:

  • Will Hinata and Sakura lose their husbands to the Mary Sue?
  • Will Eida betray Code and to find her happy shoujo ending with Kawaki?
  • Will Sarada and Mitsuki start a bisexual love triangle over Boruto?
  • Will Sumire ever get to do anything besides make that shocked Pikachu face over and over again?

I don’t know, but Chapter 70 is going to be a glorious clusterfuck.
