#hebiichigo boruto


This is the funniest ship in the world to me right now, not because they’re particularly comedic but because they’re genuinely the last two people I would’ve imagined getting screen time together

And the fact that they actually manage to be fairly sweet and compelling?? Absolutely wild, this is why more people should watch the anime

If they absolutely HAD to kill Hebiichigo then why wasn’t it because she sacrificed herself to protect Metal?? It would’ve done way more for her character arc than just randomly getting hit by the bad guy, and it even calls back to what she said earlier in the episode:

Besides, something they’ve been drilling into us about Hebiichigo as a character is that she prioritizes her own personal survival over most things, but despite this, she can’t quite stop herself from going out of her way to help her friends. Metal became a friend to her very quickly, even if she won’t admit it, because he treats her with kindness and helped her see other options for her life outside of fighting.

So wouldn’t it be poetic for her to die because she did the very thing she told Metal not to - focus on protecting others during a fight?

Of course, I still would’ve vastly preferred her to live and become a seamstress who’s pen-pals with Metal, but they could’ve at least given me this
