#botw family and legacy

Whismical childhood memories - a picnic and flower crownsALT
The Satoru Family - [left to right] Jun, Eishun, Hagane, Ayaka and Rakurai. ALT
Jun's a strong dad. ALT
A scene from a draft storyline about Link getting training/holiday break with his dad and grandpa [Pre-Calamity].ALT

So I’m still working on that map and I’m in too deep with the worldbuilding lore. Until then, here’s a set of sketches I’ve made some time ago featuring Wild’s Family! They’re based on draft storylines I have for them so far.

Also I just wanted to draw this:


also shoutout to @garryktevar for helping me out with the family lore building!

SKETCH 5 - Legend of Zelda, OCs (featuring @garryktevar’s Garrett), Family and me being a dysfunctional mess.

[sketch dump 1] | [part 2 electric boogaloo] | [part 3] |[part 4]

A jerkass dad is about to get rekt. (ft. Fenrir from @growingupgerudo and Jun, my OC!Link’s Dad)

I know Fenrir gets his comeuppance but I’m pretty sure that every GUG reader wanted to throw hands at this guy.

Also, its jerkass dads like Fenrir is the sole reason why I created Jun’s existence. His backstory and designs were afterthoughts lmao:

(From 2019). There are too many jerkass dads for Link. So I made a dad that’s supportive and wholesome and is willing to throw hands at dads who are jerks to their childrens.
