#bovine morph

 Doing some more work with the wonderful http://kariwerners.deviantart.com/ There is just something

Doing some more work with the wonderful http://kariwerners.deviantart.com/

There is just something irresistible about a cool blue pool in the heat of a summer day. Kari could just stay here forever, even when her bikini started to feel tight she didn’t want to leave. She should have known something was wrong, it felt like something was trying to poke out of the backside of her bottom and her breasts barely fit in the top that was the right size only an hour ago. The water was so nice though… she really didn’t want to get out… When her ears started to itch and a painful jab at her temples took her off guard she sighed and began to climb out of the pool. As she climbed out she caught sight of a long wet tail poking through a hole in her bikini, the sight of it surprised her enough that she lost her grip on the wet pool ladder and fell forward onto a massive pair of breasts… her breasts.

It’s been a few weeks now, Kari bought a new bikini that mostly contained her new… features, and she is still chilling in the pool, thankfully it hadn’t changed her any further, but when it was this hot outside… it was worth the risk.

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She looked down in confusion, her breasts looked a bit flush. They were rosy almost, and she could s

She looked down in confusion, her breasts looked a bit flush. They were rosy almost, and she could swear they looked a bit bigger. She frowned as she gave them a little squeeze, they felt hot, not painful, just… very warm, and they almost pressed back against her hand, they were definitely getting bigger and pinker as she held them.

To make matters worse she had a sudden and severe headache that caused her eyes to cross and her to loose balance for a moment, she leaned against the wall and rubbed her eyes until the pain and pressure at her temples lessened and she was able to see straight again, or at least she thought she could see straight. If she was seeing correctly again then that mean that what she saw was real.

A long tail, covered in light red fur and ending in a fluffy tip swung forward as she moved, she could feel her lingerie rubbing against it, could feel the muscle moving without her intention, but she knew that she could direct it if she focused on it. She… did she really have a tail?

She felt it’s soft length and had a light shiver ran up her spine, it was sensitive and it felt a little too good to caress it. She ran her hand through her hair nervously and felt something unusual and hard jutting out from her head. She felt the horns length and took a moment to realize what was in her hand, she had horns and tail, what the hell was going on!?

She ran down the hall toward the bathroom until she caught her reflection in the window on the way. She… she looked like she was half girl half animal, cow to be specific. She looked at her reflection in shock, then down at her body, it looked… pudgier than she remembered, her breasts were bigger, hips wider, she had quite the muffintop going on now. To make matters worse she had a variety of cowlike features and no idea how or why this had happened. All she knew was that she felt like she would be more comfortable outside in a field than inside the closed walls of her apartment. Maybe she would take a ride out to the country while she tried to figure out what was going on.

Maybe she would decide to stay?

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Make sure that you aren’t out of milk when you go to make cereal in the morning. If you end up wishi

Make sure that you aren’t out of milk when you go to make cereal in the morning. If you end up wishing you had some, you might just get your wish… At least she will have cream for her coffee too…

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ArkCOWnes Always happy to work with Arkannes Lots of fun to morph, and she makes a pretty adorable c


Always happy to work with Arkannes Lots of fun to morph, and she makes a pretty adorable cow gal I dare say ^ _ ^

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 She bit her lower lip as she felt her pants get tighter, the waistband now firmly digging in. The t

She bit her lower lip as she felt her pants get tighter, the waistband now firmly digging in. The tighter it got the better it felt, because she knew. She knew that it was only getting tighter because she was getting bigger. Her thighs, her hips, her ass, she could actually feel them swelling, she could feel how thick and wide they were growing.

As much as she hated having to do it she had to unbutton her pants, everything was getting so tight she was afraid she might not be able to get out of her pants at this point. She sucked in ass best as she could and tried to get the button undone to no avail. It was stuck and there was no way to relieve the pressure.

She panted heavily as her body continued to grow larger, it was so tight, she was so big. Her ass must be the largest she had ever seen, but it wasn’t done growing yet, her massive thighs continued to fill and stretch her pants, the fabric reaching it’s limit as her hips widen further. She only just managed to avoid the button of her jeans hitting her in the face as it rocketed off of her pants, the tremendous pressure haven been too great to contain her any longer. As it flew off she felt some of her huge frame spill out over the edge of her pants, trying to escape the tight confines of her soon to be ruined pants.

She groaned in happily as she heard the first tear, her poor pants loosing the fight against her growing backside. It started with only a small tear, and then another, and another, her ever expanding body was ripping through her pants and it wasn’t long before the jeans were a tattered pile beneath her. She looked down and saw the her underwear which was still biting at her was more like a thong or g-string at this point, there was no hope of removing it and she eagerly awaited as… yes it to ripped in half and she couldn’t help but moan as her naked lower body was free.

“T-that was… amazing… I need… I need MooooOoOooree!” She didn’t even notice how her moans were starting to resemble Moos, she was too caught up in the wonderful feeling of her growing body. She shifted on the loveseat sticking her ass out and looking behind her. It was… it was massive, how could it even be real. She rubbed her huge thigh and gave her ass a firm slap, watching as it wobbled from it. Rational thought should have told her to panic, to be upset even, but this was… this felt so great she was hoping it wasn’t over.

She suddenly felt a stirring in her breasts, a deep aching pressure starting to build within them. It felt like she was getting filled, filled with such a great warmth, filled with so much. Too much, her breasts felt so full, she couldn’t possibly contain this pressure, even her nipples felt it. Eventually the inner pressure lessened, only to replaced with another, the feeling of her bra being too small. She realized that her breasts were growing bigger and she groaned in delight, there was nothing she wanted more. The underwire of the bra was digging in, and the straps were chaffing her shoulders, she could actually see how hard her nipples were through the thickly padded bra. No amount of padding would stop her growth though, her breasts seemed intent on growing to immense proportions just like her ass. She was starting to feel a little dizzy, her shirt and bra were so tight, it was getting a little hard to breath. She could feel the hook in the back of the bra bending out of place, finally letting go and falling away as her bra gave up and let her huge breasts spill forth. She let out a ragged Moo and pulled the bra out from it’s snug home beneath her too tight shirt.

She felt something long and thin slapping at her thigh and nearly stopped for a moment, but as her turgid nipples dragged across the tight fabric of her stretched shirt she couldn’t bare to spare the attention. Her tits were so heavy that she had to rest the against the loveseat for a moment, but she didn’t have the time to. Her chest heaved, swelling forward even faster, her shirt began to falter, as hole tearing in the front and creating a window into her deep canyon of cleavage just before the whole shirt ripped clean in half.

She cried out in joy as her massive tits ballooned outward, finally free and unrestrained by a shirt or bra. Even her nipples were huge, easily bigger than her thumb already. She tugged on one as she grabbed the other breasts and felt just how heavy it was. How was she even going to walk around with these, they  were going to pin her to the ground they were just… they felt… they were amazing. She wanted them… to get even bigger. She started to massage them and pull at her thick nipples, trying to encourage a little more growth before they slowed down and finally stopped growing. Her stimulation did the trick and she didn’t noticed her ears changing shape as another few cup sizes were skipped over by her breasts. They must have been bigger than her head, and they felt so soft and heavy. There wasn’t a movement she could make that didn’t make them bounce or jiggle, and every time they did pleasure rippled through her body and she had to resist the urge to tend to that ache in her nipples, the desire to tease and pull them. Well… she didn’t have to resist did she?

She kept pulling and tugging, teasing them like them were… like the teats of a cow, like she wanted to milk them.


The very thought of it made a new pressure blossom within her and her breasts swelled even larger as they began to fill. Her nose thickened as she brought a tit to her mouth and stuck the plump teat deep inside, greedily sucking in hopes that she would be rewarded. She pulled hard on her sensitive teats, it nearly hurt but it also felt so good that she couldn’t help but to pull them harder, hard enough that the grew another inch longer, and were left even thicker. These weren’t just nipples anymore, these were teats that belong on an udder, udders like her tits. She felt the warmth still growing, it was so hot, so full, she just needed.. needed it to come out, she needed.

Her mind went blank for a moment at the feeling of the twin arcs of milk jettisoning from her nipples, one across the loveseat the other into her waiting mouth. Suddenly she was gulping down mouthful after mouthful of her own cream, her own sweet milk. She softly mooed through her milk filled mouth, her own tit threatening to smother her if she wasn’t careful. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t stop, nothing could ever feel this good, and she didn’t want to ever take that huge nipples from her mouth again. There was no way to guess how much of the milk she had drank, but the loveseat was soaked, stained with a heavy bath of her own milk, the smell of fresh cream flooded her large nostrils and she breathed in deeply as she gulped down more and more…

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Alanna’s grandmother had raised her since she was a child, and as much as she loved her dear o

Alanna’s grandmother had raised her since she was a child, and as much as she loved her dear old granny, she left to live in the city when she turned eighteen. Her granny was determined to get her to take over the family business when she died and move back to the farm, but had been unsuccessful as of yet. She had one more ploy to convince her, even if it was a little… extreme…

Alanna woke up before the sun had risen, an old habit she had thought she had broken. It was a strange feeling that had stirred her from sleep, a overwhelming sense that it was time. Time for what? She couldn’t think of anything she had to do today, and she hadn’t planned anything at all so… Nope, nothing at all.

Unable to fall back asleep she decided to get up for her day, glaring at the bright sun creeping up over the horizon. She swung her feet over the edge of the bed, leaving them dangling just above the floor.

“Okay, I guess it must be breakfast time. Maybe if I start my day with a big bowl of cereal I’ll feel…” she felt confused ‘what…wait… cereal… MILK, it’s MILKING TIME!’ she nearly jumped out of bed, her feet clacking across her floor harshly and the large udder between her legs sloshing heavily and nearly overbalancing her.

Alanna looked down in terror, it really was milking time, she was a cow from the waist down. She was covered in fur, her feet were now just a pair of stiff shiny hooves, and she had a long fluffy tipped tail just like…

“Just like grannies Norwegian red! She… I…!?!?” Alanna realized it had been her own grandmother that must have cursed her like this, as a last ditch effort to bring her back to the farm. “I knew she was a witch! Always talking about folk tales and making special 'remedies’ to make sure the cows made extra milk.”

The though of extra milk reminded her of her own situation, she was heavily filled with the creamy white liquid, and she knew instinctively that her granny had made sure to make her a very productive cowgirl.

“Fine, you win this time granny… But if I’m taking over this farm it’s gonna be run MY WAY!” She angrily threw on a sundress that hid most of her bovine features and set to figuring out how to operate her car with an expression that dared anyone to make a mad cow joke…

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