

Distant FeelingS #3 - VisionS in the Nunnery - Oct5-Dec18 2016 (Thursday, November 24th - 6h30pm (GMT) (view the full programme here)

For this 3rd online encounter between the three artists, Distant Feeling(s) - curated by Tessa Garland and Cinzia Cremona for the programme at the Nunnery Gallery (London, UK) - the main question remains:

How does it feel to share an interface with eyes closed and no talking?

A moment of digital mindfulness, a moment to experience the relational tissue that networked environments (expanded to several layers of our common daily routines) provide. By using an interface that relies on senses activated by audio and video in order to establish communication we take a moment to explore the possibilities beyond using those same senses, this time by opening the possibility for others to join.


Annie Abrahams (FR), Lisa Parra (US), Daniel Pinheiro (PT) + possible participants at the gallery + online participants

The piece presented by Annie Abrahams (Distant Feeling(s) #1) continues the research of an artist who challenges the relational utopias attributed to the internet by creating performances which reveal empty yet precious moments, and the banality of interpersonal relations. The performance links Abrahams to two other artists (Daniel Pinheiro & Lisa Parra); from three different locations the three seek to communicate sensations and emotions. Cinzia Cremona (one of the curators) in ARSHAKE  Oct. 3 2016.

The link to join the zoom.us meeting dedicated to this event will be shared soon.

(Download the application - desktop or other devices - and “Join meeting” ID = 630407193: https://zoom.us/j/630407193 at the right time.)

