#bowery st

Karl Fisher architecture with Richardson Sadeki’s minimalistic design compared to Katsura Imperial VKarl Fisher architecture with Richardson Sadeki’s minimalistic design compared to Katsura Imperial V

Karl Fisher architecture with Richardson Sadeki’s minimalistic design compared to Katsura Imperial Villa photographed by Yasuhiro Ishimoto.

[263 Bowery rental]

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Both subjects, fashion and architecture, express ideas of personal, social, and cultural identity, rBoth subjects, fashion and architecture, express ideas of personal, social, and cultural identity, rBoth subjects, fashion and architecture, express ideas of personal, social, and cultural identity, rBoth subjects, fashion and architecture, express ideas of personal, social, and cultural identity, r

Both subjects, fashion and architecture, express ideas of personal,social, and cultural identity, reflecting the interests of the targeted audience and the age’s ambition. Fashion and architecture also perceive the change in a city, and show it: one does so by “dressing bodies”, the other by dressing places. A concept expressed in the early Twentieth Century by German philosopher Walter Benjamin, when he wrote that the two subjects belong “in the darkness of the lived moments, to the dream consciousness of the collective.” 

[263 Bowery rental]

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James Kalm visits Andrew Edlin gallery to get a glimpse of Susan Te Kahurangi King’s drawings James Kalm visits Andrew Edlin gallery to get a glimpse of Susan Te Kahurangi King’s drawings

James Kalm visits Andrew Edlin gallery to get a glimpse of Susan Te Kahurangi King’s drawings and Paulina Peavy’s works on paper. 

video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3stYABxNhLE 

Andrew Edlin, 212 Bowery St., NYC.

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through Oct 2nd:“comics”   Ben JonesThe Hole, 312 Bowery st., NYC

through Oct 2nd:

  Ben Jones

The Hole, 312 Bowery st., NYC

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