

Insane (more updates on insta). Also, should mention that today and tomorrow are the last chance for late submissions

This is the last chance to be featured in the Boy Cloak charity Fanzine— we cannot wait to see your art :)





Q: When will the zine start and what is the deadline?

★ Applications Open August 8th 

★ Applications Close September 1st (if you need an extension just let us know) 

Acceptance Emails will be sent out shortly after Applications Close
The timeline will be discussed later on! We’re 2/3 of the way through this season of TAZ, so one option is to wait until the finale, but that depends on the podcast pacing.

Q: Will it be available in physical copy?

A: As of now, our plan is to offer it only digitally. If the project really takes off, however, we’d love to make that an option. 

Q: How much will the zine cost?

A: Unfortunately we won’t have this decided until we know how the number of pages- it definitely shouldn’t be over $10, though! We’re also aiming to provide free copies to all our artists.

Q: I can’t do art but I still want to help!
A: That’s amazing! Even just staying up to date on the discord is a huge act of support. Sharing the project would be the best and easiest way to contribute. If you want to go above and beyond, however, you could apply to be a staff member and we’ll contact you if we need anything.

Stay posted— charity info will go here. We’ve started to make contact with the McElroy Family and are awaiting their response on charity recommendations. It’ll be decided soon either way.

Q: Will you accept written works? Or just drawn ones?

A: We will. While the main focus will be on visual art we’re open to suggestions. We’d love to have some articles, cosplay, and maybe even music (though the jury is up on whether this is possible— especially if we decide on physical copies haha)

Q: How will the application process work?

A: There’s a google survey (https://cutt.ly/boycloakzine). All applications go there.

Q: What are you looking for in artists?
A: We are looking for artists who have a strong sense of lighting, colour, fashion, anatomy, and can tackle backgrounds. Though we appreciate artists of all levels (including beginners!) the aim is to keep this as high-quality as possible. Portfolios don’t have to include TAZ content, but that would be great for your chances.

Q: Is traditional artwork accepted?
A: Yes, but it needs to be well scanned. When you apply make sure to include some scanned traditional art, so that we confirm it will work for the zine.

Q: How will people in the zine communicate?
A: Our Discord is the Zine HQ. Go to our main page for the link :)

Q:  If something comes up, will we be given a chance to withdraw?
A: Yes. The withdrawal deadline is three weeks after you’re accepted into the zine. However, if an emergency comes up just let us know and we’ll figure something out. :)

Q: Does it need to have a background? If yes, how detailed should it be?

A: We acknowledge that backgrounds can be very challenging, but if you can we encourage you to do so! Character design is allowed but having a background makes for a much more dynamic and eye-catching piece. No pressure though, and no need for lots of detail if you don’t want to.

I’m extremely excited to announce Boy Cloak Magazine: A Fanzine! Celebrating the world of The Advent

I’m extremely excited to announce Boy Cloak Magazine: A Fanzine! Celebrating the world of The Adventure Zone Graduation, this charity zine will feature amazing artists from all corners of this fandom.

Applications are OPEN NOW, just head over to the link (in our bio) for everything you need. Even if you’re not a “creative”, join our banging discord and come along for the ride. We want this to be as collaborative as possible.

If you love TAZ, we hope you choose to join us on this ambitious project. See ya soon!

-Fitz (yes, actually)

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