#boycott mulan


A friendly reminder that Disney China is ridiculously racist

They literally took away all the “black faces” from the movie posters, because black people are not attractive to most the Chinese people’s sense of beauty. It is all cause by the communist party’s brainwashing skills.

And don’t forget that main actress of Mulan do support police brutality during Hong Kong protest.


why not to waste your money on Mulan (2020)

  • send message to Disney to stop with this lazy remake bullshit already and create actual new content
  • no Mushu
  • no songs
  • bisexual icon Li Shang replaced with bland inferior love interest
  • lead actress Liu Yifei trashed Hong Kong protesters, specifically supported HK’s brutal police
  • Hong Kong activists are asking international supporters to boycott it
  • perfect live action Mulan starring Vicki Zhao Wei made in 2009 already exists
  • here in Canada they’re asking for thirty five fucking dollars PLUS a Disney+ subscription
  • thirty five fucking dollars just to rent it

Edit: this blew up whew but I want to say if you’re on Twitter check out the hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance! It’s a grassroots effort by pro-democracy activists in Thailand, HK, and Taiwan to support each other and they have picked boycotting Mulan as an opportunity to raise awareness and solidarity!

Amen Sis

Liu YiFei supports tyrannical regieme and Police Brutality in HK. What a total disgrace to the character Mulan. No honor, no courage and no compassion.

If you support universal human rights,

If you hate police brutality,

If you believe artist, actor/actress and companies shall carry social responsibilities,

If you respect Asians and refuse seeing us as money mining market and tokens


Credits to the artis Badiucao
