#boys are babies



The Regression Center: Chapter 1

This is chapter one of an ongoing, collaborative story written by me and my friend, BoysRBabies. We are writing alternating chapters—I wrote this first one. We will publish the whole story here, posting a new chapter every week or two. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1 

Tyler swerved his Range Rover around a slow-moving clump of cars. They clogged up the fast lane. And the middle lane. And would have blocked him in the slow lane, too, if he’d let them. Didn’t people have any place to be on a Monday morning? He shot the pack leader his best disapproving look as he passed. The middle-aged man gripped the steering wheel of his middle-aged sedan. Hands at 10 and 2. A dopey half-smile on his face. Completely oblivious.

“We won’t get there any faster if we’re dead,” Monica said. Her knuckles were pale white against the black leather console. 

So dramatic. Always so dramatic. 

“We won’t get there at all at this rate,” he said. 

She shook her head.



"It’s obviously not nothing." 

He sighed and eased back on the throttle, shifting back into the middle lane. "There. Happy?" 

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