#bpd kent parson


sometimes I think about the sheer amount of guilt Kent prolly feels on a day to day basis and shudder



but someone needs to point this boy to a therapist or else it’ll only get worse.

I always find it funny that Kent blowing up at Jack is portrayed as unforgivable and wrong while Jack’s coldness to Bitty in the latter’s freshman year and dismissing him getting a goal is just seen as “part of who Jack is.”

EXACTLY. Neither of them were right.

Both boys started in an unhealthy mentality and lifestyle, but only Jack got help and progressed forward because he was in a HEALTHY environment. Parson is in a hateful and UNHEALTHY environment. Both of them reflect the environment they are in.

but someone needs to point this boy to a therapist or else it’ll only get worse.

Kent’s parents kicked him out after he came out, so he went to the Zimmermanns’ since he had nowhere else to go. They trained him, cheered for him, accepted him, and even loved him. 

They even paid for him to go to therapy for BPD (theres a whole theory on that) like they did or Jack’s anxiety because the Zimmermanns’ validate mental health. 

However, since both boys where full of competition and mental health issues that they couldn’t cope with yet, their relationship was never healthy. 

When Jack overdosed, it sent Kent into a spiral where he blamed himself, Jack, and everyone. The night he found Jack’s body, he fled in fear and pain. 

Jack was out of communication due to rehab, but Kent never knew that. He only knew the news. He only knew his warped truth that Jack hated him. He never knew the truth, how Jack missed him, called him, and lost him. Even as Bob and Alicia fought tooth and nail to get him back, he never called, texted, or got came to the Zimmermann family. 

Jack went on feeling like Kent left him out of hate, and Kent always felt abandoned. 

As time went on, it morphed into bitterness and pain on both ends that’ll never heal.
