#stray kids angst


Don’t call me angel||Seo Changbin

Pairing: badboy! Seo Chanbin and f-reader

Summer:badboy au!, college au!,enemies to lovers au!,smut, slight angst, fluff, blowjob, tongue sucking, hair pulling, name calling, morning sex, spitting, marking, masturbation, sir kink.

Finally after 2000 years, I’m sorry it took so long. But anyway I hope you enjoy it sweet:)) thank you for requesting!

I love changbin a lot and he can ruin me anyday okay bye enjoy



“Hiya angel” You hear his annoying, but slightly intoxicating voice from behind you. You let out a groan before turning around meeting his dark gaze, you roll your eyes as you notice the lolly pop he had in between his lips. He took it out of your bag.

“What do you want? Also I would highly appreciate it if you didn’t steal my things” you say, turning back to your work. Only to be taken away from it again as you feel your hair being tugged at. What a fucking child.

“Sorry angel, I’ll try not to next time. but I would like to interest you in a different thing to suck on, ive been told it’s pretty sweet” and there he goes again, being an over confident prick. You literally wanted to bang your head against the desk, hopefully to find yourself in a hospital. Away from seo changbin.

You just ignored him this time, hoping he’d just shut up and leave you alone. After a couple of minutes he didn’t speak, you felt relief wash over you. You had a few minutes of silence finally, you got back to writing your essay, chewing on your lip to try to concentrate.

You knew the minutes of silence wouldn’t last, you hear him tapping against the table, loudly. He began to let out Loud coughs, every 5 seconds or so. It began to get on your nerves and you felt the anger boil up inside you.

“I swear to fucking god changbin, just go get one of your hoes to fix that small problem of yours in the janitors office. So you can leave me alone” you fire back at him, quite proud at yourself. You slouch back into your seat, closing your eyes waiting to hear the door slam. But you didn’t.

“You wouldn’t call it a small problem if you saw angel” he whispered into your ear, making you freeze up, your eyes darting open at the closeness of his breath on your skin. You let out a shaky breath as you notice him just an inch away from your face. A blush apparent on your face already.

“Changbin, don’t call me angel” you breath out, moving your face away from his slightly. Still so close to him though. You breathed in the smell of him, he smelt like honey and vanilla.

“But you’re my angel y/n”



Well, you didn’t expect to wake up with a very buff arm slung around your bare waist. His breath fanning over your neck, which was littered in pretty little marks that had turned into a dark purple within the night. You felt an ache in your hips, most probably from where his hands gripped at the skin. Small bruises imprinted on your hips from his soft fingertips.

You thought he’d be gone when you woke up, slipped out when you slipped into dream land. But he didn’t, he stayed. Changbin kept you wrapped in his arms all night. You felt butterflies erupt in your tummy at the thought, the thought of not being like the others. A quick fuck then he dips and never talk to you again.

“What you thinking about angel” he interrupts you from your thoughts, a large smile forming on your lips at the pet name. You had to make out you hated it for years, but changbin knew it made you giddy inside.

“Am I like the others” you say, slowly the smile falling. Fear creeping up in your chest, waiting for his answer.

“No, you never were and you never will be” his voice a little shaky but you knew he meant it. You turned to look at him, now this time he was the one blushing. You turn yourself around more, so your faces where close. Your breath fanning against his lips.

You feel his hand run up your back, then to the back of your neck, gripping lightly. He pushes you closer to him, not fully kissing you but your lips touching. You feel his tongue make contact with your lips, licking up and down. Little groans leaving him as he pushes the wet muscle into your cavern. A muffled “suck” leaving him.

You obey, wrapping your lips around his tongue and sucking slowly. Closing your eyes, enjoying the noises that left him. You tasted the sweet taste of the watermelon lollipop you both shared last night.

You feel him pull away, a small whine leaving you as he left your mouth. He chuckled, running his hand across your cheek, his finger tip tracing your bottom lip.

“Now I want you to suck me angel” his voice deep, full of lust. You nod your head, pulling the covers away from the both of you. Goosebumps rising as the cold air hit your naked skin, soon forgetting as you see him already hard for you. A hum leaving you as you spit into your palm, wrapping your hand around his cock. Your gaze set on how the bead of pre cum leaked from his tip, you slide your thumb over him, smearing the thick substance around his reddened tip.

“You’re so hard sir, so hard for your angel” you giggle out. You push your ass back, arching your back, making sure your eyes were glued to his. You lick a long stripe, from the base to the tip, before pushing him into your mouth the tiniest bit. The way his hips stuttered and a low groan left him, had your thighs quivering.

Changbin felt a rush of excitement when you called him sir, it never really effected him but the words leaving your lips did.

You moan at the taste of his cum, praising him. You began to suck on his tip while your hand slowly pumps him up and down, your muffled moans sending vibrations.

Changbin felt like he was loosing himself, his veiny hands gripped at your soft locks, tugging every once in a while. His head rolling back against the pillow, loud cry’s leaving him now. His hips fully bucking up into your mouth, wanting to be deeper in your throat.

So you stopped the teasing and took him down your throat, all while your hand pumped him. You let your other hand trail down your tummy, then to your soaked heat. Rubbing small but fast circles. Heat lighting up in your lower stomach, waves of pleasure running through your body.

“that’s my dirty slut, Hm? Touching yourself for sir” he growls out, pulling your hair harder making tears prick your eyes. You push two fingers into your cunt, letting out a low whine which made changbin growl again. You slowly buck into your fingers as you swallow around his cock, choking slightly.

You feel his hips begin to stutter, breathless praises leaving his lips making butterflies erupt in your tummy again.

“I-I’m gonna cum, you g-gonna swallow for me princess” he whispers, bringing one of his hands down to rub your cheek. You hum onto him, wanting his cum. He takes that as a yes as he begins to let himself go, the prettiest noises leaving him.

You feel his hot load fill your mouth, you gag slightly but swallow it like a good girl. It wasn’t that the taste was bad, it was just very unusual and the consistency wasn’t that great. But hey cum is cum.

You pull him out of your mouth, leaving a small kitten lick before sitting up. Removing your fingers from yourself.

“That’s my good angel, but Sir wants you to cum now,okay?” He chuckles, bringing you onto his lap.

prompt : ( Seungmin x Reader ) Seungmin breaks up with you to join the JYP Nation. You understand, of course, but it’s taking a toll on both of you.

genre :angst

word count :1.7k

muse insp :GOT7 • Never Ever (spotify ,soundcloud)

You and Seungmin had always been close. You met in middle school, initially; you sat next to each other in a couple classes and your friend groups merged over time. The two of you formed a more romantic relationship in your last year of middle school, and it really blossomed as you converted into high school. The two of you were inseparable, truly; you were attached by the hip and, in your mind, nothing would tear your love apart.

You, however, stood corrected.

Seungmin, you knew, was amazing at singing, and he loved performing. He wanted to go on to be an idol, and you supported him. You knew it would end your relationship. But you didn’t care, because you loved him and all you wanted was for your Minnie to be happy. However, you were still struck with grief when he broke the news that he was accepted and that the relationship you’d grown to love so much was going to have to end.

You could still remember the day, an hour, the clothes you both wore, every detail. You were on the couch, waiting for him to drop by and tell you the news. You weren’t sure how to feel; if he were to get rejected, he would be upset and feel insecure about his talent, because he could be rather sensitive. But if he was accepted and got into the trainee program, you would lose him forever.

You were truly at a loss.

That being said, he eventually showed up about ten minutes late. You didn’t mind, it wasn’t your place to judge why he’d been late. But as you stood with a bright smile, clad in one of his shirts and simple shorts, your phone dropped from your small hand as you realized that his eyes were red and his cheeks were streaked with tears. Your instinct was to rush over to him and hug him, kiss his tears away, shush him and whisper sweet nothings into his ears, but your movements were delayed. You took slow, short strides to where he stood. His school bag slid over his shoulder and landed on the floor.

“Seungmin,” Your words came out in a feathery breath as you stepped closer, bringing your soft hands up to cup his face, “What’s wrong? What did they say?”

He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes tightly as he fought another sob from ripping out of his throat. “Lamb,” He mumbled, “They won’t… Let us. You- you have to.. Understand..”

Your eyes widened as they glazed with panic, you dropped your hands from his cheeks, “What.. do you mean? Is this it for.. For us?”

Your lover’s eyes shot open, and he struggled to step closer to you, to touch you. “Please,” He whimpered, “Please understand. I’m sorry.”

Your lips pursed into a thin line as you took a tiny step back, fighting the tears that threatened to escape your eyes. You knew what this meant; Seungmin got in, and they told him the truth. You’d been expecting this. But damn, it still hurt like hell.

“I don’t have a choice,” He continued, his lips quivering and his voice breaking, “Please. I love you.”

A sob forced its way out of you, your body jerking with the motion as your throat and eyes burned. “I understand. I know this is what you want. And I’m okay with that. But… It just hurts, Minnie… It hurts. You do have a choice. But I would never pressure you to make that choice.”

Seungmin’s eyes grew wide as the tears he’d been trying to hold back cascaded down his cheeks. He wanted nothing more than you hug you, to tell you everything was going to be okay, to tell you how much he loved you and that he’d never let you go.

But he was letting you go.

You let a sad, teary smile grow onto your face as you looked up at him. “Go, Kim Seungmin,” You said, “Go live your dreams. Be happy. Forget about me, please, because I don’t want to weigh you down.”

The older boy opened his mouth to protest, to which you cut him off before he could even say anything, “This is what you’ve been wanting. So I will support you because I love you. I want to be with you, but it looks like it just wasn’t meant to be that way, and that’s okay.”

All he could do was sob. He didn’t deserve you. You were so understanding, too sweet. Too perfect.

You didn’t deserve to be tossed away like this. You deserved better. Much better than Seungmin.

Once you finished talking, your dam broke; you started sobbing and crying like it was the key to keeping you alive. You covered your wet face as your emotions – your pain – spilt out of you. You didn’t know what you were going to do without Seungmin. He was your everything. Your light, your sun, your stars, your world. Without him, there would simply be a gaping hole in your heart.

The two of you cried together for some time. What else was there to do? Neither one of you could form coherent words. That is until you screamed for him to leave. It was shrill, and lacking all anger; just pain.

Unable to stand to see you like that, unable to cope with what he’d done to you, Seungmin rushed out of the house.

All contact was broken with him after that.

* * *

You were nothing but a hollow shell of a person for two months after the breakup. You sat in your dark room and stared at pictures of him, or pictures of you and him together. You didn’t eat much, and at school, you didn’t talk to anyone. It seemed the others around you knew to leave you be, word of the breakup spread fast – you were the “it” couple, after all. With gossip, comes rumours. Most of your classmates knew the truth because Seungmin going into idol business was pretty big and it spread fast. But there are always those ignorant few who feel the need to stir up drama wherever they go. The biggest one was cheating, which you felt disgusted by. Why would someone assume that either you or Seungmin cheated on the other? Cheating is a horrible thing to do and it’s something you despise with the entirety of your being. That being said, you did not like the scandalous rumours arising in the school halls.

Come summer, you feel a little bit better. Your childhood friend, Benji, had been texting you and cheering you up. He lived in America and had lived there for some time, now. It was a random day that he said something crazy, but something that promised you a new future. Something that you found yourself wanting to do more than anything.

He wanted you to move to America and live with him and his girlfriend.

So, you thought, fuck it. Why the hell not?

After discussing it with your parents, who surprisingly allowed you to go, you packed your things and were sent to California only three weeks later.

There, your new life began. You dyed your hair, started wearing a little more makeup, started working out; you really wanted and took advantage of this “new start.” You became a different person. You were thriving, and you loved it. Seungmin was pushed to the back of your mind. In fact, after almost a year, you barely thought about him at all.

Sometimes, though, you missed him. You missed his soft touches, his lips on yours, his soft brown eyes boring into your own. But you knew that what happened was for the best. With that in mind, you pushed everything back and focussed on your new life.

Once again, finally, you were happy.

* * *

Though you lived in America, your family remained in Seoul. Thus, obviously, you would have to visit from time to time, which you didn’t mind.

It was on one of these simple trips, you were staying in a hotel that was in the city with your two friends whom you lived with. It was late, probably around midnight, and you were craving chocolate more than anything. So, by God and everything holy, you went out to buy some damn chocolate.

Little did you realize just how scary the streets of Seoul were.

You had the hood of your grey hoodie up over your hair, and your hands were shoved in your pockets. The darkness, save for the streetlights, seemed to leak from the alleyways and claw at you. Every small noise made you jump and turn to see what it was. Life was different, come the shadows and darkness of the night.

You made a quick trip to the small 24-hour convenience store. The clerk was a woman in her thirties, she read a magazine with drooping eyelids. You made sure to make your purchase quick.

While she was ringing you up, you glanced outside the window, and what you saw made your heart jump to your throat. There, looking into the store, and probably at you, was a man in a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. His dark brown eyes stared into your own, they were unreadable. He walked away seconds after you made eye contact.

You pursed your lips, paid for the chocolate, and left the store. Slipping the sweet candy into your pocket, you rushed down the street, listening for footsteps and watching for the strange man. You didn’t like the feeling in the pit of your stomach; the fear and the dread.

Then you heard them. Quick, heavy footsteps behind you. They, along with your irregular heartbeat, pounded in your ears and pulsed through your veins.

You started speeding up, running as your hood fell in the rush.

“Wait!” A heart-breakingly familiar voice called out from behind you.

You stopped in your tracks and turned to face the person, the same one you saw in the window, except his hood, too, had fallen while running. His newly dyed reddish brown hair swayed in the small breeze and shone in the dim light of the streetlight next to him. His deep, almond-shaped eyes were wide and bore into your own with something unreadable in them. His lips were parted slightly in shock as he panted quietly from the running he’d done to catch up with you. Your eyes became the size as plates, your lungs felt heavy and empty at the same time, your heartbeat continued to rattle your bones.



the fact that changbin could cuss you out in .5 seconds because he talks so fast is the scariest shit ever but also kind of hot

tw | toxic relationship

[21:09] you wish time would just stop for even a minute. let you collect yourself and your thoughts and actually be able to choke up words to say to him. but it’s not like he’d listen, anyway. talking to hyunjin is like talking to a child. he doesn’t actually listen. just waits until you finish speaking so he can get a word in again.

but it’s because you let him, you suppose. you’ve always been so lenient with him. never raising your voice in fear of getting him mad enough for him to leave. sure, he’s pissed you off plenty of times, but you try to keep it to yourself to avoid any arguments. arguments with hyunjin never end well.

he’s loud. you could be screaming at the top of your lungs but somehow he always finds a way to overpower your voice, as if somehow being louder means he’s right.

he’s stubborn. he doesn’t care if you have tears streaming down your cheeks. you could blatantly tell him exactly how to change to avoid the situation again or to just fucking listen to you for two seconds. but he’s too prideful to lose. his mind isn’t gonna change; you might as well give up now.

but worst of all, he’s victimizing. it doesn’t matter whether or not it was actually him in the wrong. it’s never his fault. you could have done better to avoid the situation. you should be the one who’s sorry.

so you apologize. over and over and over until he finally throws his hands up and says something like “whatever, i’ll be back later” and leaves you in tears in the living room and doesn’t come back until the morning.

but he always comes back with snacks and flowers and games and movie tickets with red, puffy eyes and an embarrassed apology and you forgive him without hesitation because the hyunjin from last night isn’t the hyunjin he is. i just got caught up in the heat of the moment, he says. you know i didn’t mean it. it won’t happen again.

and you always believe him. because when you truly love someone, you’re willing to look over a bad quality or two to keep them there.

it won’t happen again, you think. because when you truly love someone, you’re willing to change a bad quality or two to keep them there.

but he doesn’t truly love you. he just likes the thought of it, is all. but you’re too far in to be able to make that connection.

not like he’d ever let you, anyway.

so as we know, recently hyunjoon, woojin, and hoseok (mx) have left their groups (all of whom i write for). i’m kind of iffy about doing this, but to respect the decisions of having left their groups, i will not write for these three beginning next comebacks. for example, i will continue to write for woojin until dec. 7, and the others whenever their former groups release a new album.

this will apply to all future idols who leave their groups. please respect my decision to do this. i’m sorry and thank you.

hot moments like these

idol:hwanghyunjin× reader

genre: it’s hot lol but not really smut ig?

warnings:make out session and hickeys



hyunjin carried you into your bedroom before sitting down onto the bed, you in his lap. he kissed your lips passionately but slow. your hands were gripping his shirt tightly, desperately wanting it to be off.

yethyunjin continued devouring your lips in a hot kiss but eventually started to roam his hands around your body, taking extra care of your butt by squeezing it softly. the teasing action making you pull away from the kiss while heavily breathing in and out. you stared into his dark eyes, them holding so much care and love whilst your faces were inches away from another.

“you’re so beautiful.”, he whispered, dipping back into your now swollen lips, kissing them more gentle this time.

you slowly pushed him back a little so his one hand needed to support his weight on the bed while the other one was tangled in your silky hair. you tilted your head to the side to deepen the steamy kiss.

both of you ran out of breath. hyunjin broke the kiss but nevertheless carried on spreading kisses and hickeys on your neck and jaw.

intimate moments like these were your favourite. where it’s just you and him. where no one is able to bother you in any way. moments you only shared when you were missing each other. when you wanted to show love to one another. everything about this was so romantic, you wish it would never end.

“stop giving me so much hickeys, you know i can’t cover all of them.”, you chuckled at him, looking back into the now lust tinted eyes.

“come on, i know you love them.”, hyunjin answered breathlessly.

“yeah, i do a lot. but you’re not the only one who’s going to see me. we’ll meet my parents in a few days.”, you smiled and massaged the back of his neck between your fingers, your other hand was trailing down his chest.

“it’s winter, you can wear a scarf.”, he smirked at you.

you laughed at him before thinking about the way your mom would react seeing all those dark red marks sprawled around your cleavage and neck.


“you know i love you, right?.”, hyunjin whispered into the silence.

“i love you too, baby.”, you grinned and dived back in to kiss his lips once more. and there you were, back at making out again. by now you were laying underneath his slim body, touching and pulling and the strands of his black hair.

“your body is so perfect, shit.”, he said as he discarded your hoodie, only to be greeted by your glowing skin.

“so is yours.”, you replied.

“but i think it’s my time now to give you some hickeys.”, you pushed him down and straddled his hips like you were doing earlier. and immediately you were sucking purple marks everywhere possible:)


oooooo, tumblr blocked this wtf HAHAHAHA but now it’s up again ig?

soft make out session

idol:seo changbin × reader

genre:soft, suggestive



you were finally heading back home to see your boyfriend, who was waiting for you all day long. today was your last day of work before you were released into the holidays and honestly, you couldn’t be any happier. sure you loved your work, but spending time with your lover was way better.

you locked your car and entered your house, you shared with changbin, only to be greeted by a warmed up cozy living room and scented candles. you laid your keys aside and took off your outerwear.

“i’m home.”, you then yelled.

changbin poked his head out of his home studio and you smiled brightly.

“finally my babygirl is home”, he said and came up to you, giving you a big hug.

“i missed you so much.”, he whispered in your ear whilst kissing your cheek over and over.

“i missed you too.”, you pulled back and kissed his lips gently, melting into his warm embrace.

later on you two were cuddling on the sofa near the fireplace and before you knew it, you were kissing him again.

“what’s up with you today?”, he laughed, looking into your eyes. your arms were tightly wrapped around his torso and his head was laying on top of yours.

“nothing, just giving you some attention.”, you said and continued.

gentle kisses slowly turned into more passionate ones and soon you were making out on the couch.


with you being riled up with work and him being stressed due to his busy schedule, you two never really got the chance to show each other some love and affection, and it clearly shows.

normally, it would have been more heated but since it was the first time after weeks, it rather was soft than harsh. changbin was roaming his hands all over your body whilst pulling your body to let you settle on his lap.

you cupped his cheeks as gently as possible before spreading hot kisses onto his jaw and neck. by then, changbin was grabbing your waist, letting you kiss every spot that wasn’t covered in clothes, but eventually you had unbottomed his shirt.

“i really missed you a lot.”, he sighed.

you were grinning wide against his warm skin before you created a few dark red and purple love bites on it. you pulled back, looking at your creation, then into his half closed eyes.

“are you tired?”, you tilted your head.

“no, just enjoying the moment.”, changbin replied and laid his hand on your thigh.

“you look tired though, let’s get some sleep.”, you stroked through his silky hair and kissed him a few more times.

afterwards, you two were tucked into the bedsheets in your bedroom.

alone time

idol:bang chan × reader

genre: angst, but fluff at the end (kinda)

warnings:harsh language but not that harsh, it’s mean



“can’t you just leave me on my own?”, chan’s voice rang through the room. his cocky words hitting you hard.

“but i just-”

“no! stop it. stop excusing yourself when you know its your fault!”, he yelled, making you jump and back away immediately.

“you guys okay?”, changbin stepped into the room, interrupting the loud discussion you and chan were having.

“yes, everything is perfectly fine.”, chan responded angrily while glaring at you. you were only trying to take care of him, treat him and show him your love, but in his eyes it was a mistake.

“yo, it doesn’t seem like it.”, changbin said. he took notice of your shaking form: your hands fiddled with your bag, your head hung low, tears dripped down onto the floor and quiet sobs escaped your mouth. clearly nothing was fine.

“forget it, just leave me and y/n on our own.”, chan sternly replied.

“and what? listen to how you yell at your girlfriend for taking care of you because you can’t return it for her? no, definitely not.”, changbin argued.

“you don’t understand.”, chan responded, looking at your crying figure. eventually his heart started to ache. he hurt you so badly even though you were trying your best. he knew how insecure and sensitive you were, how you thought that you weren’t good enough for him, that you were someone who was just being annoying.

“i won’t yell at her, just leave us alone.”, chan pleaded and changbin left, but waited at the door in case something happens.

changbin was protecting you over the last days, taking care of you because apparently you couldn’t. tucking you into your bedsheets and cooking meals for you. you were having a hard time, and since chan was busy on his own, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

chan sighed, feeling horrible for ruining your head like that. he didn’t know what to do. you were crying, but still holding in everything. if you wanted to, you would have screamed and hit yourself for being a bad girlfriend.

you didn’t know for how long you were standing there and crying your heart out. everything seemed useless.

“y/n i’m sorry for being such an asshole to you.”, chan’s words filled the silence.

you weren’t able to respond, instead you rushed towards him and hugged him as tight as possible. chan immeadeatly hugged you back, going back and forth while stroking your hair and keeping you close and safe.

“don’t leave me. i’ll try and be better.”, you sobbed.

“no, don’t change. i will treat you better from now and and be there for you. i’m so sorry, okay. i don’t know what has gotten into me, i’m sorry.”, he sniffed.


it’s not proofread oops, but i hope it’s understandable and i pray that i responded to this request well:(

blurbs / hyung line

idols: hyung line × reader

genre:super kjut




chan?”, you croaked out while poking his puffy cheek.

“yes, babygirl.”

“are you asleep?”, you whispered to him.

“i mean it’s 2am, what do you think?.”, he laughed tiredly as you hit his chest playfully.

“what’s wrong, you okay?”, his eyes were locked with yours before he gently wipes a few hair strands out of your face.

“i can’t sleep.”, you then admit, caressing his cheek.

“is it the stress?”, he asked and you only nodded.

but then he pulled you more into his chest to give you a big hug. “that’s okay my babygirl, you work a lot, it’s fine yeah?”

“yeah, it’s okay.”, you mumbled against his neck. “thank you.”, you continued and kissed the spot softly.

“how about we watch a movie? i guess we could fall asleep from it.”, chan suggests and you immediately agreed.

“i love you.”, were the words you told him before you pushed your lips against his in a loving kiss.


“good morning.”, you rumbled as you entered the bathroom where woojin was changing.

“wanna hug.”, you then mumbled before hugging his torso.

“you look tired. go back to bed and rest a bit babe.”, woojin said before ruffling your hair and pecking your head.

“but i wanna spend some time with you before you leave.”, you whined and hugged him even closer to your freezing body.

“you’re cute, but you do so much, i want you to rest.”, woojin replied while cupping your puffy morning cheeks.

“i want cuddles.”, you whispered out of the blue and he could only smile at your tired and exhausted state.

“then let me get ready real quick and then we’ll cuddle before i go, okay?” you nodded.

you huddled back to bed and tangled into the sheets, but right before you realized, you were back asleep.

whenwoojin got out of the bathroom, he chuckled, of course you fell asleep. you were so stressed these days and all he wanted was you to rest and sleep enough.

he made his way towards your peaceful sleeping body and sat beside you while stroking your hair lightly. he admired you for a bit, but then noticed he was going to be late for today’s practice. 

“good night, my angel.”


“you comfortable?”, minho asked while adjusting himself.

“yeah, more than that.”, you quietly said, looking up at him lovingly.

“i missed you.”, you told him.

“i missed you too, so so much.”, minho admit, coming closer to your face by each second passing by, and before you knew it, he was kissing you passionately. he pulled away and you rested your head onto his chest.

“are you okay?”, he then asked, noticing your rather stressful sigh.

“it’s just getting too much right now, you know work and stuff. i want to be able to see you more often.”, you pouted.

“that would be great, but soon it’s christmas. i promise to spend a lot of time with you, my babygirl.”

“that means you would stay for the nights?”, you smiled at him.

“if you want me to, then i will.”, he giggled.

“i love you.”

“i love you more, y/n.


both of you were quiet as you relaxed to the sound of sizzling fire and cracking wood. it was really late at night but you and changbin decided to enjoy the dim and warm atmosphere.

"you tired?”, changbinasked.

“yeah, a little bit, but i like this.”, you giggled at yourself. “what about you?”

“i like this as well, but i’m really tired.”, he yawned.

“that’s okay.”, you smiled, brushing your thumb against his cheek. “do you wanna sleep here or in bed?”, you continued.

“here, it’s comfortable.”, he took a deep breath, smelling your sweet scent.

“i’ll get a blanket and a big pillow.”, you stood up from the couch, kissed his cheek and left the living room. meanwhile, changbin was readjusting the couch, making it from a couch to a small bed.

you came back and handed him the bed sheets and pillows. you turned out all the lights in your apartment before joining him to sleep.

“good night my baby.”, changbinwhispered.

he was back hugging you, all cuddled up into your neck while caressing your hand gently. and eventually both of you fell asleep.

gesture of love

idol:kim seungmin × reader


warnings: pure sadness lol


the evening started off with plenty of work you had to get done by tomorrow afternoon. life was stressful and the less you got done, the more you got riled up with everything. 

luckily,seungmin was coming home today from a full week of practicing, causing him to stay at the dorms all week long. even though you had to finish really important stuff, you still wanted to greet your boyfriend in a proper way.

you cooked food for him, and cleaned the whole apartment until your limbs started to hurt. it was definitely a tough day, but at least he’s going to be happy about your surprise.

when you heard the doorbell ring, you jumped out of chair, running to open it quickly. the door revealed a tired, but kinda happy seungmin. he looked pretty devastated and he probably planned on going to bed right away. 

but you hoped that it won’t turned out like that and that he will be happy about your present for him.

“hey, baby.”, you grinned and hugged him really tightly. it wondered you why his grip on your waist was so loose, it didn’t feel like he was excited to see you again.

“is everything alright?”, you nibbed onto your lower lip.

“uhm, yeah. what made you think that?”, he knitted his eyebrows.

“oh, it was nothing. you just seem so off.”, you weakly smiled.

“you know i practiced all week. i’m going to sleep.”, he scoffed and stepped inside.

“are you not hungry?”, you then asked.

“i ate earlier that day.”, he replied harshly.

“but i cooked for you.”, your lips curved downwards.

“too bad. i don’t want to eat.”, he closed the bathroom door, leaving you alone in the hallway.

was everything useless? the effort you put in?

the now cold food? 

“okay.”, you mumbled into the air and walked back into the kitchen, where you set a prepared table for the two of you. seems like you were the only one sitting at it tonight.

it was stress. you told yourself. he wasn’t mad at you, right? he was just tired and exhausted. 

you ate your self-made meal on your own. it felt really unromantic since the candle wasn’t even lit up. the food wasn’t even served properly, just smashed onto your plate. and the room was really dark, so no one could see the tears streaming down your cheeks. it was really useless, you had to admit.

you finished half of the food, before packing it up into plastic boxes and containers for tomorrow. actually, you had planned on watching a movie. maybe he wanted to join you, so you decided to ask him.

when you entered the bedroom, with a few dvd’s in your hand, you found your boyfriend sitting on the bed scrolling through social media.

“do you want to watch a movie?”, you nicely asked.

“no.”, he just said.

“why?”, your head hung low.

“just leave, i said i don’t want to watch one.”, he cursed.

“i was just asking.”, you spoke before leaving the room.

you watched one of the selected movies, before you decided on going to bed. you planned on sleeping on the couch since you didn’t want to face seungmin. it was the better option in your opinion.

the night was uncomfortable and cold. you were too frightened to ask him for another blanket. 

the things he did to you.

the next day came in fast. seungmin walked into the living room to see you all asleep and curled up into a ball. 

normally, he would wake you up with a kiss or a hug, but today it was different. he did nothing, instead he took out the food from yesterday and started to eat it.

you then woke up and noticed his presence. 

“good morning.”, you whispered and slide onto the chair next to him.

“morning.”, he said.

“is the food good?”, you smiled.

“it’s okay.”

you frowned.

after he ate up the food. he headed out of the door and quickly you rushed behind him to say goodbye.

you hugged him from behind.

“y/n!”, he cursed again.

“why are you so harsh with me?”, you then asked quietly.

“y/n listen. you’re damn clingy.”, he turned around and spoke, clearly annoyed by you.

“what?”, your eyes went wide.

“what did i do wrong!”, you snapped.

“you never leave me alone! just let me be, god damn!”, he yelled.

“go.”, was the last word of you before pushing him out of your apartment. 

you cried the whole night, it was just a gesture of love.


i want to cry at my own imagine oop

saturday morning

idol:yang jeongin × reader

genre:soft heh



it was weekend, and both of you had no plans for today. so sleeping in was the best option to choose.

jeongin was hugging you from behind while both of you were snoring lightly. sleeping in was definitely something both of you needed after having what felt like the most stressful week of all time.

“what time is it?”, you mumbled tiredly.

“who cares, we have nothing to do.”, he whispered back.

“but we can’t stay in bed all day.”, you sighed.

“oh yes we can.”, jeongin replied and tightened the grip around your waist, pulling you even closer into his embrace.

“but we should eat something, baby.”, you then said.

“let’s do it later, i want to sleep.”

“okay.”, you whispered back as you took his hand and spread a few kisses on it before falling into a deep slumber again.



dear woojin,

you are part of something so big. you came so far and we all can be proud of you. i hope you and the boys are doing fine and that you will meet them very often. stay happy even though it’s getting harder now.

thank you! for being a light in my life and for making me feel better when i’m down. you’re truly amazing and no matter what, you will forever be a part of stray kids. we all thank you for everything you did. yes, we’re all sad, but we have to accept the truth and face reality. we are behind you, and we will care about you, even if you’re not going to be a part of stray kids or jyp entertainment anymore.

stray kids, nine or none.

hot mini cakes

idol:lee minho × reader

genre: soft uwu

warnings: none

since someone requested me to post a minho fluff imagine, i decided to post one i already posted on instagram…i hope this is okay:(


you started to freeze after the fresh night breeze hit your skin. you just finished looking through the stack of paperwork at your office, so you decided to call it a day and go home, by bus.

it was the only way. if you started to walk home, you’d be there by tomorrow morning, so it made sense to just take the latest bus of the day. 

when you arrived at the stop, no one was there. it’s understandable, who the hell would be waiting for the bus right now and right here, especially since there is nothing special in this district. most of your colleagues had driven home already and you were the only one who took the bus. 

you waited, and waited. the bus is going to delay, and it wasn’t the first time that you needed to wait a whole twenty minutes for it to arrive. 

plus, it was already cold and you have your working clothes on which aren’t the most warming ones. 


you sighed heavily as you noticed a stranger approaching you. he was wearing a thick jacket and a wool hat. and he was holding something.

he was holding a bag of hot mini cakes. they still steamed really strong, means that they just came out of the oven and you could swear that you felt the warmth of those biscuits.

the boy sat down, just a few inches away from you. the scent of fresh baked cakes aroused your nostrils and your mouth immediately started to water. you were definitely hungry. 

the boy was about your age, maybe a few years older, but not a lot. he had brown, silky hair and he was happily munching on his food. your mouth drooled by now over those cakes, you really wanted one.

it was getting too late, and you trembled badly. your cheeks were flushed red due the cold air and you clutched at your jacket which hung around your shoulders. damn, when will this stupid bus arrive.


“uhm, hello, miss.”, you heard a soft voice. it was the boy. 

“yeah?”, you said back, sending him a weak yet polite smile.

“you’re trembling really bad. are you cold?”, he worriedly spoke.

“yes.”, you stuttered.

“do you want my jacket?”, he then added and you blushed even more. never did someone ask you a question like this one, and the fact that the boy next to you was a stranger, made it even more weird.

“but you don’t know me.”, you replied.

“but you’re cold. i can’t just sit here and watch you freezing your butt off.”, he started to unzip his jacket, and it revealed a big hoodie. no wonder why he wasn’t freezing at all.

“here take this.”, he threw his plush winter jacket over your shoulders and neck area. you leaned into the warmth.

“better right?”, he smiled and you nodded. by then he was right next to you to make sure you were okay.


“do you want one?”, he then asked and held out the bag of hot mini cakes. you gladly nodded and took one out of the white paper cone. your face lit up at the delicious taste.

“they’re really good!”, you chewed with a huge grin on your face.

“you must be hungry, here take another one.”, he said and you stuffed the second cake into your mouth.

“what’s your name?”, you mumbled while eating.

minho, and yours?”

“y/n.”, you told him and laughed, trying to finish your second piece of cake. minho just softly smiled. 

you were adorable.


this blog’s basically just me posting the stuff i already posted on instagram because i’m stupid lol. i hope you still like it and haven’t read it before:(

hickeys and love bites

idol:hwang hyunjin × reader


warnings:it’s hot? lol IDK


hyunjin’s hands roamed your entire body while he kissed your lips. your unsteady breathing filled the air, while you started to sprawl delicate kisses around his neck and jaw.

your hands attached to the back of his head, pulling at the short, soft strands of his black hair. hyunjin placed one of his hands on your waist, pushing you more to his hot body. the other one rubbed your upper thigh in small and smooth circles.

h-hyunjin.”, you breathed heavily and he hummed in response.

“i missed you.”

“so much.”, you whispered against his lips.

he chuckled.

“i missed you too.”, he mumbled back.

both of you got carried away pretty fast. and in one swift motion, hyunjin started to glide his tongue over your bottom lip, not minding on exploring your mouth. and sometimes he would pull at your lips to spice things up.

hyunjin placed his hands around your neck while tilting your head the way he wanted in order to spread hickeys and love bites everywhere possible. you moaned at the stinging feeling.

both of you got lost in each others actions before the night turned into a pretty heated one.


