

I don’t think I ever saw the point of journaling until I thought about it in terms of how to-do lists function. It’s not necessarily the items you put on the list that make the difference, it’s the fact that you’re writing them down. 

Brains are good for coming up with things but not so great at storing them, so if you have a bunch of shit in your head - whether that’s things you need to get done or things you need to purge from your headspace - then you’re not going to function as well as you could, let alone thrive, achieve and heal because that creates internal chaos. 

The idea of “braindumping” has really caught on lately and I’m very grateful for that. We carry a lot of things around with us on a daily basis, and that baggage should (ideally) be unpacked on a daily basis. If you don’t it tends to accumulate until it has no choice but to come out as one huge unburdening. 

It’s like the difference between keeping a tidy home in increments by staying on top of daily chores VS letting things get worse and filthier and more and more jam-packed day by day until you have to do some massive intervention-style declutter.
