#break up tw



TW: Depression, cursing

I sat on the plane. Fuck I hated planes. Not so luckily Isla’s words served as a distraction for the usual nerves I felt in a plane. A long ass flight to get my fucked up thoughts in line. But I got what I wanted in the divorce: no alimony, she got full custody, I got a clean break.

No more tears.

No more love.

Everyone can stay an arm’s length away.

This is a reset.

America is fucking massive.

D:How’s my favorite bassist?

Derek pulled me from staring at skyscrapers.

C:Fucking exhausted but here.


D:First thing’s first, let’s get food. You’re probably starved from airplane food and I know a place nearby. I’ll buy. I enjoy flirting with the waitresses there.

Derek’s tone was constantly joking. It made him hard to dislike. Had I been in a better mood I may have laughed at him.

C:I’ll pay you back.

D:Not with cash you won’t. I need a song. Besides you’re probably broke from all the bullshit.

C:I wish you were wrong… But playing for you seems a fair trade.

D:Thought so… Whenever you want to talk, I’m here for you. You can tell me everything if you want or we can pretend it never happened.

C:Thanks… I appreciate it mate.



TW: Explicit language, Depression/Suicide mention, Alcohol Mention, Divorce

P: Absolutely not!

Phoebe grabbed my arm the second she saw me, yanking me back to the toilets. I fumbled after her. Even sober I couldn’t keep my feet under me very well. It made me wonder why I hadn’t gotten a drink before.

I should have brought a flask.

P:Some effort would have been nice. Honestly, a lawyer can only do so much when you show up like this. What were you thinking?

Marty followed behind. I didn’t meet his eyes.

C: I don’t really care what happens…

M: Yes you do.

C: No. I don’t.

Phoebe yanked my jacket from my grasp and handed it to Marty while she poked and prodded my face and hair.

P:You look like death.

C:And it can take me.

M:You don’t mean that.

C: Yes. I do.

I looked at Marty. I shouldn’t have. All I saw was pity.

C: What, Marty? Worried your fiancee will cheat too?

M:No. I’m worried about my brother! Have you met him? Warm, kind, worth looking up to!

C:Reality hit. There’s nothing left.

I growled the words at him.

P: Enough. Button your shirt.

C: Arthur wouldn’t.

I hated his name. Hated myself. Hated everything. I was nothing. Not even worth Marty’s pity, no matter how much it ripped me open. He’d never look up to me again. My father’s eyes matched his.

P:Button your fucking shirt Cal.

The second we walked out I saw her and my insides hollowed out, dragging me down deeper than I thought possible.

She was wearing that dress… I bought her that dress.

She wore that dress to our fucking divorce.


Empty - Letdown.


TW: divorce/break up, sex mention, cursing

This was a bad idea. I knew that. It was March, I had to go to court tomorrow. I was going to be emotional enough. I needed one question answered. Or maybe I didn’t. But fuck if I could make my mind stop asking it. Whatever the answer though, I needed to move forward. Derek’s text message lived in my head. One last question answered and then the big reset.

I:Hey baby…

I never wanted to be called that ever again.

C: Don’t call me that.

I:You look terrible. How much weight have you lost?

C: Doesn’t matter.

I: Are you trying to stop the divorce?

C: No… Fuck no… I need to know why.

I: What do you mean?

C: Are you fucking kidding me? Why cheat? Why with Arthur? Why marry me at all? I know it started before the wedding.

I: Oh, what? Like you’re a prize!

C:I never cheated on you.

I:No, why would you?! You got everything you wanted.

I:It was the same, day in and day out. So fucking predictable. Even in bed. Oh my god! I could have fallen asleep so many times.

C:You never complained…

I: Oh and risk setting off your depression?

C:I would have listened… I could have done better.

I: Just face it Cal! You couldn’t have done better. You are the most boring man I’ve ever met! The only perk to being with you was that you might be a good parent. At the very least you’d be useful in getting the kid to sleep! I pity whoever ends up in bed with you next. She’ll have to become a master at faking it!

As soon as she was done shouting, silence fell. I felt the pain, grief and rage deep, but I shoved everything down further. It hurt too much and shouting at her wouldn’t help. I didn’t want to feel anymore.

C: I have been boring but at least I was honest. Goodbye Isla.


The Worst In Me - Bad Omens
