
Byebye Great Britain! It was nice with you (sometimes)! Don’t know why you leave, it will be a

Byebye Great Britain!
It was nice with you (sometimes)!
Don’t know why you leave, it will be a hard time for you without us…
Maybe Scotland will join us soon ;)
You will be welcome…

#brexit #lastday #greatbritain #homealone #europe
(hier: London, United Kingdom)

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not to bring politics(??) into this sacred space, but what do y’all think williams stance on brexit would be

Soros Is Revealed In Leaked Emails To Have Been Pro-Nazi During WW II

Soros Is Revealed In Leaked Emails To Have Been Pro-Nazi During WW II

Brexit et al.
1) EU
There has been a flurry of briefing papers arriving at the EU embassy in Beijing.
Core agreement is reached with UK Government. There will be problems in this passing through the UK Parliamentary system. Therefore at this point we should not sound to optimistic.
The Conservative grouping that support the EU are confident that Mrs May will call for a second referendum vote to…

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catchymemes:Brexit in a nutshell


Brexit in a nutshell

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How’s that for a strong headline to grab your attention? The secrets of clickbait can by used by anyone!

On a serious note, though - it comes down to their underlying logic. 

To say that “people voted to leave, so we should leave - there shouldn’t be a revote” is the exact same as saying “you consented to sex, you can’t revoke that consent”.

It’s the belief that one’s mind cannot change until the original deed has been completed. That we’re bound to carry forward a decision despite a change in knowledge, circumstances, or otherwise. Except in this instance, it’s not just “I don’t feel like sex anymore”, but “I just found out that you have an STI, and I really don’t want sex with you anymore”. Yet they insist that another public vote - in a representative democracy - is unwarranted.

So either the Conservative government believes in logic in line with the belief that consent to sex cannot be revoked once given, OR,the government are admitting to being lying hypocrites who can’t be consistent in their logic, and therefore have no place in a representative democracy.

These are the only two options and I challenge you to bring forward a third.
