#not supernatural


sexuality should not be this confusing

gender identities should not be confusing

wtf am i omg

Sorry for not posting this weekend….

I’ve been working from 5 and 6am and I’m fucking exhausted and I’ve been doing college work in an attempt to get ready for when I go back on Wednesday lmao everything is falling apart.

But another reason is because I was due to write a part two to ‘the end’ but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Looking back I think it is so poorly written and I wouldn’t even know where to start for a part two. I know people have sent their ideas in and I highly appreciate them and love them but actually writing it?? I don’t know I might change my mind in the future or even re write it all together but right now there will be no part two and I’ll continue with requests as usual.

Sorry to let anyone down, sending all my love as usual- Megan ❤️




Why is applying to university more stressful than actually going to uni

Update- just got my first interview request to start my primary school teacher training!!

Updatey- so far I have received 4/5 interview requests! Hopefully the last one will get back to me soon I’m so excited!!

So after all my interviews (still have one more to go but that’s not until next year) I have received places on all my courses!! ❤️



Why is applying to university more stressful than actually going to uni

Update- just got my first interview request to start my primary school teacher training!!

Updatey- so far I have received 4/5 interview requests! Hopefully the last one will get back to me soon I’m so excited!!


Why is applying to university more stressful than actually going to uni

Update- just got my first interview request to start my primary school teacher training!!

Why is applying to university more stressful than actually going to uni


If I get tickets for the 1975 I’m going to sob x


If I get tickets for the 1975 I’m going to sob x




This is a mural in Austin that someone vandalized either way still a nice message


The original artist’s response:

And the “young artiste”’s response to their response: 

As a creature of habit who hates change (and who loved the original mural), this hurt my heart a little to see. But I really do love the entire interaction because it showcases how beautifully kind and weird Austinites are! ❤️ Bless everything about this.







October can’t come soon enough


This has been in my likes since last year. It is time.

I love this

forgot I had this set up in the queue until it got reblogged lol I’m so happy got it on repeat lol
