#brin rambles



i cannot stress enough how much of an impact changing the way you talk to yourself can have on your mental health. swapping out self deprecating jokes and changing unhealthy sentiments like “i hate myself” and “i want to die” to kinder, more forgiving ones like “i need a break” and “i’m trying” can make such a difference to how you view yourself. the things we say to ourselves become a part of our lives and so we deserve to me kinder to ourselves in our heads.

The loudest voice you will ever hear in your head is your own. Your conscious self may understand that you’re being ironic or joking, but your subconscious does not have a sense of humor and will take that voice at face value.

The only voice you will hear for the entirety of your life is your own. Please put the same effort into learning to speak kindly and compassionately to yourself that you put into learning how to speak kindly and compassionately to others.

I use the word “learning” there intentionally. It’s a skill you will be developing, not an activity that you can immediately do and excel at. Which sucks for a lot of people and, speaking from experience, definitely sucks for ADHD folks. If you’ve spent decades learning how to speak sarcastically and bitterly to yourself about yourself, that skill will be better developed than speaking kindly and compassionately, but you can absolutely learn how to do this. And you are worth the effort to learn and develop that skill. I promise that this is so!
