#bring ben solo back alive


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Rey and Ben Solo, Guardians of the Balance.

Thank you for reading this comic! I’ve had a lot of fun writing it.

Our artist is currently working on a cover for the limited charity print run. I’m also finalizing some bonus pages. A pre-order link will be up when we know how many pages the final draft will be.

May the Force Be With You!


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Ben waits patiently. Takodana is restored. The Jedi Texts and future of the Jedi Order is in good hands. The Force awakened in Finn for a specific purpose. I see Finn teaching a new generation of Jedi and Poe a new generation of pilots; the most sought after academy in the galaxy.


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In my headcanon, Palps would have to destroy himself to be truly gone.

Well, friends, we are nearing the end of “In Dreams.”

Thank you for going on this journey with me. I will have pre-orders up soon-ish, if you would like a print copy for your personal Reylo, Ben Solo, Star Wars collection. I hope to include some bonus pages, maybe a few little comedy shorts.


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Rey and Ben, no matter how you toss the dice, in darkness or in light, a dyad with compassion for one another…


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Palpatine can meddle with the timeline all he wants, but he can’t get rid of the Skywalker family…


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Kylo’s Exegol visit re-visited.

I debated a long time which moment to send Rey to, and that was part of the issue with the hiatus.
