#broken friendships


This isn’t what I usually write about but I think it’s important to share.

Never keep toxic, or vile people in your life.

If you tell your friend that you we’re raped and they continue to be friends with said person because “well he didn’t rape me.” cut them out.

If you tell your friend you almost killed yourself and you we’re going to commit yourself to a hospital, but all they say is, “oh I’m glad you didn’t that would’ve been an inconvenience for me.” you don’t need them.

If you go to your friend telling them your crazy ex called you again and all they can talk about is how their ex was worse, fuck them.

Start this new year surrounding yourself with people who build you up and support you. I stuck around this negative person for another friend, but we both have separated from her. I had to deal with her emotionally shitting on me for 7 years, only two of them did I realize how awful of a human she is. You don’t always see it, but if you do, leave. You deserve better.

I’ve defriended her for only 4 days and in the last 4 days I have never been happier. I’ve never been without a toxic thought for this long. That’s how much damage she did to me and now I see I never deserved it.
