#toxic people










I heard that Cassandra Clare’s lawyers are trying to take down any pages that reference her history of plagiarism…so here’s some fandom history: Cassandra Claire is a bully and a plagiarist.

Oh hell no, she does not get to be one of the most (in)famous cases of fandom fuckery in the history of modern fandom and then just make it all go away because she made money doing exactly the same damned thing to an already published author.

Oh, damn, the law clearly indicates that now that I’ve seen this post I must re-read her story. Sorry, everyone.

The plagiarism link no longer works - she got to them guys :(

Remember when she was kicked off fanfiction.net because of plagiarism? Because that was fun. Because that was still the era when hardly anyone got kicked off ff.net. That was when they still allowed all sorts of shenanigans. Remember how her friends had to club together to make a website that they controlled so she could post her fic unrestricted by morals and/or the law? And used her plagiarised quotes (such as “cold-blooded piece of toast”) as one of the markers of your posting count/user level on their forums? That was such fun as well!

Oh, how she denied it. Oh, how she said it was purely ‘pastiche’. Oh how she unleashed her winged monkeys by saying “these people are saying I’m a plagiarist wah wah wah!” and standing by and watching as those winged monkeys ripped innocent people to ribbons. There was doxxing. There was harassment. There was baiting.

We who lived through it, we do not forget.

Also she didn’t get to journalfen, the whole site just died a while ago.

pro tip: put the journalfen link in the last few words of the original post and paste it into archive. org so you can see the page a few years ago with the whole saga written up

Fanlore has got you covered with all the dirty laundry dear old Cassie wants us to forget:

I used to read FandomWank religiously even if I didn’t post there due to fear of voles, and thanks to FandomWank I know lots of things I sometimes wish I didn’t like “his wife?  A horse” and “snapewives” not to mention the “self lubricating” butthole and outwalking a hurricane…

And of course MsScribe.

But Cassandra Claire?  Yeah, that I’m grateful to FandomWank for because they put a big fat red warning sign out there about her and I was able to avoid her and her works altogether.

And in conclusion: bartending in leather pants.  In the dark.

Can anyone tell me why people just give up? Like if your going through a rough patch with someone and you both decide to try again and suddenly that person’s like “merry Christmas have a nice life” and ducks out of your life without trying, why are people like this. Like I understand people have free will but why do partners and friends suddenly say fuck it and leave without any driving force behind it?

What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with some feminist. Like some “feminists” bost about wanting equality for ALL WOMEN and yet they bully disabled people, laugh at trans women and belittle poor women or women of color. But they brag about being feminists, you’re not a bloody feminist unless you stick up for all women regardless of how they look. This is an inclusive community and if they arent treating all women as equals then they dont stand for any of us and they’re no better than men that belittle women.

Does anyone just have those irrational conversations that people drag you into because they think their opinion is an absolute solid fact that’s indisputable but in fact they are fucking idiots? I got drug into a conversation about “gays going to hell” at a bloody maccys. Like no sir we aren’t going to hell a clean 50% of us dug our way up from hell just to get some bloody hot fries and to shitpost the other 50% are absolute angels sent from god to keep the shitposters in line. Bloody hell I can assure you you’ll end up their before any of us do so good day sir and piss off.

Toxic society

I dont understand this world at all, people are brought into this world and their automatically forced to be something resembling perfection. Kids being put in a position where they have to be “perfect and socially acceptable” in a world that isnt perfect. “My child is a perfect darling he never acts up and makes perfect grades”. “My daughter is cheer captain with a 4.0 gpa shes the perfect child”. People brag about their good children and because of this idea of the “picture perfect kid and family” parents end up comparing their child or children to this seemingly perfect kid that does no wrong. And then the parents and family wonder why that child grew up to dislike them. What epic cluster fuck of a failed society are we living in if people do shit like that and its considered normal?


Intentionally family

It’s the holidays. Thoughts turn to family, etc. I have to admit, this is an interesting year for me. My parents are both gone, and with the exception of one cousin, I’m pretty estranged from my family. My husband’s family hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve maintained a relationship. Different points of view, different ways of approaching my son’s autism and my daughter’s outspoken nature haven’t made it easy. With my husband’s parents’ advancing age, we’ve been spending more time with his side of the family. Including yesterday’s Thanksgiving. Each time, I saw him spend a full day mentally gearing up for the visit….and hours in exhausted silence decompressing after. It’s worthy of note that his brother and brother in law said not a word to him during the entire meal, not even a hello. And his brother in-law shuttled our niece out so quickly after dinner was done none of us could speak to her. When we got home, both adult kids and my husband went into separate rooms for several hours to decompress. And I found myself wondering if it was all worth it.

As we were sitting at our Thanksgiving dinner, my kids’ conversation turned briefly to Christmas. In hushed and paused conversation, they asked if their “other family” could be included in some of our celebrations this year. We’ve been out to our kids almost since the beginning, and since moving within a mile-ish of each other last year, our kids have gotten close. When we got back last night, I couldn’t wait to see them-my real family. The family that I get to choose everyday. We talked about that last night. My girlfriend asking me how I felt on days like Thanksgiving without my big family. I used to miss it. I did. But knowing that I can have a family of love rather than a family that leaves you exhausted doesn’t make me miss it anymore.

It took me a long time to understand that, just because people share your genetic material, it doesn’t mean you have to spend time with them or even like them. It’s not like you got to choose your biological family. If you weren’t related, would they be people you’d hang out with or talk to? If the answer is NO, then you should have no obligation to do so just because you’re related.

Family can be chosen, and chosen families are often better than those of the biological variety. You see and spend time with them because you want to, not because a holiday (or a guilt trip) obligates you to be with them.

(You can visit my instagram page @jungleflowerenergy to view the closed captioned version of this poem)

TOXIC MASCULINITY - Please repost!

I was NOT expecting this to happen. Please tag someone who would appreciate this⁣ ⁣

I’d written Firefly, my first poem, only because someone had asked me to. I didn’t consider myself a poet and wrote nothing again until a year later (2013) when @jeffperera invited me to perform something for a conference he created around ending toxic masculinity. I wrote this piece for it and this was the first time I performed it. I was battling stage fright the entire time.⁣⁣

Waiting for my turn to perform, I was shaking. My friends gathered lovingly around me and prayed. Along with the stage fright I was also terrified that I would forget my words which is why you’ll see me clutching my notebook for dear life. You’ll also later see me shaking my head in disbelief because this outcome was the last thing I was expecting. My fear of public speaking dissipated after this. During a phase in my life where I spent a lot of energy dodging cameras, to have this major turning point caught on film (by Paul) was such a blessing. Grateful to see intelligent souls like @patrickcwalters@seedandcerassee@letssavematthew@rene_riiise@joanneswritingsand@mstoddart68 going off in the audience.⁣⁣

They say fear is the opposite of love, and it seems like the more fears I face, the more I find myself surrounded by a loving community. I had major stage fright and I never claimed the title ‘poet’, but here I stand as living proof that our throat chakras are strengthened when we speak our truth. ⁣⁣

Please share

Nov 16 in Toronto. Link in bio #jungleflowerdragonheart

Llega un momento en la vida en el que nos toca ser los malos, la persona que nos hizo daño alguna vez, nos toca romper un corazón o hacer llorar a alguien, apagamos el brillo con él que algún día nos miraron, terminamos con las esperanzas que ponen en nosotros, decepcionamos y rompemos a las personas.

Es egoísta conservar a las personas siendo conscientes que somos la parte desagradable de su vida. Si mi vida es una mierdx sólo yo tendría que lidiar con ello.

Te detienes un segundo a pensar ¿qué mierda estoy haciendo? ¿En qué momento de mi vida comencé a sentirme tan mediocre, en qué momento te conformaste con los residuos de amor de alguien, porqué no te sentías tan incómoda como para marcharte?

Fácil, cuando es el único tipo de amor que conoces, te quedas, te sientes afortunada y te auto destruyes tratando de conservar el poco amor que tienes.


¿Sabrá alguien identificar el momento exacto en el cual una persona se convierte indispensable en tu vida?

En qué momento se forma esa presión en el pecho ante la ausencia de esa persona; en qué momento comienzas a llorar frecuentemente cuando no está cerca; en qué momento dejas de tener planes individuales para crearlos juntos; en qué momento dejas de tener energía cuando no tienes noticias suyas; en qué momento comienzas a sentir paz y tranquilidad únicamente cuando lo/a tienes cerca; en qué momento comienzan los pensamientos recurrentes de que te va a dejar en cualquier momento; en qué momento te aterra la idea de despertar un día y que todo se derrumbe; en qué momento te comienzas a sentir tan frágil y débil, necesitada de la existencia de esa persona; en qué momento comienzas a pedir todas las noches que se quede, que se quede, que se quede; en qué momento se convierte en la única persona, por encima de ti mismo/a, que puede calmar tus arranques incontrolables e insensatos de ira, de ansiedad, de tristeza, de vacío; en qué momento deja de haber más opciones, se terminan las alternativas y sabes, por única vez en tu vida tienes la certeza, de que si se va, no habrá más, no llegará nadie, todo se terminará, no te sentirás igual, nunca.

You know that thing you always liked to say about Karma coming back to you? Which by the way you got wrong every time I just never corrected you. It comes back threefold, not bloody TEN.

Well, enjoy that.

Settle down and set your mind

On those who don’t mind the asinine

Antics, play to the ones who want

Whatever rubbish you fling around

Like Oscar the Grouch on speed

Don’t need my reaction or to pick

My brain about anything relating

To you…or anything else for that matter.

Perplexing how she doesn’t make

The connection, too blinded by her own

Obsession to see the disturbing

Absurdity; surprised the hotheaded

Jealousy queen isn’t demanding

No alluding to me in her company

Let alone not to beg for scraps

Of my attention so blatantly.

No it is taken out on me.

Mr. Look-Ma-No-Hands-Geometry

Once again getting off scot-

Free to try wrangling up a triangle

Obtuse scalene obscene.

All you’ll get from me is this poem you will never read

Do what is good for YOURSELF!

Do what is good for YOURSELF!

Post link

Mean or broken, really it’s the same thing
Intention don’t matter, in the end, you still hurt me
Not absolved from your actions just ‘cause you want the consequences to go away

This is not Broadway
I will not bow for your performance
To you, keeping up this façade is of uttermost importance
But this isn’t even worth the price of a matinee
So I’ve gotta say bye to you, babe

Expecting me to wave a white flag.
Instead, I dye it red with your blood!
It belongs to you anyways

Of course, you continue to wave it with pride
You’ll find someone else wearing rose-colored glasses
I wish I could protect them,
But sacrificing myself to keep tabs on you isn’t worth the cost.

This isn’t what I usually write about but I think it’s important to share.

Never keep toxic, or vile people in your life.

If you tell your friend that you we’re raped and they continue to be friends with said person because “well he didn’t rape me.” cut them out.

If you tell your friend you almost killed yourself and you we’re going to commit yourself to a hospital, but all they say is, “oh I’m glad you didn’t that would’ve been an inconvenience for me.” you don’t need them.

If you go to your friend telling them your crazy ex called you again and all they can talk about is how their ex was worse, fuck them.

Start this new year surrounding yourself with people who build you up and support you. I stuck around this negative person for another friend, but we both have separated from her. I had to deal with her emotionally shitting on me for 7 years, only two of them did I realize how awful of a human she is. You don’t always see it, but if you do, leave. You deserve better.

I’ve defriended her for only 4 days and in the last 4 days I have never been happier. I’ve never been without a toxic thought for this long. That’s how much damage she did to me and now I see I never deserved it.

Maybe you don’t put a steel blade to your wrist, but you constantly guilt yourself over a past that eats you alive.

Maybe you don’t abuse drugs, but you go from toxic relationship to toxic relationship because you weren’t taught any other form of love.

Maybe you don’t pop pills, but you drown yourself with liqour and parties because you’re too afraid to be alone with your thoughts.

Maybe you don’t have a traumatic past, but depression consumes you and you feel it isn’t valid because you’ve “had a good life.”

And maybe you haven’t tried to kill yourself, but you don’t feel alive either.

Self-harm, like abuse, is not just physical. It’s in your thoughts, your lack of action, and things much less visible. Treat your mind as your friend, if you wouldn’t tell your friend that she was worthless, ugly, and messed everything up, catch yourself when you do the same.

She always did go for the sad boys. The ones with sunken eyes and a slow heartbeat. Some might say she had a healing complex, but I don’t think it was quite that simple. Perhaps, instead, it was so she’d be focused so much on taming their demons that she could neglect her own for awhile. It wasn’t because she thought she could heal them, but because she was afraid she couldn’t heal herself.

I want you to know that You were very important for me. You were my missing piece, my soulmate. I really loved everything about You. I am glad that you destroyed that.



it’s so nasty how much people expect time to heal wounds and wanna show up in ur life like “damn ur still bitter about that” yes u rotten mango own up to what u did or stay gone

just being absent from someone’s life bc u wanna “give them space to cool down” is not equivalent to an apology

¿Cuántas veces nos arrepentimos de no hacer las cosas en su momento? ¿Hasta cuando vamos a permitir que nuestros miedos se carcoman nuestros deseos?

I think the actors doing their characters were just brave. There were so many lovers here. Toxic relationships through the road to certainty. My most favorite lovers here were Sol and Ji-Wan. They’re problematic as well yet cute. I love how the butterflies were associated to the man’s character and how the leading lady got the name Na-Bi. Pretty genius. Nevertheless, this drama is too weak. I didn’t feel any emotions. It’s realistic and unrealistic at the same time hmmm.

Nevertheless (2021)
