#brooklyn center







4.17.21. Brooklyn Center, MN

Police dispersed a protest shortly into the night, then forced all journalists to surrender and consent to photographs of their faces, credentials, and IDs. Police also arrested marked medics for being present.

A local church opened to injured protestors the night before, and dozens of police responded by surrounding the church the following day.

Police are the acting arm of fascism.

police response is similar in other cities, like LA and NY pictured here. All cops have an interest in their own power and demanding their ability to kill with impunity.

That picture of the cops surrounding the church looks like a joke. It’s not.

It’s not a joke. In fact most of those guys standing around doing absolutely nothing of value for their community are earning overtime. Which will cost their community more. For nothing of value.

When people say “Defund the Police” this is part of what they mean. Useless displays of force that only serve to brutalize their citizens and result in cities paying out millions of dollars in settlements.

I wanted to post the church picture on my instagram story, so I fact checked first and I read an interview with the man who took the photo who said they were actually guarding a police station in that picture and there just do happened to be a church there.

Personally this changes nothing for me, but I just wanted to stop the spread of misinformation.

I was at that church earlier in the day that picture was taken. The police station is .1 miles away. Pretty close, sure, but between the actual police building and the church is the police parking lot and a private residence. I just don’t see how the cops could be standing that close to the church if they were guarding the station.

This was a very deliberate power play by the BCPD. That church has been a hub for community, resistance, and mutual aid since Daunte Wright was killed. By piling up next to it like that, they’re letting people know they’re more than willing to deny access to all manner of community support. 100% submission and compliance is the only response they’ll accept.
