#brown sugar inc

About me: My name is Iggy and I L O V E styling photo shoots! It generally goes like this:1. I get

About me: My name is Iggy and I L O V E styling photo shoots! It generally goes like this:

1. I get a very strong feeling, then an image shortly follows. Whether that be Audrey Hepburn at college, fire and ice inspired, or just a plain old day with a friend.

2. I immediately text my trusted friend and photographer Bryan Taylor, consult with my models and figure out what they can/can’t do in terms of outfits and props. Shop as needed.

3. A shoot is planned, scheduled, and shot.

I have also been known to stop my friends in the middle of walking because the lighting hit her face just right and her highlight is looking BOMB ASF and the eyebrows were FLEEKED and take some snaps with the amazing camera on my iPhone 7.

I love using my friends and family for inspiration and as models and one of my favorite props is a trusty coffee cup. So please like and reblog and enjoy these glorious still stories❤️ feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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