#bucky barnes story





Y/N is the baby sister to Tony Stark and she’s just as smart as him but she’s also very, very different from him. Thats why she joins Steve to help prove that Bucky Barnes is innocent. When things go South, she joins Steve and Bucky in Wakanda where she stays to avoid being found and arrested. Bucky and Y/N soon grow closer and fall in love. But that love is short lived when the fate of the entire world is at stake. 


I.Civil War


III.Fresh Air (NSFW)

IV.The Snap 

V.The Losing Game

VI.Hello Sweet

VII.A Chance (NSFW)

VIII.Let Me Love You (NSFW)


X.Dusk Till Dawn (FINAL)


Series Warnings/Trigger Warnings

Language, Fighting, Blood, Injuries, Teasing, SMUT (Filthy as filthy can be), Loss, Depression, Angst, Death…Each chapter will have their own warnings and such 


If for some reason you haven’t seen Civil War, Infinity War, andEndgame this contains some spoilers. Read at your own discretion. This work also contains content for the 18 and up crowd. Please don’t copy and paste my work anywhere, I work way to hard on all of my work and would hate to have it stolen. You may, of course, share the links to each chapter. This will work will be posted on WattPad, Archive Of Our Own, TikTok (Video Preview), and Instagram (Video Preview with a small excerpt). Links to those profiles are in the pinned post in my profile.


I am loving the love I still get on this story! It’s my most popular one on here, wattpad and AO3.

Winter’s Saga Masterlist

Winter’s Doll

A new recruit, Nadia “Nadie” Alekiev, is added to the Avengers team and captures the eye of Sgt. James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes on the very first day. The two form a friendship where the two of them are oblivious to the fact that they are head over heels into each other. Until one of them get jealous about a one night stand and a very important mission almost goes sideways while trying to prove corruption in the government that Nadia used to hold to a high standard and the same government that she believed killed her brother.

Winter’s Dimming Light

After getting the all clear, Nadia and Bucky come out of hiding. They semi retire to a normal life for the sake of their infant daughter on Nadia’s family ranch. Things are going so well for them until they are attacked by a masked assassin. Nadia and Buck then realizes that both of their pasts still haunts them and it could kill them if they’re not careful.

Winter’s Dark Light

Winter’s Last Stand

Winter’s Legacy
