#mcu imagine

“well we’re not the ones with a bad history of back stabbing.” Tony stated.you all looked at Loki wh“well we’re not the ones with a bad history of back stabbing.” Tony stated.you all looked at Loki wh

“well we’re not the ones with a bad history of back stabbing.” Tony stated.

you all looked at Loki who looked around then turned to you, “would you say something?”

you raised your hands in defense to say ‘dont drag me into this.’

“wow, great girlfriend you are.” Loki sighed, “fine, i admit, i don’t have the best track record but i have Y/N now, that’s got to count for something doesn’t it?” 

gif credit @hela

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“admit it, you have been changing your appearance to be me to get close to Y/N.” Thor stated, hammer“admit it, you have been changing your appearance to be me to get close to Y/N.” Thor stated, hammer

“admit it, you have been changing your appearance to be me to get close to Y/N.” Thor stated, hammer on Loki’s chest.

“okay, i’ll admit.” Loki said, “yes, i sometimes make myself look like you so i can go visit Y/N.”


Loki laughed, “why do you think?”

“i think you’re in love with her.” Thor grinned, “which is why i told her so myself.”


gif credit @heartfulloffandoms

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Anyone in the MCU fandom that’s into Gamora, Valkyrie, Valmora, the Guardians, and Revengers that knows how to use goggle docs and into being a co-beta reader/help with plot?

Peter Parker x reader 

Part 8

a?N: HI… so i know this is looooong overdue, i am so sorry about that. I know how frustrating it must have been to wait so long. Honestly i just got really wrapped up with life and i had gotten a job, and school, then i got a boyfriend so it just really consumed my time. But i got fired, i’m on break, and me and my boyfriend broke up soooo here’s that story lol.




That’s really the only word you could use to describe the next few days leading up to your hangout with Peter.

Whether it was Wanda and Nat attempting to play dress up with you, or Pietro and Bucky ;( a surprising team up) pestering you about how Peter better watch his back. Not to mention your father and Pepper telling you how you don’t have to push yourself. 

Really it was exhausting. Especially because you were already nervous as it is. 

Peter had really hurt you. It hurts when someone you love just up and decided to cut you out of there lives with no notice, ANd even if its not what Peter intended, it’s how you were effected. So yes, you were a bit weary. How could you not be? 

“Miss Y/n, Peter Parker has arrived.” FRIDAY stated, even she sounded annoyed.

Your heart skipped a beat, and you shakily called out a thank you. 

As you got your stuff together, you wondered what was going to happen. Obviously it was a good thing that Peter wanted to see you. He even said he wanted to make everything up to you. 

So why were you so anxious?

You finally reached the main room, where Peter was there waiting. Again surrounded by passive aggressive superheros, doing their best to make him regret ever making you cry.

As soon as he saw you he stood, faster than you had ever seen him move before. 

“Y/N!”, he shouts, sounding relieved, “ Are you ready?” 

You send him a small smile, nodding your head and then glaring at the group of adults behind him. 

“Yeah, lets go” You say as you walk to the elevator, leaving Peter to follow behind, feeling the scorching gaze of the avengers on his back. 

“Have fun, Y/n. I am but a phone call away~” Pietro coos, sweet words with an intimidating message behind it.

You smile to yourself, seeing Peter sigh in relief as the doors shut and the elevator moves to the lobby.

An awkward silence falls upon you two. One that is unfamiliar, as you and Peter have always had something to talk about. 

“I’m sorry Y/n…” Peter says suddenly, “ I don’t know what I was thinking…”

You glance to the ground, not knowing what to say. You really were never good at speaking your emotions. 

“I think I was just used to being your number one… so when he came along I didn’t know how to handle it.”

“You really hurt me.” You state quietly, “ I know that’s probably not what you meant to do”

“Its not” Peter says quickly, “ Trust me Y/n, seeing you sad and knowing that I’m the reason will always haunt me. I never want to be the reason you cry.”

“But you were” You whispered, looking at your feet. 

Peter swallowed, “ I never wanted to … I just needed space to think.”

“Peter… needing space is fine. Understandable, but the way you went about it is what hurt me. You went from texting me and seeing em everyday, to ignoring me and making excuses not to see me. That’s what hurt me.” You say, finally telling him how you feel, “ If you felt that strongly about Jason, then you should have told me. Before you jumped to conclusions and cut me off. If you needed space then you should have told me.” 

Peter looked at the ground, taking in what you were telling him. 

You felt bad laying into him like that but it had to be said. 

“ You’re lucky I love you.” You say with a sigh. Hearing those words Peters heart nearly stopped, looking at your face in surprise, 

Did you feel the same as him? 

“You can mess up a thousand times and I’d still want you as my friend.” 


“Yeah…friends” Peter says in a tone. 

You notice the shift in tone, but before you can comment on it Peters phone goes off. As he checks it his face changes, at first excitement but then it morphs into a look of guilt. 

You frown, “Peter who is it?”

“Oh!…uh its Liz.” He stumbles, “But! But! I promised it was just you and me today, and it will be.”

You look at the ground, “If you need to take it then I understand…”

“Hey, no, look I’m putting it away.” He says, pocketing the phone after putting it on silent, “ come on, I’ve been craving a hot dog from a shady stand for the longest time.” 

He takes your hand and leads you through the busy streets of Manhattan. The feeling bringing a heat to your cheeks. It was warm and familiar. Being with Peter always brought you a sense of comfort you weren’t able to feel with anyone else. He was your home away from home. Being away from him felt like a piece of you was missing. You didn’t truly understand these feelings, Peter really being the only guy you’ve gotten to know like this, but you’ve seen it before. 

You’ve seen it in movies, dreamy scenes where the protagonist goes through a montage of activities with the love interest, only to end with them falling in love. You see it with your parents, the way your father looks at Pepper, as if she hung the moon and stars herself. Its a feeling that you long to have. 

And with Peter, you think you’ve found it. You love being around him. The way his hair looks when the sun hits it just right. The way he slightly dances to a song he likes, not enough to be obvious but just enough to be noticable. You love the way he sends you pictures of things he wants before he buys them to get your opinion. Or the way he laughs when you say something that surprises him. The little things that nobody else has noticed but you have.

As you were thinking about all this, you didn’t realize that you stopped walking and were staring at Peter, slightly freaking him out.

“uh…Y/n..are you okay?” He asks, feeling awkward but worried since you just stopped out of nowhere. 

Shaking yourself out of it, you smile, “Yeah! Sorry I got lost in thought I guess.”

You couldn’t feel this way for him. How could you when he doesn’t feel the same? He made his choice and his choice was Liz. You really were only a friend to him. 

“Hey, wanna swing up to the top of my school? We could eat there?” Peter says with a mischievous smile, knowing you get motion sick. 

“Peter…” You warn with a slight smile. 

You squeak as he suddenly pulls you in an alley and leaps, webs shooting out of the hidden shooter under his sleeve.

“PETER” You shout, burying your face in his shoulder, trying to hold onto the bag that contained your hotdogs and hold in the contents of your stomach. You flinch every time you feel your bodies drop and rise, the momentum making your stomach twist. Finally, after what felt like forever, you land with a jolt. 

“Jeez you really have a tight grip” Peter says with a small chuckle, “Sorry, I know you hate that.” 

You huff for a second trying to keep the contents of your stomach in your body. Then you shoot him an sharp glare. 

“I hate you.” You say with a slight laugh. Peter puts his hand on his heart feigning a hurt look.

“Don’t say that.” He says with a smile, “Come on, lets eat.”

And you do. While this whole thing hasn’t truly been resolved, it was nice to just be with him. To enjoy his presence once more, and be Y/n and Pete again. In fact this was the thing you missed the most. The comfort he brought to you. The feeling of content and happiness, like you two were the only two people in the world. And as far as you were concerned, at this very moment, you were.

New Beginnings pt.3

Natasha woke up, taking a moment to notice how calm she was at that moment. She finally opens her eyes and sees that the sun has not yet risen. To her right lays Maria who is curled into her side with an arm wrapped around her waist.

She kicks herself for not minding the brunettes actions.God why is she so weak?! She can’t believe people saw her like that.

Natasha sneaks out of the bed and out the room making sure neither Fury or Maria woke up. She makes her way to the training room and does what she does best.

She put her walls back up. After all, Widows are made of steel. She doesn’t bother wrapping her hands before punching the punching bag. She doesn’t know how long she was training until the sun was up and she heard her names being called from behind her.

“Natasha! You scared us. You can’t just leave and not te-” Maria doesn’t get to finished her sentence due to the view of Natasha’s hands.

“Natasha. Come here please.” Maria says calmly.

Natasha rolls her eyes and walks over to the brunette. Maria softly grabs Natasha’s hand, observing the bright red that leaked down her fingers and split knuckles that colored black and purple.

Maria sighs, “Why are you doing this to yourself? You can’t train if this is how you’re going to do it.”

“I can do whatever I want. Stop acting like you care. You think I’m stupid enough to believe that you all are just nice people?! No. They’re always nice at first and I’m not going to let myself fall for your shit so move. I’m leaving, or if you want to kill me that’s fine too. I don’t really give a shit anymore. You know what? Barton should have killed me the second he got me.” Natasha snatched her hand out of Maria’s grasp and heads towards the door.

“Natasha get back here now! Natasha please.” Maria follows her, running after the familiar red hair. Natasha goes to her room first and locks it, sighing in relief when she sees that Fury had left. She goes to her bathroom and sits against the bathtub.

She finally lets the tears fall. She’s cried so much over the past couple of days which makes her feel even worse.

She’s so lost in though that she doesn’t hear the heaping of the override Maria used to het into her room. Neither does she hear the bathroom door opening.

Maria sits in front of her with a first aid kit. She sees the far off look in Natasha’s eyes, knowing she won’t be back mentally for a while. As before, Natasha looks like she’s looking right through her. She reaches out to grab the small girls hand.

She wipes off the blood with alcohol wipes. Natasha doesn’t even flinch which makes Maria worried. She wraps the hand and goes to the other. When she has both hands done, she doesn’t let them go. Instead, she holds them close and presses a soft kiss to each of the girls knuckles.

“Natasha.” No answer.

She moves forward onto her knees, taking Natasha’s face in her hands. She soothingly rubs Natasha’s cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. This brings Natasha back to the present with a scare.

She flinches at the touch but then relaxes once she sees who it is. She looks down, away from the blue eyes that look worried.

Maria lifts her chin, making her hold eye contact. “I’m sorry Natasha. I’m sorry that I yelled. I’m sorry that you felt as though this place was a trick. I’m so sorry that you experienced something like that in the past. You don’t deserve that. We would never hurt you here. Not on purpose. Never.”

Maria brings her into a hug causing Natasha to stiffen. Maria runs her fingers through the redheads hair, untangling the strands. Natasha melts into the embrace after a couple moments.

She doesn’t notice that a couple tears have fallen from her eyes. When Maria backs away from the hug, she leads Natasha out of the bathroom and onto the bed.

When she sits on the bed, she lays Natasha’s head on her lap and continues to play with her hair. They sit in silence for a while until Maria decides to speak.

“I’m glad he didn’t kill you. You don’t deserve to die Natasha. Your heart is good and I know you don’t believe that yet but I can promise you that it’s there and it’s good. I see it in your eyes everyday. The way they soften when you look at the friendships others have formed and the way they share laughs. And the way they light up when you get simple things such as orange juice. You have a beautiful heart Natasha.” At Maria’s words, Natasha’s eyes well up with tears again. Never has she ever been told something like that. For the first 7 years of her life she never even knew what eye color she had due to the red rooms lack of mirrors. She didn’t really know what she looked like until then either.

“You know, everyday I can feel how much I’m changing. I’ve been changing since you got here. I know it was only a couple days ago, but there’s something about you.”

In response, Natasha’s warily reaches behind her and grabs the hand that isn’t running through her hair and holds it. They sit in that room till lunch time and eventually fall asleep.


Natasha wakes up two hours later and finds that they have moved in their sleep causing Natasha to be on top of a sleeping Maria. Her face heats up and she goes to move off of the brunette but is unable to because Maria subconsciously pulls her back into her. Natasha let’s out a sigh and burrows her face in Maria’s neck, falling back asleep.

“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Override lock.” Maria hears coming from outside. Fury comes into the room looking amused at the sight in front of him. “You know, she’s good for you M.”

“Shut up. We’ve only known each other for like 3 days.” She runs her fingers along Natasha’s back, feeling the girl let out a content sigh.

“All I’m saying is, hurt her and you’re out. I mean it Hill. There’s something about her.” Fury states, walking closer to them and sitting down on the bed. He takes Natasha’s wrapped hand into his, rubbing the back of them softly.

“I won’t hurt her. Never.” They both look at the way Natasha’s face looks as she sleeps. Her long hair a bit messy and her plump rosy lips slightly parted. There’s a light blush to her cheeks and subtle freckles that decorate them. She looks younger and at peace. Completely different than when she’s awake.

“Hey guys! Lunch is ready downst-” Clint is cut off by the looks Fury and Maria give him. They both look down and see that Natasha is half way asleep.

“Come on Nat, time to eat. You missed breakfast.” Fury pokes at her side, causing her to let out a shriek and jump roll away from him. Both Maria and him let out a chuckle and how the assassin is ticklish.

“Let’s go,” Maria gets up from the bed and drags Natasha with her. The red head follows with a groan. “How’s your hands?”

“Fine. I’ve had worse.” Natasha shrugs. Maria let’s out a sigh at the thought of Natasha having done that before.

“You’re not going to do it again right?” Again, Natasha responds with a shrug. “Come on Nat, if you ever need to let out some frustration, I’ll spar with you.”


Fury heads off to his office and leaves both girls at one of the tables. Clint follows a couple seconds later. He carries two trays for both of them and you guessed it, orange juice for Nat.

When Nat sees the orange juice, her eyes light up. Exactly how Maria described and she sits and watches it happen again.

“So, Natasha, How is day three?” Clint asks, taking a night out of his sandwich.

“Umm, it’s fine.” Natasha looks down and tries to forget the morning.

“I saw you and a little someone here getting pretty comfortable. How was it cuddling with badass Maria Hill?” The archer teases, wiggling his eyebrows at the women in front of him.

“What’s cuddling?” Natasha looks confused.

“Nothing, don’t listen to him. He’s being a jerk.” Maria steps in. I’m all honestly, both their hearts break at Natasha’s words. The poor girl didn’t even know what cuddling was.

Natasha shrugs her shoulders and eats another one of her chips.

“So, Natasha, it’s family movie night which means everyone watches a movie and eats snacks in the family room. Are you coming?” Clint asks.

Unsure, Natasha looks to Maria and received a nod of a head. Natasha looks back to Clint and nods her head in response.

“Cool. I’ll save us seats. Well, I’m done and gotta go fill out paper work. I’ll see you guys tonight.” He collects his stuff and leaves the table, leaving the two women alone.

“Can I be done?” Natasha asks, head faced down. Maria softly lifts Natasha’s head and says, “Remember when I said you don’t ever have to finish your food?” She eats a nod.

“I just don’t want to make anyone mad.” Natasha admits.

“No one will get mad for you not wanting to eat all of your food. However, we do need to set up a clinic meeting. We’re concerned that you aren’t at the proper weight level for your age. Wait, how old are you?” Natasha shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t know. Twenty something. Probably 22 to 24. The red room doesn’t tell you how old you are and they mess with you by never letting you know what time of day it is or how many days pass. So, I’m not really sure.” The way Natasha speaks about it so nonchalantly makes Maria’s heart break for the millionth time that day.

“Well, we’ll find out when we go see the doctor.” She pats Natasha’s knee.

“How old are you?” Natasha asks, swinging her legs back and forth and resting her head on her hand that’s propped up on the table. Maria notices how care free she seems at the moment.

“I’m 25.”

“Do you like your job?”

“Most of the time. Sometimes it can be a little much. I know this isn’t really a job for you since you’re technically forced to be here, but how about you? Do you like it here so far?”

“I don’t like what I had to do to get here. I didn’t like killing those people. But I do like it in here. No one has hurt me yet and I don’t have to sleep with handcuffs connected to the headboard. I also didn’t have you or Clint or Fury so that’s nice. And I have orange juice here and not grey smoothies that tasted like cement. Overall, this place is better than anything I’ve ever known-” Maria cuts her off by embracing her in a hug. Natasha’s shocked at first but hugs back. “I also didn’t get these either.”



summary: Owner of a bar full of criminals, maybe you shouldn’t be surprised when you’re the sole witness to a hydra hit. In comes Detective Barnes, the quick-witted, flirtatious cop who somehow became a regular at your misfit bar. When he takes it upon himself to ensure your safety off the books, you learn to rely on someone else for a change and find you don’t mind it at all. Not when it’s him.

pairing: detective!bucky x reader

word count: ~71,000

warnings: descriptions of violence, smut (parts will be marked with *), torture, a very flirty/protective bucky (bc it counts as a warning ok)

a/n:ok so this series is legit my baby so please be kind and show it love if you feel it Chapters and drabbles below the cut!

Keep reading

☾ Now I can see you ☽

Marc Spector x Fem!Reader / Steven Grant x Fem!Reader

Sequel to ’I can almost see you. Next part ‘Can you see me?’

Sequel; One-shot?; A bit of Smut; Fluff; ANGST.

Summary: Two years after Marc’s return, life with him and Steven seems to be going the way you always wanted it to, until blood starts to drip again.

Warnings:Pregnancy, blood loss, possible death, breastfeeding kink? (Steven).

Feedback is really appreciated! If you like this comment please!

Italics are flashbacks!

Gif credits to their respective owner!

“Oh, Marc…” she moaned, throwing her head back as she felt herself on the verge of climax. Marc, who was underneath her, gripped her hips firmly and set a faster pace, further increasing the pleasure for both of them.

“Hold on a little longer, baby.” He growled after biting his lips and watching his wife, bouncing on top of him. He brought one of his hands to her clitoris and began massaging it again. She was so overstimulated, the slightest touch caused her to roll her eyes at the incredible sensation. “You’re a fucking goddess- Ah- Fuck, baby!” He brought one of his hands to one of her breasts and pinched the nipple.

“Kiss me. Marc, kiss me.” She moaned at the oncoming wave of pleasure. Marc slipped his arm around her waist, bringing them closer together. Or as close as possible. “Fuck, fuck. Come inside me. Oh—.”

Marc kissed her, and she finished, letting out a majestic moan that ended up encouraging the dark-eyed man to finish too, inside her, in the most intimate way possible.

“We’re very good at this.” He joked as he rested his forehead against hers and sighed contentedly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him rather shyly. “So good that we ended up like this.” She whispered tenderly as she lowered her gaze to her belly, now rounded and covered with a thin layer of sweat, just like the rest of her and her husband’s body.

Marc brought the hand he had been holding at her waist up to her belly, which he caressed tenderly.

“Mourning for me is to give importance to something, to learn to live, to honour something. You have to name it and explore it, whether it was something that happened or not.”

“Like that life we could never have?”

“For example.”

“It still seems like a dream that we’ve come this far, doesn’t it?”

“Yes.” He replied, “The life we thought we could never have… it turns out we’ve managed to create it. Quite literally.”

"I’m glad to be able to do it with you.” She caressed her husband’s face, looking intently at every detail of his beautiful face. At last, after so many years of suffering, it reflected serenity. “Steven and you are going to be the best thing our daughter could have. She’s very lucky, I’m very lucky too.”

“Lucky us, darling.” Steven spoke, taking control, for the first time in a while. He looked at her with awe and devotion, as if she were one of the Egyptian deities that fascinated him so much.

They loved her, they were lucky.

“I couldn’t agree more with Steven.” Marc said now.

After hearing those words, she kissed him. Well, them. Lovingly and passionately.

Round 2 perhaps was coming?

It was 3:17 in the morning when things started to get complicated. To get ugly.

An immense pain ran through her abdomen and back. Everything was spinning, she felt weak. Really weak. A few moments after trying to overcome the feeling of dizziness, she felt something wet and warm between her legs. She tried to sit up again and awkwardly put a hand to her crotch.

“No, no, no. No… it can’t be, it’s still too early.” whispered in panic. “Marc…!” She tried to call out to her husband in the darkness, she couldn’t see anything. “Marc?” She received no answer. “Ste-Steven?”

Trying to find the switch for the lamp, which was on the bedside table, another wave of pain came over her, but this time with much more intensity, causing her to groan in pain and clutch her belly. Once the light was on, she looked at her hand, which she had previously taken to the wet spot to see what it was.

However, she did not expect to find blood on it. Panicking, she pulled back the sheets that covered her and was able to see the whole thing, horrified and shocked.

Blood. A lot of blood.

The side of the bed where she slept was awash with the warm dark scarlet liquid. It wasn’t until she could smell it that she turned her head in the direction of the side where her husband used to sleep. “Marc.” She said panicking, her face pale, lacking its usual colour. Tears began to form. Marc was missing.

“So if it’s a girl, do you want to name her Layla?” Steven asked her as he tried to assemble the baby’s crib

“Yes.” Replied the soon-to-be-mom as she rocked in the chair, stroking her not-so-swollen belly. “Why? Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

Steven shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, the name is beautiful and I adore Layla…but do you think it’s a good idea to name your daughter after your husband’s ex-girlfriend?” Steven asked, tightening one of the screws on the crib. He looked at the woman who hadn’t answered him.

“I have you both because of her. She’s the one who made Marc come back to me, who made him come to his senses to fight for us and not let his fears get the better of him. Thanks to her I have you too, Steven.” She paused slightly as she stood up and walked over to stand next to him, where she sat down on the floor next to the man. “She’s a great person, and a very dear friend. I feel it’s the least I can do.”

“Well…” said Steven, placing a hand on his wife’s, squeezing it lovingly, as he nodded his head. “It sounds like the right name for our daughter. Well… in case it’s a girl.”

She planted a kiss on his cheek. “I’m glad we agree.” She whispered with a goofy grin.

“I didn’t say I agreed.” Marc intervened in the conversation, being the one who took control of the body.

The woman sighed. “Ugh, Marc…” she complained, dropping her head on his shoulder.

“I like the name, I really do, but I think we’re overdoing it. I think it’s a little weird that my wife wants to name our daughter after my ex. Nothing more.” Spoke the soon-to-be-dad in an accelerated manner.

“And what do you think our daughter should be named?” she folded her arms, waiting for an answer from the dark-haired man.

“Well… I’m not sure, but I like this nickname, as a diminutive of-”

”-Tattie. He likes Tattie, as a nickname.“ Steven interrupted Marc, who as he regained control of his body frowned.

"Steven…” sighed Marc in exasperation.

“And what the hell is Tattie diminutive of?”

“Well, it’s short for-”

“-Taweret!” Steven cut Marc off again.

“Steven!” Marc exclaimed. “Stop interrupting me.”

“You want to call our daughter Taweret!?” Exclaimed the female before letting out a laugh. “I love Taweret, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to name our daughter after an Egyptian goddess. She’d get bullied at the playground. And besides, if I’m not mistaken, in Scotland they use that word for the potatoes. I think.”

“Hey, I didn’t laugh when you said Leyla. Besides, she’s the one who helped us get back from the Duat.”

The woman stopped laughing when she heard that part. The fact that she had discovered that Marc had died when he had left her to protect her was something that every time the subject came up, she shuddered. She felt guilty in a way, responsible for not being able to stop him from leaving, from dying. She always felt her heart sinking.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed. You’re right, it makes sense that you would want to call our daughter that.” As she spoke, he caressed her cheeks and then placed a kiss on her forehead, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his lips on her. “But now that I think about it… Tattie makes sense, the baby won’t be much bigger than a potato now.”

“Small potato!” Steven exclaimed bringing his face close to the level of her belly. “Oi! How’s it going in there, sweetheart?”

She giggled, as she listened intently to the nonsense, the caresses and kisses that landed on her belly Marc and Steven, as they took turns doing it.

“You’re going to be a show as parents.” She commented in a murmur, shaking my head.

When she tried to get out of bed her whole body was shaking and everything was spinning, as she clumsily moved towards the door awkwardly, she kept calling out for her husband, who showed no signs of life.

“Where could he have gone?” she thought, over and over again. “Marc… Steven? I-I need you-” she tried to hold back her sobs.

It couldn’t be possible that this was happening.

“Guys…” she couldn’t hold back her sobs as she looked down at her legs and saw that her pajama trousers were completely stained with blood. She looked down at the floor as well, and could see the trail of blood she had been leaving from the bed to the door of her room. “Tattie…” she moaned in pain, in tears, as she put both hands to her belly.

She couldn’t lose her. Not her baby.

Not now.

“I want to try something. Well, Steven wants to try something.” Marc moaned as he thrusted inside her, again and again, fast and hard. Just the way she liked it so much.

God, how they loved to feel and hear her. To praise her, to touch her, to kiss her, to pleasure her.

“Oh? What-what do you want to try? You know you can- Fuck! Ow- oh! He can try anything he wants. He-he ah! He knows.” She closed her eyes, as she felt her husband’s lips on her neck, slowly moving down to her breasts, now larger and rounder due to her state. “Ahh… Steven do whatever you want to me. I’m yours, completely.”

Steven continued to thrust inside her with the same intensity. “You don’t know how much I love to hear that, darling.” He said, giving her a look, watching as she closed her eyes at the pleasure coursing through her body.

Seeing her reaction to his touch.

Then he took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to suck on it, not forgetting, of course, to massage the other one and play with her sensitive nipple.

“Sweet.” He murmured after his first taste of that white liquid that first came out of her breast. “You have no idea how sweet you are.”

“Don’t even think about stopping.” She moaned, clinging her legs to his hips as she ran her hands through his hair.

And so he continued.

The house was completely dark, except for the small light coming from down the hallway and passing under the bathroom door at the end of the hall. She could hear water running, possibly from the shower. It sounded like someone was in there.

“Steven?” she encouraged herself to ask in the dark, in a faint voice, as she slowly made her way forward, leaning against the wall. “Something’s not right. The baby…” she tried to contain herself, once again. “Something’s not right.”

Her legs failed as she stumbled over something on the floor. She fell to her knees and hands, and that’s when she came across something she hadn’t expected to see.

A gun, large caliber.

What the fuck?

She looked up as she heard the water stop, and could see a shadow, underneath the door, moving towards to open it.

It was a Sunday afternoon, the weather was fine and the breeze was warm, that was the day he first said those words.

“I love you.” Steven broke the silence, looking down at her. She was holding his head in her lap and playing with his hair. They were lying on the grass in the park, the one not far from their house. It was her favourite, because of simple details like that. “I love you.” He repeated with a big smile on his face.

“I love you too.” It was the first time they’d both said it, even though they’d already spent two years getting to know each other and living together as a couple. Well, as a trio rather. “Very much.”

“Fucking finally, man. I’m glad you said it already.” Marc commented, taking control of his body. “But just so you know, I was here first, Steven.” Marc joked.

“I love you too, Mr. Spector.”

“I know. How not to.”

“You cheeky bastard.”

That man, who appeared to be Marc or Steven, leaned against the door frame, arms folded, as he stared at her silently. He had a towel tied around his waist, water dripping down the rest of his body, from his tousled, curly hair. He looked at her with curiosity

“I need help…”

“I can see that.” Said that familiar, yet unfamiliar voice. It was like Marc and Steven’s, but different. More indifferent. Cold. Distant.

She gave him a glance right after hearing his words, she could see him approaching her. “There is too much blood.” He commented as he looked at the huge stain on her pajamas and the trail she had left behind her. “It’s not all yours though, don’t worry.”

It was then, thanks to the bathroom light that now illuminated the entire hallway, that she could see a pile of clothes, which belonged to her boys, stained with blood next to her. “Who the fuck are you?” She asked him through her teeth.

“Oh, right. We’ve never met before.” Spoke the man she didn’t recognise, as he squatted down in front of her. “You don’t know how hard it’s been to hide and not give any indication of my existence. It’s exhausting.”

She let out a grunt at what had been the worst wave of pain she had ever felt. She could feel more blood welling up, too, and trickling down her thighs to the floor. Still, she never took her eyes off the stranger.

Everything began to spin more and more. She knew she would not be conscious much longer.

“Excuse my manners, bonita.” He let out a small laugh, then grabbed her chin and made her look him in the eye. “My name is Jake Lockley, and I am the new owner of this body.”

Her arms and knees failed her, she fell back to the ground. She struggled to stay awake, to stay alert. She could feel, still, familiar arms pick her up off the ground and carry her firmly. She could smell their scent, Marc and Steven’s. That comforted her.

She didn’t know where the man was taking her. Jake Lockley. She didn’t have time to worry either, because everything went black.

She no longer felt anything.

But deep down she hoped that everything was going to be all right.


This weekend, hopefully tonight, I’ll post the second part of I CAN ALMOST SEE YOU! There will be a bit of Smut, Fluff, and Angst. We will also have Soft!Marc and Soft!Steven! So if you’re interested and want me to tag you, just interact with this post and check the fist part, perhaps?✨

Also, if you have any requests hit me up!

Update:Here is the link to the second part! ’Now I can see you’!

“I’m not going to fight you y/n; you can fight this!”

“Personally; I like the disease. Sentiment has always been and will ultimately be your downfall Captain”

“Then I’ll fall, as long as I have you with me till my last breath”

“(Y/n), look, I’m sorry-”

“No, shut up and listen to me for one minute! If you want to go out and take on an unnecessary suicide mission, by all means, go right ahead. You need to remember it’s not just your life you’re ending here, though! It’s mine too, because if you die Tony… I don’t know how I’d go on”

fleeting moments : m.s / s.g

marc knew he couldn’t avoid the inevitable forever. there was always going to be a point where you would want to meet steven, even if it wasn’t in the most conventional way. (1.5k)

all the fluff in this one, cause i’m a sucker for soft steven and marc

masterlist//taglist // requests: OPEN

The silence between the two of you was too loud. He knew exactly what you were thinking, and he dreaded this day.

“So,” You start, “it’s always going to be like this, huh?” Lifting your gaze upward, you hear him hum in response.

“He’s not ready to know, baby.” His arm tightens around your waist, causing goosebumps to once more erupt on your skin and a smirk to form on his lips.

Sadly, this doesn’t bring you much comfort as you slink out from his embrace, something Marc didn’t anticipate. “You’ve been saying that for months, Marc.” The short tone in your voice makes him wince internally.

The truth is, Marc believes you deserve better. He doesn’t want to involve you further into his life, into his situation because he knows one day, you’ll just get up and leave. But of course, he’ll never express this aloud. So instead, he just pushes it away.

“It’s the truth, Y/n.” Marc retorts. “He’s still coming to terms with,” He pauses, unable to say the name as it burns on the tip of his tongue.

Steven’s sleep pattern has become significantly worse and Marc’s control has been transient. He knows it won’t be long until he clocks on, but until then, he has these moments with you.

Noticing the hesitance, you reach out and take his hand into yours, placing it on your lap. “I know.” You mumble, tracing patterns in his palm, avoiding his focus. “But I don’t want us to always be like this, spending fleeting moments and only late nights together.”

“What if,” Marc begins a suggestion, noticing your eyes focusing on him solely and your lips turning upward. “okay, I’ve got an idea.”

You don’t respond immediately, and Marc curses himself for a stupid thought.

“Go for it, Spector.” Taking his hand, you bring it to your lips, kissing his torn knuckles, smelling the copper from them.


It was a good idea, in Marc’s defence. But being here in front of the entrance, you started to second guess yourself and whether you were ready for this, despite wanting it for so long.

“Come on, we haven’t got all day!” A woman calls out from behind you, quickly followed by a group of school children who rush inside the Museum with wide eyes of awe.

Following the class of students into the Museum, you too share the same sense of wonder for the interior and history lining the walls. “No wonder he loves the place.” You think aloud, passing the children as you head toward the Egyptian exhibition, knowing that it’s a good starting point as any.

Through your wander, you can’t help but think back to Marc when you last saw him. He too was nervous about you meeting his alter, knowing it’ll be strange for you, whereas Steven will be oblivious to the deep meaning of it.

“Just be yourself, okay babe?” Marc asks of you, now sitting in your flat rather than on the rooftop.

Sipping your drink, you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “And why would I be anything else? He’ll love me, I think.” You second guess jokingly, catching a concerned expression in the corner of your eye.

Clearly lost in your thoughts, a child bumps into you and falls over consequently. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Immediately bending down, you help the little girl to her feet. “Are you alright?”

The child in question nods hesitantly, her lower lip quivering. “I lost my class.” She sadly admits.

“Oh dear,” You sigh softly, looking around to see no other children in the same coloured jumper. “well, let’s find a member of staff, okay? I’m Y/n.” Introducing yourself, you walk alongside the young girl in the direction of the reception, only for her to gasp in awe at the sight of stuffed cuddly toys.

“A crocodile!” She yells, running into the gift shop without giving you a chance to react.

Blindly following the child, your ears perk at a chuckle. “Gotta be careful with that one,” A Londoner comments, and as you lift your gaze up, your heart almost stops in your chest.

His curls part differently, somehow his face softens as he wears a gentle grin and slouches his shoulders but those dark eyes are always the same.

“Steven.” You mumble, noticing his lopsided name tag.

“Why? It’s just a crocodile.” The child shrugs, noticing you approaching whereas Steven keeps his attention on the stuffed toy and the child’s interest.

“Well, you might think that, but it is actually the Goddess Ammit,” Steven’s hands begin to join the conversation and you watch his face light up.

Marc always told you about how expressionate Steven is and once you got him started on Egyptian history, well, there was no stopping him.

Entering the gift shop, you catch the frustrated look of a blonde woman storming toward Steven and the young girl. “Stevie!” She barks. Noting the name tag, it clicks in your head who she is. “What have I told you ‘bout pestering the visitors?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she huffs loudly leaving Steven to stammer a response.

“Sorry,” You interrupt, apologetically smiling at Steven whilst trying to control your heart beating at the sight of him.

Yet, as your attention averts to Donna, you miss the way Steven’s eyes widen and his lips part. 'She’s beautiful.’ He thinks to himself, unaware that Marc is thinking the exact same thing.

“I ran into this little one, pretty sure she’s been split up from her class and I was just trying to find someone to help.” You explain.

“Right,” Donna sighs again, evidently unimpressed as the little girl sways her school bag in front of her. “let’s find your teacher then.” She begins to walk away with the girl who waves back to you and Steven.

“I er,” Steven speaks up almost immediately, knowing someone like you doesn’t frequent these sort of places often, and by these sort of places, he means in a room with him.

“Thanks for that.” You motion to the child trying to match Donna’s quick march. “She’s a bit much, right?” You chuckle, noticing a breathless laugh leave his lips.

“Yeah.” Steven comments. “No matter how many times I say, it’s Steven with a V.” He points to the name tag. “That’s me, by the way. Steven, with a V.”

Your stomach flips and your head aches with the difference between him and Marc. Yet, your heart warms for Steven, knowing how much he means to Marc.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Steven with a V. My name’s Y/n.” You introduce yourself, now walking further into the gift shop whilst Steven mumbles your name under his breath, hoping he never forgets it.

“Y/n, it’s well, welcome to the gift shop.” He rambles, unsure of the words forming and leaving his lips. “Not much of great value, and I wouldn’t bother with the sweets, they’re a bit naff.”

Chuckling, you approach the counter to find the sweets in question, shaped like beetles. “I’ll have you know, gift shops are always my favourite part of any place.” You playfully admit, hearing Steven rush from behind to stand at the counter, resting his elbows on the ledge.

“Really?” Steven can’t help but ask, surprised as you nod.

“I like getting souvenirs of significant places.” Picking up a postcard with the Pharaohs on it, you place it on the counter along with a bag of beetle sweets. “And this seems pretty significant to me.” You add, smiling up at Steven whose cheeks begin to burn at your comment.

Unsure what to say, Steven rings up the items. “I, I s'pose so.” That toothy grin makes an appearance, causing your knees to almost buckle. “Thanks for stopping by, Y/n.” He places your receipt on the counter, sliding it toward you.

“Thanks for the help, Steven. I’m sure you’ll see me around.” You wave, taking the sweets and postcard in hand.

Once out of sight, Steven chuckles to himself in disbelief. “Y/n.” He repeats your name under his breath, hoping that you’re true to your word and come back sometime.

Taking your phone, you begin to text Marc, knowing when he takes over he’ll want to know if and how it went.

“Kids,” Donna barges past you, muttering under her breath, not giving you any recognition as she makes her way to the gift shop.

'I think it went well. :) see you soon.’ You can’t stop the smile on your lips as you wander further into the museum, hoping to visit Steven again soon.

“Stevie! It’s time for your break.” Donna enters, snapping him from his thoughts.

Nodding, Steven walks out of the gift shop and into the inventory room, knowing it’s the one place he will have some peace. With you still fresh on his mind, he takes out his phone and dials her number.

As it normally does, he ends up listening to the voicemail message. “Hi Mum, I think I might’ve met someone,” He starts and begins to explain wistfully whilst Marc watches from the framed photo of the Gods with pride.

t a g l i s t (thank you for the support!) link in my bio and at the top of this piece to add yourself☺️(if your user isn’t tagged, it’s because nothing comes up sorry!)@bissstuff@psychicforest@lourightm@mywinterwolf@justsomedreaming@stanlux17@smokeandnailz@supermoonchildbroski@xrosegoldwolfx@courtneychicken@marvelsangels@supraveng@tommy-lee-81@smilexcaptainx@fandom-princess-forevermore@sarge-barnes-sir@pleasantlysecretdream @decaffeinated-fangirl @howdyherron @kirby-boo @florencxs@eldahae@handmesomecoffee@hi-my-name-is-riley@dev1lbella@thanossexual@alissaginger@sambucky8@notbrooklynsblog@nikkixostan@cosmiccaptian@adoreyou976@sarcasticallywitty15@multi-fandom-princess07@16boyfriends-and-me@courtneychicken@mackevanstan80@torchwoodoctor@pleasantlysecretdream@yougottalovefandoms@magicalxdaydream@soccer-100000@tenaciousperfectionunkown@talksoprettyjjx@btsonthedaily@jessyballet@katiaw2@buckyswildflower@lucrea@weenersoldierr@katiaw2@lucrea@amelia-song-pond@bluelakeee@dottirose@emilytheukuleleplayer@5-seconds-of-mendes@rudystilinski @bookfrog242@wild-rose-35@fleurlovesbucky@iiclarixa@soldierstucky@twinerd14@lieswithoutfairytales@ateliefloresdaprimavera@teenwonder@weenersoldierr@nobody-will@ilikemypolarbear@rottenstyx@original-in-itself@sebby-staan@bbl32@lyoongx @iilwjbb@siriuslyslytherin@chazubagi@youngmarveltastypersona@iamninaannaisreading@marry-me-calum-hood@original-in-itself@clownerlyluv@emilyprentisslittlewhore@amelia-song-pond@buckleyx@jesuswasnotawhiteman@hallecarey1@sleutherclaw@wonderwoman292@paintballkid711@leyannrae@blackwidownat2814@lmao-ethel@fillechatoyante@evanpetersisreallyhot@i-neverasktwice@aconfusedslytherin@kpopnena@ruzannetheseahorse@yelenabelovasgf@harysty@pastelreds@it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes@keyanasstuff@marvelatthisone@natblackwidow2@bucky-stan14@chiyongberry


Pairing: Ben Poindexter x Reader

Warnings: Slight language.

Summary:You decide to bring Ben a quick meal during his busy work day as a security detail for Fisk.

The elevator came to a halt with a familiar ding, gently rocking the floor of the small space. The doors lined with gold parted to reveal a hallway and you stepped into it, carefully balancing the drink holder in one hand and attempting to pull out the visitors pass from your pocket. Once the card was free and in your fingers, you turned left and walked over to the FBI agent standing in front of a large metal detector. 

“State your name and business.” The guard announced as you approached. You presented the card and then the coffee and paper bag. 

“Y/n. Delivering some coffee and bagels to Agent Poindexter because my friend refuses to have lunch.” You smiled. The agent nodded and handed the key card back, extending his other hand to take the beverage from you. 

“I’ll take that in for you.” 

You pulled back and shook your head. “I’d rather give it to him myself.” 

The guard glanced back at where the agents were working and then sighed when he returned to you. 

“With the present threat of Wilson Fisk, we can’t let you in there. There’s a lot of classified intel.” He told you apologetically. 

You squinted at the agent, hoping that your charm could create a small miracle. 

“Can you at least have Dex come out here for a while? He needs a break too.” You wondered. 

The agent paused for a minute and then nodded silently. He instructed that you wait where you stood until he returned with Dex. It didn’t take long. Soon the agent had been replaced with your friend who looked at you quizzically, clearly not expecting a visit. 

“Hey.” He said rather seriously, walking over. “Is everything okay?” 

You nodded and presented the treats. Dex’s concern melted into something softer when he realised why you had come. Taking the coffee, Dex swirled it slightly and looked at her. “You shouldn’t have come here.” He reprimanded. 

You took a sip of your own drink and leaned against the corridor wall, not realising that Dex had absentmindedly mirrored your actions. 

“Youshould have lunch.” You countered with a smirk. Pulling out a bagel, you passed it over to the agent. Dex took a bite out of it and sipped more of the warm liquid to wash it down. 

You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him and reached up to the injuries on face, gently brushing your fingertips below the scratch on his eyebrow. 

“You’re almost healed.” 

Dex inhaled and leaned into the touch, it was his ultimate weakness. He could abandon the FBI just to have you lying beside him and absentmindedly tracing his hand against your skin.

“Dex?” You chuckled with a small squint. You were trying to bite back a laugh as his behaviour reminded you of a touch-starved puppy. 


“Did I lose you?” 

Dex opened his eyes - not realising that he had closed them - and saw you looking back. He always controlled his impulse around you but lately, Dex had been losing control of that too. 

Jerking up and off the wall, Dex accidentally pushed your hand away and cleared his throat. “I - um - I was just…”

Hey, Poindexter!” His fellow agent called out behind him. “The shitbag’s dressed for lunch.” 

Dex glanced back at his friend. “I’ll be right there.” 

As the agent fell back into the room, Dex heard you clear your throat. 

“I should be off too.” You told him. “I just wanted to make sure you ate and that you’re okay.” 

Dex wanted to say thank you but his words had lodged in his throat. He was so nervous that he just opted to nod in response. You handed him the remainder of the bagels and patted his arms twice before heading over to the open elevator. 

You pressed a button to the lower level and waited for the doors to close. Little did you expect for a hand to pop through and force the doors to open once again. Dex slid inside before you could question him and stepped over to where you stood.

Carefully, he placed a hand over you cheek and moved closer until his lips captured yours. He wasn’t thinking about what he was doing. He was just following his feelings from a few moments ago. 

He honestly didn’t know if his feelings were being reciprocated until your hand grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close. It was everything he had imagined.

Masterlist here


Imagine Thor trying to grant you visitation with Loki…

The sentence had been passed. Loki was to remain in a cell until the end of his days with no contact from the people who still loved him. You had asked the Allfather for one last conversation before the prince was taken away but Odin refused. 

Thor had witnessed the exchange and when the crown-prince saw you refusing to complete the usual warrior duties or attending feasts, he knew that he needed to help.

Finding his father in the throne room a few days later, Thor addressed the matter directly once the guards had left. 

“My brother has wronged so many people, I understand your sentence to imprison him.” He started.

Odin bowed his head. “Crimes in Asgard have consequences and this is Loki’s.”

“What about Y/n? They are no criminal, so why are they being punished?” Thor asked. Odin fell silent and listened to his son.

“Father, I know the pain of being separated from people I love. And despite all his errors and crimes, Loki has loved Y/n. You don’t want him to enjoy his sentence, I can respect that but Y/n doesn’t deserve to suffer.” 

Odin thought about the situation and after a few minutes he gave a curt nod.  “Very well, Y/n has done much for us. They can part ways with Loki and I’ll allow one visit within the year - only one.” 

One visit within the year was better than being forced apart forever. Thor nodded, trying his best to contain his joy. “Thank you, father.” 

~More imagines here~


Pairing: Robbie Reyes x Reader

Warnings: None.

Summary:Robbie had his brother away from danger but he quickly realises that there’s someone else he needs to keep safe.

“I can’t believe I’m on a secret agent ship!” Gabriel exclaimed as he wheeled his chair around to look at the interiors. Daisy smiled while Robbie forced a half-smile despite guilt eating away at his soul. Gabe turned back to his brother and grinned. 

“So, if I’m in protective custody why didn’t you bring in Y/n?” Gabe asked innocently. Daisy’s eyes sparked with intrigue at the mention of the name but Robbie frowned to cover up the way his heart wrenched at the mere mention of your name. 

“Gabe, why you bring them up?” After being together for years, Robbie had broken your heart to spare you from the truth and danger of the Ghost Rider. It had been months since that conversation took place and he hadn’t seen you since - apparently, Gabe had some secrets of his own.

“I bumped into Y/n a few days later on my way to school. I missed having them around so I invited Y/n to come by every few nights while you were away - just like old times. They were meant visit today.”

Robbie felt his heart leap into his throat as he reached into his pocket and snatched up his phone, instantly hitting the second contact on his speed dial: Mi Amor

So caught up in his emotion and keeping the monster within at bay, Robbie didn’t notice Gabe and Daisy smirk at the caller ID. 

Pacing as the call rang out, Robbie clenched and unclenched his fist repeatedly. Turning to Daisy, he gave one look and she understood what he meant. Nodding, Daisy sent a text to Mack to turn the plane around. 

Then suddenly - the call was answered. 

“Y/n?” Robbie asked. Hoping to the everything that you were fine. 

Robbie.” You replied in a thankful whisper. You were clutching your chest, back pressed against a wall in Gabe’s bedroom. “I couldn’t find Gabe at home. I’m worried they’ve-”

"Gabriel’s with me. He fine.” Robbie informed and began to grow nervous. You sounded like you had run a marathon. “Where are you?”

Gabriel’s bedroom.” You stopped for a minute and shuddered at the mere memory of what your eyes had seen. “I saw… there was a woman who walked through the wall. Robbie, she looked like a ghost." 

"Listen to me, miel - hide. Don’t look back and don’t go back to the…” There was a sharp gasp followed by an abrupt end to the call where the line went dead on your end. “Y/n?”

Still holding onto the phone like a lifeline, Robbie waited as if he’d hear your voice again until the reality settled and his rage bubbled to the surface causing the phone to melt into a puddle of metal and plastic. 

"What happened?” Gabe asked. Daisy stepped forward with the same question and Robbie looked at the pair of them. 

“They took Y/n." 

Masterlist here

I am super into mythology right now, and out of all kinds of mythology, Norse is definitely my favorite!! This myth in particular describes how Thor has to dress up as his mom, Frigga, in order to retrieve his hammer from a giant. Loki decides to accompany him as a bridesmaid to watch the whole event unfold.



Y/N: We are on opposite sides of the tomato- no. I mean-

Natasha: What? You mean coin? Two sides of a coin.

Y/N: Yes, I said that.

Natasha:Crushes are the worst.

Y/N: Yeah. Whenever I’m around mine, I start acting stupid.

Natasha: But you’re always acting stupid.

Y/N: Yeah, don’t think about it too hard.


A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Lo

A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Loki tattoo. Then this happened. Enjoy, everyone!

Words: 1734
Warnings: pure fluff… and needles, I guess

With a sigh, you closed your browser. You had now saved a total of three hundred pictures to your laptop, all of which were tattoos by different artists from all over the world. You had been dying to use your own body as a canvas for years but unfortunately, never had the courage nor the money to put colour on your skin forever.

And then, you had met gods and superheroes and your life had taken a complete turn and your priorities had shifted entirely and you had fallen in love with the Norse God of Mischief. Passionate sex had led to feelings you could barely describe with words and now here you were, utterly devoted to a man who would outlive you by thousands of years.

People gave you strange looks whenever you mentioned your devotion to Loki, including the Avengers.  And while his brother Thor was celebrated as the hero, Loki was still viewed as the villainous brother who attempted to subjugate the planet all those years back. It didn’t matter how much good he did, not to them anyway. Loki always acted like he didn’t care but whenever Thor, the media, and all of his followers praised him for yet another triumph, you could see the pained expression on Loki’s face—the disappointment.

“It’s getting warmer…” You murmured, cuddling up to him. He was so nice and cool you had a feeling this summer would be a lot more bearable than the previous ones. And even though he claimed that he hated physical affection, you could tell he was enjoying being close to you.

“Loki, we’re on the news!” Thor bellowed. He came barging into the room not caring for privacy, with an excited expression on his face. Loki rolled his eyes all the while you were flinching.

“Heavens, Thor…” Loki complained. You sighed, reaching for the remote to change the program. Thor was right, he was on TV—and he was being interviewed. The reporter was beaming, praising him for his help, admiring his strength. Not with a single word did he mention Loki; nor did Thor.

Loki pressed his lips together to a thin line and swallowed. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes once more when you wrapped your arms around him tighter. And then, finally, the camera panned to Loki for a split second. After that, it was a group of squealing fans holding posters and signs and screaming Thor’s name. One of them had Mjölnir tattooed on her forearm. Huh…

“Thor and his brother…” You heard the reporter say. There was nothing else of importance. The God of Mischief sighed. You switched the program again.

“Always a pleasure to be inside this square box.” Thor said, grinning widely. Then, all of a sudden, he paused. “It almost looks strange to see a woman in your arms, brother.” He looked at you. “I don’t know how you put up with him but I’m glad he found someone who seems to like his… chaotic nature, shall we say?” He grinned once more.

Loki tensed up, still stiff even after Thor had left.

“Loki… are you alright?”

He hummed in response. You put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. At least you now finally knew what type of tattoo you were going to get.


Would it stay on your skin forever? Yes. Were you facing any hesitation at all? No. You wanted a part of Loki to be with you at all times when he was gone and this, strangely enough, appeared to mean so much more than a wedding ring.

Thousands of fans were committed to Thor, and not a single person had yet expressed their gratitude towards Loki, not to mention that it seemed he himself couldn’t quite believe he was worthy of such gratitude… let alone your love.

It was the following day already that you found yourself in the tattoo studio. They had given you a last-minute appointment after learning who you were and when you had sent your artist an e-mail with what you wanted to get, even the barrier of virtual communication was unable to hide both his confusion and probably even hostility.

In any case, though, he met you neutrally the following day. After shaking his hand, he showed you the template he had made with your pictures and, after making sure you were fine with it, got to work.

You barely registered your surroundings. The walls were full of art, the smell of sanitiser and what must have been the tattoo colours filling your nostrils, and in the background, you could hear the humming of another tattoo gun along with some rock music.

It was only then, when you sat down on the chair, that nervousness began to wash over you—not because you were second-guessing your decision but rather because this man was about to repeatedly poke your skin with a small needle.

“It’s a little too late to ask but would you prefer some numbing cream?” He asked.

You shook your head, smiling mischievously. “Seriously, dude, I fight wars with the Avengers.”

“Yeah, stupid question… So, um…” You resisted the urge to flinch when he started tattooing you. Actually… it wasn’t so bad. Well, the numerous forums you’d been on online had promised you that the inside of your arm was a piece of cake compared to, say the ribs. You were planning on getting more tattoos one day but for now, this one it was.

You couldn’t wait to see Loki’s reaction. He had no idea you were here.

“Why… why Loki? I-I mean… I know you’re technically an Avenger but… that dude’s kinda evil.”

“Evil? He’s helped Thor and the others on missions countless times by now.” You tilted your head. “People just refuse to see the good in him.”

“Suit yourself, I mean… he tried to enslave all of humanity but…”

“That was a long time ago. And it wasn’t entirely his fault if you remember Thanos.”

The tattoo artist cleared his throat. “Yeah, I guess… Still. I mean it’s your skin.”

“Exactly. So let’s just do this. This is my first tattoo, I’d like to have a good memory of getting it and not sit here for hours defending my bo-“ You stopped yourself before you could say boyfriend. He’d see soon enough, for you had asked Loki to come pick you up here a little later. Besides, Loki didn’t like to be called your boyfriend. He was much more of a… lover, he had said. It had a nice ring to it.

“Yeah, yeah… sorry. I promise your choice of tattoo won’t impact the quality of my work. You’ll love it when it’s finished.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”


You only had to take two breaks in between, drinking plenty of water and stretching your legs a bit. Once the tattoo artist had finished up and wrapped clear foil around your tattoo to protect it, you sent Loki a text.

It was odd, every single time, to remind yourself that Loki was using a phone. He never used emojis though, for some dubious reason. That almost made it hard for you to tell when he was being sarcastic or not.

“What is this place? What are you doing in a tattoo parlour?”

“I was shopping for flowers. What do you think?” Chuckling, you embraced him when he entered the tattoo shop. It was perfect timing, for just when you pressed your lips on his to greet him properly, your tattoo artist reemerged from his private backroom.

“Oh… Oh! Oh. Mr… Mr. Loki. You, um… so you’re… wow.” You winked at him. You had to admit, his fear was rather hilarious… which was exactly why you had asked Loki to come pick you up. Besides, Loki could be quite the gentleman if only he wanted to. He lovedbeing all protective over you and that included taking you home on a regular basis.

Loki tilted his head when you broke the kiss, narrowing his eyes at him with his lips parted. “And who are you?”

“I, um… I did her tattoo. It’s um… you know what, it’s on the house.”

“Oh… thanks.” You said, grinning a little. Scary boyfriend privileges…

“You were not joking then? You actually got tattooed?”

“I’ll show you when we’re back home. Come on. Thanks again!”

“Y-yeah… thanks. Bye.”

As soon as you exited the shop, you burst out laughing. “Did you see his face? I love it. Come on, Trickster.” Intertwining your fingers with his, you dragged him along, not even giving him a chance to respond until you reached the Avengers’ Tower.

You couldn’t wait to take your jacket off and show him your tattoo and it seemed, Loki was equally curious.

“Why did you decide to put ink on your body permanently?” He suddenly asked.

“It’s beautiful… to use the skin as a canvas… and to have art that means a lot to you with you at all times, to become a part of you.”


“I’ve been thinking about getting tattoos for a very long time but then all this happened and I forgot about it for a while… but I’ve been doing my research and… well, I think you’ll like it.”

Loki frowned when you beamed at him. Once you arrived in your shared room, your grin grew even wider. Excitedly, you took off your jacket, took a deep breath, and then presented your arm to him.

Loki’s lips parted, you could almost hearhis face fall when he laid his eyes upon the golden helmet and the dagger you had gotten tattooed on your arm. Then, his blue eyes, filled with utter shock, met yours.

“You… you… this is my…” You smiled at him, biting your lower lip and eagerly awaiting what he would say but instead… instead he was tearing up.

“You… this will be on your skin forever.” He choked out.

You nodded. “I love you, Loki. This is a symbol of my devotion to you. Maybe no one else around here appreciates you the way they should be… but I do.”

Loki closed his eyes for a brief moment. And instead of responding with words, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you so tightly you feared for your breath. He didn’t need to say anything more. His embrace told you more than you needed to hear.

Post link

What if a demoness kept Loki as her pet in the depths of Muspelheim?

I’ll just… I’ll just leave that here for you. Bye!

With your head tilted, you skimmed your eyes over what had gotten caught in the fire pit. And then you saw him. The raven-haired god with the sharp jawline and cheekbones to die for. Blue eyes bore into yours, his thin lips parted. He was sweating, on his knees, breathing heavily. He was stunning.

“Who is that?” Intrigued, you pointed at him. His eyes narrowed.

“That? Keeps rambling about being a god.”

You chuckled. “I figured this much.”

“I am a god!” He bellowed. Damn.His voice was sexy. Dark, smooth, like it was able to convince you to do almost anything. “I am Loki, rightful king of Jötunheim and I demand—“

“Loki? You are an Asgardian god? How did you end up here?”

The demon gave you an annoyed huff. “I have no time for chit chat. Time to say goodbye, god of whatever you are.”

Loki’s eyes widened. And for a good reason too. It would be a shame to turn that pretty face to ashes.

“Wait! I want to keep this one. Do with the others as you will.”

“You’ll stop bothering me then?” The demon growled. You winked at him when he grabbed Loki’s arm and dragged him towards you. The god stood, his expression both menacing and threatening. A smirk tugged at the corners of your red lips. Three, two, one…

A dagger materialised in his hand the very moment your eyes turned bright red. You leaned back almost casually when he drew back but just before the tip of the blade could penetrate your skin you breathed out a surge of fire, melting his weapon down.

Loki let go of it just before it could singe his skin. The shocked expression on his face was priceless.

“Cute. You’re gonna be a fun pet.”




Y/N is the baby sister to Tony Stark and she’s just as smart as him but she’s also very, very different from him. Thats why she joins Steve to help prove that Bucky Barnes is innocent. When things go South, she joins Steve and Bucky in Wakanda where she stays to avoid being found and arrested. Bucky and Y/N soon grow closer and fall in love. But that love is short lived when the fate of the entire world is at stake. 


I.Civil War


III.Fresh Air (NSFW)

IV.The Snap 

V.The Losing Game

VI.Hello Sweet

VII.A Chance (NSFW)

VIII.Let Me Love You (NSFW)


X.Dusk Till Dawn (FINAL)


Series Warnings/Trigger Warnings

Language, Fighting, Blood, Injuries, Teasing, SMUT (Filthy as filthy can be), Loss, Depression, Angst, Death…Each chapter will have their own warnings and such 


If for some reason you haven’t seen Civil War, Infinity War, andEndgame this contains some spoilers. Read at your own discretion. This work also contains content for the 18 and up crowd. Please don’t copy and paste my work anywhere, I work way to hard on all of my work and would hate to have it stolen. You may, of course, share the links to each chapter. This will work will be posted on WattPad, Archive Of Our Own, TikTok (Video Preview), and Instagram (Video Preview with a small excerpt). Links to those profiles are in the pinned post in my profile.


I am loving the love I still get on this story! It’s my most popular one on here, wattpad and AO3.

Live Forever–Part One

Word Count: 5980

About: The only man that has loved you for you goes to war and you follow shortly after. Take place BEFORE CATFA, DURING CATFA and slightly AFTER CATFA.

Pairing:Bucky Barnes x F! Reader

Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Death of parents, Alcoholic parent, Implied sexual content,Death, Depression, Suicidal actions, time jump, if you squint you will catch a flirty Howard Stark

*This work is intended for the 18+ crowd and does contain some adult content. I am not responsible for anything after you click keep reading. This work is cross posted on other sites that can be found in the link in my bio. Do not copy and paste my work, sharing the link and reblogs are perfectly fine. Feedback is welcomed!


Marvel Masterlist

Forever Tags: @hobby27@donnaintx@myinconnelly1@elansaidaris@magssteenkamp@440mxs-wife

Marvel Tags: @soccer-100000

Bucky/Seb Tags: @saturdaynightzemo

Life wasn’t so easy for you growing up. Your mother passed away when you were only the tender age of seven years. You remember screaming at your father that it wasn’t fair and that children needed their mothers more than their fathers. You even went as far as to yell at him through your tears, that you wished it were him that died in that motor accident.

For the next eleven years, your father spent most of his time in a drunken state. He never drank until your mother passed. He’d pour alcohol in his coffee and go on off to work. Then, when he was home, he would spend his time sitting in front of the small radio drinking. He was rarely ever there for you. You were pretty much all on your own with an absent parent.

During the years of Prohibition, your father found ways to get alcohol. He’d run to the pharmacy after pharmacy and get prescription after prescription like everyone else for the next ten days. But he’d hit multiple pharmacies in one day and be home with more alcohol than the normal drinker. If the house was dry of alcohol, he’d run off to find someone who either had a large supply still or he’d find someone who made it. He didn’t care where the alcohol came from, as long as he had it. He was scary and sad when he didn’t have it.

The only time your father was ever sober enough to do anything, was for Sunday services or Communion Sunday. He’d put on a smile and say that everything was good or that you were performing well in your school studies, when you knew full well that he had no idea what you were learning. But you knew from the pitiful look from those around you, that they knew what your daddy was and that he was full of shit.


You had just turned twenty-two when people talked about the war that was raging around Europe. It was horrifying what you would read in the morning paper. Was America going to war? Was America going to sit this one out? You really hoped that it never came to that.

That was before the events that took place at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Now everyone around you talked of nothing but the war that America was now a part of. And what you’ve heard frightened you. The only time you could ever shut it was when you were home.

“I’m going to enlist the first chance I get,” Steve’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned to see the small, skinny man sitting on the wooden steps that lead to your small tiny apartment. You hadn’t lived there long. Only a few years after your father passed away. He had literally drank his life away and there wasn’t a shred of sadness for him in you.

Before you could say anything to Steve about his condition and that a strong wind could easily knock him over and break a bone, the door to your apartment closed. You looked up to see Bucky walk down the steps, his blue eyes glaring down at Steve.

“No, you’re not,” Bucky sat down on the step next to Steve. “First off, you’re in no shape to even enlist. Second, I won’t let you. Finally, if it did come down to me enlisting, which is very likely, you gotta stay here and watch, Y/N.”

You recalled the day that you met Bucky Barnes. You had been walking home from work late one night and ran into a group of young men. They did NOT have any intention of walking you home. You had put up a good fight until you began to feel yourself give up. You thought that in that moment, it was the end and you were a smidge grateful. Your life up until that point was nothing but pain and heartbreak. That was when Bucky came in and rescued you. Both literally and figuratively.

Bucky had taken you back to his place and helped clean you up. He had been extremely gentle and spoke softly to you. He talked of his family or his childhood friend, Steve. Those blue eyes would peeked up at you as he patched you up. During those small little moments, you would feel your face grow red. After getting you patched up and fed, Bucky insisted you stay with him for the night and walk you home in the morning.

“I’ll take the sofa and you can have my room,” He had told you. When morning had come and you were ready to leave, Steve had burst in with sad news about his mother.

Since then, it felt like those two had become your protector. Bucky would meet you after your night shifts to walk you home while Steve would walk you home from your morning shifts. They even took turns helping you with your weekly grocery trips. Then on some random days, they would come over and get you to tag along with them on whatever they did. That would range from hanging out on some random pier to poking around random libraries to accompanying Steve to doctors appointments.

“What do you say, sweetheart?”

You looked up at Bucky, who smiled and winked at you as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. You felt your face burn as you looked away but you could still feel those bright blue eyes on you. You and Bucky had flirted innocently over the last few years. Small smirks and quick glances turned into smiling more at each other while the other talked and held your stare in one place. Random hand kisses turned into a few secret, stolen kisses. The nightly walks from work turned into him staying the night at your place. You guys never did anything, in fact, Bucky always insisted that he sleep on the couch. But some nights you would make your way to the couch just to lay next to him or Bucky would slip into your room and just hold you all night.

“About what?” you closed the gap between you and Bucky. You took the cigarette from his hands and put it between your lips.

“The three of us going to see that, uh, new movie,” Bucky looked down at Steve who was staring into space. Steve got this way recently and you had a feeling Steve knew about you and Bucky. “Steve,” Bucky very gently nudged him. “What was that movie called again?”

“Um,” Steve coughed a little which had Bucky motioning you to drop the cigarette. You did as you were told. You dropped that thing and squished as deep as your little foot would allow you. “Babes on Broadway.”

“Sounds like a fun time,” you smiled.


It wasn’t long until Steve confronted the two of you about your guy’s behavior. It wasn’t like you wanted to keep it from him, he was your guy’s best friend after all. The two of you just didn’t know how to tell him since you guys were friends. Steve didn’t care, he was happy for you guys. Just as long as the three of you continued to do stuff.

That time was very short lived.

“Are you going to tell him?” You asked one night. Bucky had taken you to the pier to tell you his news. You were still processing what he had told you. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” You had recalled a few years back that Bucky would want to enlist, so you were confused when his face grew sad as he spoke to you.

“Yeah, at first,” Bucky picked up a small rock and threw it into the water. The two of you watched it skip until you couldn’t anymore. “I guess the time that you and I spent together and working on this relationship had me rethink it all.”

You stood up and took Bucky into your arms and held him. You felt his arms tighten around you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “How do you tell your best friend that you were drafted?”

You held him tighter and felt a small tear roll down your cheek. “It’ll be okay,” you whispered. “Hopefully, you’re not gone for long and will be home in no time.”

Bucky pulled away and cupped your face with his hands. “And when I do,” he leaned his forehead on yours. “You and I will get married and start that big family we’ve dreamed of.” You smiled back at him and planted a soft kiss on Bucky’s lips. Him coming home alive was the only hope you clung to now.

That was until you followed Steve to one of the enlistment centers and caught him in the act of lying. You were practically yelling at Steve about how irresponsible and utterly stupid he was being when a doctor walked right into the room. You were trying to tell the doctor that the two of you were just leaving but the doctor insisted that you both stay.


Since that day, not only was Steve taken in to be experimented on, you were taken in by some British woman named Peggy. You watched as Steve jumped onto a grenade that wasn’t a live one. That almost killed you inside. You were taught how to shoot a gun and to your surprise you were very good at it. Then you watched as a group of scientists stuffed Steve into some pod-like thing and when he came out again, he was taller and stronger.

“Look at you,” you said one evening. It had been a few days since the experiment and since Steve chased a German on foot to learn of a secret organization before he took his own life.

“You like it?” Steve did a little spin. It had been a while since you saw him this free.

“It’s different,” you sat down and picked up the book that Bucky gave him. “A good different. Something that I will for sure have to get used to.”

Over the course of a few months, Steve was dressed up in spandex and, to his disliking, went on a tour. There was a lot of singing and a lot of dancing according to Stevels small letters. You did get to see him perform once, and knew right away that Steve wasn’t exaggerating. Steve was pretty much depressed, he wanted to fight. He wanted to test out his strength but no one would let him. You on the other hand, you stayed on base and trained to be like Peggy. Knowing how to shoot and to not let a man walk all over you. All the while being hit on by none other than Howard Stark.

Howard was a sweetheart. A cocky, nerdy sweetheart who pretty much looked after you in hopes to win a date with you. That was until you had to shatter his little bubble of hope and tell him that you were engaged. Poor Howard, couldn’t stop apologizing. He’d still flirt with you nonetheless, but it didn’t have any strings attached. He was a good friend to you.


It wasn’t until October you heard news about the regiment that Bucky was in. It had been captured and your knees pretty much buckled underneath you when you heard about it. No one would tell you anything, not even Peggy who had also grown to be a good friend in Steve’s absence. You were alone and in the dark. You weren’t ready to lose the love of your life.

Then Steve showed up.

You watched as Steve marched his way through the camp towards you, your heart pounded. You knew that he knew about Bucky. Why else would he be here? He pulled you inside an empty tent and asked if you knew anything. You told him that all you knew was that Bucky’s regiment was taken and nothing else. No one would tell you anything or give you answers. It was killing you. Steve had taken a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“I’ll get you answers,” he said calmly as he pulled you into a tight hug.

Soon you found yourself standing in front of Colonel Phillips with Steve beside you. Your heart was racing and you didn’t know what to expect. Were you going to get answers? Was Phillips going to beat around the bush like he always did?

“I’m only looking for one name.” You heard Steve command. “One James Buchanan Barnes.”

Your entire world stood still. It even felt like your heart stopped beating as you waited for the answer you so desperately needed. You watched as Philips looked at both you and Steve as he stood up. The look on his face told you that the news wasn’t going to be what the two of you wanted to hear.

“The name sounds familiar,” Philips said as he ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry…”

The words seemed to die the moment they hit your ears. Your body grew cold and you felt yourself begin to sway. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. It had felt like a dream to you and all you wanted to do was to wake up and see the love of our life smiling at you. Bucky couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be! He was all that you had that left that kept you grounded. That kept you from making such drastic decisions in your own life.

Bucky Barnes was your rock.

And now, he was gone.

All gone.

You didn’t realize that you had gripped the upper arm of Steve. Steve was looking at you with concern in his eyes. He knew about your father’s drinking habits and you could tell that he was worried that you would fall right into the same death sentence that your father had.

“I’m okay,” You had told Steve. You let go of his arm and turned away only to feel the cool ground meet your face as unconsciousness consumed you.

When you woke up, Steve was gone. Along with Peggy and Howard. No note or letter telling you what was going on.

You spent the next day picking up the slack that Peggy had left behind. Phillips didn’t care that it had overwhelmed you, he wanted the job done. You masked your emotions around others, but the moment you had found yourself alone, the tears had spilled down your face. You just couldn’t believe that the one man that loved you for you, was actually gone. There probably wouldn’t be a body for you to bury. That thought made you cry even more.

“Bucky,” you whispered looking at the small diamond on your left hand. “You promised me forever.”

Peggy and Howard returned with no Steve by mid-day. When you had asked about him, you were shut down by Peggy. But Howard pulled you aside and explained what happened. They had lost contact with Steve and after a few hours of waiting, they had to leave.

You just lost Bucky and now you might have lost Steve. The world was cruel and you felt like life just didn’t want you to be happy. Your father’s cheap way out of life looked pleasing right now to you.

You had been crying alone in your tent when you heard a commotion at the front gate. You wiped your tears and made yourself look presentable. You smoothed out the clothes you wore and walked out to see what was going on. There were people rushing up to the front gate so you followed them.

You froze in place as you watched the group of soldiers walk in. Your bottom lip began to tremble and your legs began to shake. Before you could comprehend what was going on, you felt yourself ducking under the gate and running. Your mind wasn’t focused on the men that were rescued by Steve Rogers. Your mind was only focused on one person and one person alone.

Your body collided with Bucky’s and you felt his strong arms wrap around you. Those strong arms didn’t let you go. They held you so tight that you felt like you could almost stop breathing. The two of you pressed your faces into each other’s necks, inhaling the only scent that was familiar.

Bucky thought he had died on that table that freaky little scientist had him strapped to.

You thought that you finally went through with your plan.

Then Steve spoke and that was the one thing that brought you and Bucky back to reality. You pulled away from Bucky who held your face in his hands. You stared into those clear blue eyes of his. The smile he had on his face could fool anyone, including Steve, but you saw right through it.

“It’s okay, I’m here,” you whispered as you held one of his hands tightly to your face.

Bucky leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. “I’m not going to let you go anytime soon,” he mumbled against your lips. That night, you had given yourself fully to Bucky.


Over the next two years, Steve was used to help take down this group that called themselves HYDRA. There were many successful missions. Bucky was Steve’s right hand and went on these small missions with him. He always came back in one piece with the exception of a few cuts and bruises. Whenever Bucky would leave and come back, you would pull him aside to somewhere more private.

“I talked to Phillips,” Bucky said one morning. His fingers traced a path from your bare side to your thigh. Small goosebumps slowly followed. “When I get back from this mission, we are going to get married.”

“For real?” your lips stretched into a big smile.

“For real, Sweetheart,” Bucky smiled back, bringing his hand back up to cup your chin. “I want to be able to start our lives together and pop out a few kids.” Bucky’s breath catches at the word kids. “Who knows, maybe we already got one brewing with all the messing around we’ve been doing.”

You giggled at the thought of carrying Bucky’s baby. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if you were already pregnant.

“Phillips said he would officiate the small ceremony,” Bucky continued as he got up and threw his clothes on. “You don’t need to plan anything, just go out with Peggy and buy a nice dress.”

Bucky left shortly after that with Steve. You watched as they disappeared and out of sight. Something inside you told you that something bad was going to happen. You couldn’t explain it but slowly your heart began to ache but you had to shake the feeling. You got like that every time Bucky left.

“You shouldn’t have to worry,” Peggy stepped beside you. “They’ll be back and once you and Barnes are married, you both will go home.” You looked at Peggy who gave one her small smiles. “Shall we then? Go dress shopping?”

Over the next few days you tried on a few dresses and found one that fitted you well and that you loved. It was a little blue dress that went past your knees and tied loosely around your neck. You found a pair of black heels that pulled the entire look together. You couldn’t wait for Bucky to see you in it.


Bucky stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking the empty track. The mission was to take over a HYDRA train. Simple. He’d be back to you in no time. He’d get to marry you and spend at least two week with you back in Brooklyn before coming back here.

“So, finally getting married?” Steve stood next to Bucky. Bucky turned to his friend and smiled. “You know,” Steve rubbed his face. “I could have told you a few years back that she was the one for you. I could see the way you looked at her.”

Bucky shook his head as he held back a laugh. “Oh really? I recall you talking about her non-stop for months.”

Steve looked down and shook his head. “I only stopped because I could tell that she was falling for you. Not because of your looks, but because of the many books you two swapped around and talked about. How could I compete with that? Y/N was made for you.”

Bucky was about to say something when one of the men with them approached them. It was time to get this show on the road. Bucky was the second on the train and the moment his feet landed on the moving locomotive, his stomach did a flip. He did all that he could to keep from looking down.

Bucky ran across the train cars until they reached the one they needed. Steve went down first and Bucky followed. When they entered the car, it was empty except for some shelves. Bucky followed Steve towards the next car but when Steve stepped through the threshold, the door closed.

Something behind Bucky made a noise and Bucky turned to see a man pointing a gun at him. Bucky immediately began to shoot at him, ducking behind some shelves. In the other car, he could hear Steve fighting someone else.

Bucky continues to shoot until his rifle is empty. He pulls out his pistol and runs to the other side of the car shooting. He shoots until his pistol is empty. Bucky closed his eyes and rested, his back against the cool metal behind him. He knows there’s a chance he may not make it off of this train alive. So he sits there and thinks about you.

Bucky thought of the night he saved you from that group of guys. These boys, as they didn’t deserve to be called men, wanted to have their way with you. They wanted to touch you in ways that, after years, still make Bucky cringe. They also had no intention of leaving you alive, but dead on the cold street. Bucky didn’t think twice about intervening.

Your bottom lip had been swollen and your right eye was black. Your hands were bruised and it impressed Bucky that you put up one hell of a fight. But that wasn’t what Bucky fell for that night while he helped clean you up. It was the fire he saw in your eyes when he pulled you off the ground and shushed you when you took a swing at him. It was the small smile you gave him while he cleaned and stitched you up. It was the firm hug you gave him, thanking him for saving you.

Bucky wasn’t going to let you go, because he needed you.

Bucky heard the door open and from the corner of his eyes, he watched as Steve tossed both his pistol and shield towards him. Bucky quickly picked them up and with one more quick thought of your smile he stepped out of his small hiding spot and began to shoot at his assailant once again.

It was quick, Bucky was shooting one minute and the next, he’s hanging on tight to part of the train. The only part of the train that wasn’t secure Steve soon appeared and was reaching out his hand. But Bucky knew that this was it for him.

“Steve,” Bucky yelled.

“I got you, Buck,” Steve inched closer to his best friend. “Don’t worry. I got you.”

“Take care of her, for me.”


You were tidying up your space when you noticed Steve standing in the doorway. You rushed over and threw your arms around Steve. You were excited they were back and couldn’t wait to get your tiny wedding into gear. But when Steve pulled you back and stared at you with almost empty eyes, that same feeling you felt when you watched him and the group leave, returned.

“Steve?” your voice shook. “What happened?”

Steve swallowed hard as he pulled you back into the room. He guided you to the only chair and sat you down. “Y/N,” His voice trembled as he knelt down before you. “I’m sorry, Bucky…”

The world around you froze and your body grew cold as Steve’s voice slowly faded. It felt like a dream, except it wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare that you wanted no part of. But you couldn’t escape it. This was real. This was happening. Your body grew stiff as you heard Steve say those three words. Words that would haunt you for years to come.

You felt your arm reach out and make contact with Steve’s face. The tears rolled down your face as you tried to keep the sobs from escaping your lips. But when Steve turned back to you, you saw the tears in his eyes. He didn’t say anything as he stood up and made his way out of the room.

“You were supposed to watch out for him!” You yelled as you got up and rushed towards him. “You were supposed to bring him home.” You pushed him the moment he turned around. “You were supposed to keep him alive for me.” You went to slap him again, but Steve caught your arm and pulled you into the tightest hug.

Your body melted away into that hug as you felt your entire world fall apart around you. Soon your legs buckled from under and Steve was holding you on his lap. He rocked you as you cried and clung tightly to him.

“I’m sorry,” Steve whispered as he heard the muffled screams come from your small body. “I’m so, so sorry.”


Over the next week, there was a small funeral-like ceremony held for Bucky. Since there wasn’t a body for burial or to even send back home to the states, people just told stories about him. The stories couldn’t pull even a small smile from your lips. Not even the stories that Steve told. You just sat there, holding the small locket Bucky gifted you before he left. In the locket was his picture that you looked at almost everyday, but since being told about his death, you couldn’t bring yourself to open it.

You quickly got up and made your way out of the room and out of the building. You ignored the cold wind on your sink as you made your way to the only place that could make you feel closer to Bucky.

The smell of whiskey hit you the moment you opened those doors before the heat hit your skin. You walked up to the bar counter and sat down and before you knew it you had ordered an entire bottle of whiskey. You finally felt what your father had been feeling all those years ago when your mother died. You wanted nothing more than to be rid of the pain and whole in your chest. And you didn’t care if it killed you.

“Hey!” You felt the bottle leave your hand before you could get it to your mouth. “What do you think you’re doing?” You turned to see Howard standing right next to you, holding the bottle of whiskey in his hands. You went to reach for it but he took a step back. “No, I don’t think so.” He said handing it to the bartender and handing him a few large bills. He even instructed the bartender not to serve you anything but water or tea. Howard turned back to you. His face was full of worry and he was out of breath. “As much as I love seeing a beautiful woman drink, I can’t let you down an entire bottle in your state.”

You turned away from him. “Why do you care so much?”

“First off, that offensive,” Howard took a seat next to you. “Second, you’re my friend and you lost the love of your life. Third, Steve and I have been looking for you since he saw you leave.”

As if on cue, Steve walked into Crocker’s Folly and made his way towards you. He looked worried too but there was a little bit more anger on his face. You knew what was coming.

“What were you thinking?” Steve turned you around in your seat. “Leaving like that while it was freezing out? You could have frozen to death. What are you doing here anyway?”

You didn’t answer because you couldn’t. The stern look in Steve’s eyes, as he held your shoulders tight, had you almost frozen in place. Your heart raced as you just stared at him. You felt the tears form in the corner of your eyes as you heard Howard explain what he saw when he found you. You looked away as the shame you felt washed over faster than anything you felt that day.

“Y/N,” Steve lifted your chin with two fingers. That stern look was replaced with worry and sadness. “He wouldn’t want this for you. He wouldn’t want you to end up like your father. You’re better than that.”

“I…I just…”

“Come here,” Steve pulled you into his arms and held you as you cried silently. “I miss him too. You have to stay strong for him. Stay alive for him.” Steve pulled you back and stared at you. “Promise me you’ll stay alive for him.”

You nodded and let Steve help you back to your small apartment. Everything was packed away in small suitcases, ready to be sent back to Brooklyn ahead of you. Steve was set to go back in a week with you to help you get settled and to get a break and grieve Bucky. The thought of returning home without Bucky killed you. This wasn’t how your guys story was supposed to end.


A few days before you and Steve were to leave, you were tying up loose ends with Peggy when Steve ran in. He was a sweaty mess and breathing hard. “We found him,” he breath taking both your shoulder and Peggy’s. “We found Zola and Schmidt.”

Within hours you and Steve had gotten into a pissing match about you going with him. Steve didn’t want you to go, he wanted you to stay and go home. It’s what Bucky would have wanted and he was right. Bucky would have wanted you stay and to go home, maybe get a place with his sister. But you didn’t care. You wanted to go and Steve coudln’t make you stay.

But there you were a few days later sneaking your way onto an aircraft. You ignored just about eveyrhing Steve and Peggy told you to do. You knew that they said it to keep you safe and to keep you pretty much alive. You knew you should have listened to them, but you didn’t want to. There was nothing here for you anymore. Everything you ever loved, was gone.


So there you were, arguing with Steve about how to get you off the aircraft. An aircraft that was flying towards hundreds of people with a live bomb on board. There weren’t any parachutes for the both of you and there wasn’t a safe place for Steve to chuck you off at. So you were stuck there with him.

“You’re crazy you know that?” Steve walked away from you. He didn’t hide the fact that he was extremely upset with you. You could tell the whole time the two of you argued, you could see in his eyes and hear it in his voice–he thought he failed Bucky by not protecting you.

“What about you? Huh?” you caught up with Steve and over looked the mass ocean before you two. It was beautiful and it almost made you forget what you were doing.

“I’m doing my job,” Steve set his shield down and sat down. He took hold of the steering and began to figure out what to do next. You could see how the mission just disappeared from his eyes and a blank like expression replaced it.

“What?” you asked, standing next to him. Steve ignore you and got hold of the radio and flipped it on. Then he turned to you, took your hand in his hand placed it on the steering wheel. HIs hand under yours. “Steve?”

“Steve?! Y/N?!” Howards voice over the radio startled you. “Please tell you guys are landing that bird.”

Steve doens’t answer so you take the radio in your other hand. “We have no where to land, Howard. It looks like we might need to crash this thing.”

There was some static and then Peggys voice was clear as day. “Steve, Y/N,” her voice shook but there was a hint of that authoritative tone she always used. “You need to find a way out of that aircraft now. Howard will have a team ready to look for you.”

“We can’t do that,” Steve said. “We gotta do it together.”

You froze in place.

“Peggy?” Steve said her name so calmly that you almost missed a hint of sadness in it. “I may need to take a rain check on that dance.”

“Next week,” Peggy’s voice changed as well and all you could do was stare at Steve. “Don’t be late.”

“Maybe we can double date it?” you found yourself asking. Steve looked up at you. “What do you say, Howard? Steve and I walk away from this, we go dancing with them?”

“Absolutely,” Howards voice matched Peggy’s. “I’ll make sure you shine on that dance floor, Y/N. You’ll turn heads everywhere you go.”

“I can’t wait.”

Steve slowly nodded at you. You took that as your cue to gently press your hand down on the steering wheel. You felt the aircraft dip down further and further as you kept pushing the control down. Steve’s eyes never left yours and neither has yours.

“We will have a ball,” Howard’s voice seemed distant now. “Just walk out of this and stay–”


Steve pushed passed people and down halls. His heart was racing and he was terrified. This had to be HYDRA. This had to be some sort of trick and he needed to find you. The thought of you being held captive and alone, maybe being tortured like they did Bucky those years ago, it made him run even faster through the strange building.

Steve found himself outside. He was surrounded by even more stange buildings. The sounds that surround him, they’s loud and everywhere. Steve turned this way and that, trying to find something that was familiar to him.

Then Steve stopped.

A figure was walking towards him. A woman, dressed in tight fitted clothing. Her hair was pulled up and she wore a black cap on her head and sunglasses on her face. A voice behind her snaps and she turned around and snapped back at the voice. Ther was something familiar by the way she walked and talked. It almost reminded Steve of…

The woman took both her sunglasses and cap off. Steve just stared as the long dark hair hung around the womans shoulders. Her eyes held back tears but he could see the small smile in them. She stopped talking and tilted her head. Her eyes became pleading as she stared at Steve.

Then he saw it.

A small diamond ring hung on a chain around her neck. He’s seen that ring many times before. He was there when it was bought and when it was placed around your ring finger. Steve’s eyes snapped back up towards your face. Your lips twitched at it’s corners, almost pulling into a smile.

“Hey,” your voice rang in Steves ears. “You’re finally awake.”

Steve’s eye brows furrowed together. He was confused and he looked around at the group of people surrounding you both. You don’t look bothered by it at all. “What do you mean?”

Winter’s Dimming Light-Prologue

Word Count: 470

About:The soldier has located Bucky and Nadia.

Warnings/Trigger Warning: Nothing really (DM if you think there is one and I’ll fix it)

A/N:Again, I am using they/them pronouns for our mystery soldier.

*This piece of work contains work made for the 18 and up crowd. Please read at your own discretion. Please do not copy and paste my work anywhere, you can reblog and share the links of my post. This work is cross posted onto WattPad and AO3 under the same title. Links to all my other social media can be found in the pinned post on my profile. Feedback is welcomed!

Winter’s Saga Masterlist

Marvel Masterlist


Forever Tags: @hobby27@donnaintx@myinconnelly1@elansaidaris@magssteenkamp@440mxs-wife

Marvel Tags:@soccer-100000

Story Tags:@supernatural-love14@loudlylovingalpaca@kingkhibas

There they sat at the cafe, sipping on the coffee in front of them. They glanced out the window and saw them. The two that they’ve been after for quite some time. They leaned over into the bag next to them, everything they needed was in there to sedate them and bring them in. Closing the bag, they stood up and slung the bag over their shoulder. They dropped a large bill onto the table and left.

Following close behind, they recalled their plan on how to get them alone. First, they would take the man out. It would be a challenge given the metal arm. But they knew that once the man was out of play, it would be easy to get the woman.


They reached into their bag to grab the syringe that held the sedative. As they brought it out of the bag, the woman turned around and they stopped dead in their tracks. They knew it took almost a year to finally locate them but what they saw, they didn’t expect.

The woman’s belly was round and swollen. She was maybe eight months pregnant. Her face looked tired and worn, but the glow in her eyes said it all. She muttered something to the man with the metal arm. He muttered something back and the woman squealed with joy and hugged him.

Then her eyes met with theirs.

Their heart stopped and they felt the blood drain from their face. They watched as the happiness left the woman’s face as she looked them over. They felt this constant pull on their heart as they slowly stepped back and out of sight. It wasn’t the fact that they were almost caught, it was the way that the woman looked at them.

Sadness? Disbelief? Recognition? Maybe all three?

“Nadia?” the man’s voice called out. “What is it?”

They watched from their small hiding spot as the woman pushed herself away from the man and walked around. Her head turned this way and that. “I thought I saw someone,” the woman, Nadia, replied.

“Who?” the man asked, taking hold of her shoulder.

“My brother,” Nadia said softly.

“But he’s dead,” the man said as he looked around with his bright blue eyes. “Are you sure it’s not the hormones making you see things, Doll?”

Nadia shook her head and smiled at the man. “I don’t know Bucky. We’ve been off the radar and hiding out for a few years, I guess I’m being too paranoid. I’m also hungry too.”

After Nadia and the man she called Bucky left, they made their way back to their small motel room and devised a better plan. They didn’t feel right having to sedate and kill a pregnant woman.

They’d have to wait until she had the baby to execute their plan.

Winter’s Dimming Light Masterlist


After getting the all clear, Nadia and Bucky come out of hiding. They semi retire to a normal life for the sake of their infant daughter on Nadia’s family ranch. Things are going so well for them until they are attacked by a masked assassin. Nadia and Buck then realizes that both of their pasts still haunts them and it could kill them if they’re not careful.





This story contains content geared toward the 18+ crowed. If you are not 18 and up, please keep moving/scrolling along. I work really hard on all of my work, so please do not copy and paste anything you see anywhere without my permission and without giving me the proper credit. You are, however, allowed to share the links of this story with others and on other sites. The picture above was created by me, so if you save it and want to share it, please give me the proper credit. This story will also be available on WattPad, and Archive of our Own. Those links are in the pinned post on my profile. or in the Linktree in my bio!


Winter’s Doll


Winter’s Saga Masterlist

Winter’s Doll

A new recruit, Nadia “Nadie” Alekiev, is added to the Avengers team and captures the eye of Sgt. James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes on the very first day. The two form a friendship where the two of them are oblivious to the fact that they are head over heels into each other. Until one of them get jealous about a one night stand and a very important mission almost goes sideways while trying to prove corruption in the government that Nadia used to hold to a high standard and the same government that she believed killed her brother.

Winter’s Dimming Light

After getting the all clear, Nadia and Bucky come out of hiding. They semi retire to a normal life for the sake of their infant daughter on Nadia’s family ranch. Things are going so well for them until they are attacked by a masked assassin. Nadia and Buck then realizes that both of their pasts still haunts them and it could kill them if they’re not careful.

Winter’s Dark Light

Winter’s Last Stand

Winter’s Legacy


Imagine disappearing before Tony, your father, and your boyfriend Peter during the snap.

requested by: anon
warnings: angst !!

Only a few minutes had passed before you heard Mantis gasp and you watched her disintegrate in front of you. You felt your stomach drop in realization as Thanos had got what he wanted. Your eyes fell on Drax, then Quill, and to Doctor Strange all turn to dust and something surged inside you.

Your whole body started to tingle and you looked down and tears welled in your eyes as you saw yourself succumbing to the same fate as the others. You turned to your father and boyfriend as they both looked on with fear.

Peter wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck and you felt his hot tears trickle onto your skin. You embraced him tightly and you shook your head as the rest of you started to fade away. 

“I’m scared, Peter,” you whimpered. His face, fear-stricken, only darkened. He was too.

You looked over at your dad and he was shaking his head vigorously and he reached out to you. “I love you,” were the last words you could manage before you crumbled, dust scattered to the wind.

Peter stood there and stared down at his hands, shaking as the dust of your remains slipped from his fingers. He clenched his fists, trying to keep you, desperate to hold you for just a little longer. He choked out a sob and fell to his knees, a mangled cry vibrating at the back of his throat.

Tony, face set with devastation, approached the boy who’d meant so much to you and put a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at him, eyes red with tears. The older man had to keep himself together despite feeling his throat tighten, and he knelt to Peter, and the boy immediately wrapped his arms around his shoulders, clamping him tight.

"I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter cried, hands still balled into fists. “I-I couldn’t stop it.”

Tony let out a shaky breath and patted his back, trying to comfort him. “I know, kid. I know. None of us could’ve stopped it.”

written by: jesse
